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Know as we are known...

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They are:

The First of Nisan - The first new year's day is the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, usually in the early spring (April). Nisan is considered the first month of the Hebrew calendar,

The First of Elul - The second new year's day is on the first day of Elul, the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar, which usually falls in the late summer (August). According to the Mishnah, this was the new year for animal tithes.

The First of Tishrei aka. Rosh Hashanah - Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year with which we are most familiar. It falls on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, which usually corresponds to the month of September.

The First of Shvat aka Tu B'Shvat - considered the new year's day for trees, usually falling between January and February.

- Fair Use - B-)

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I certainly will — if we are still here :yahoo:

Wasn’t that so cool to think of what we have always thought of as a “door” — wooden structure or made of gold, opening on a set of hinges, could be simply a portal, like Jacob’s dream of a ladder with angels going up and down from heaven to earth.

The other thing he mentioned about the “son’s of God marrying the daughters of men == fits well with L.A. Marzula’s studies on the Nephilim.

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Tammie,  thanks for sharing the 4  Jewish “New Years” … glancing over the time frames of when each occurs … its almost like its broken down into the 4 seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter) :mail:

Just that … Rosh Hashanah lands earlier than normal this year … the first week of September … on Labor Day @ night fall … September 6th (perhaps a clue all our work labors will be over with?  I think of that old hymn  “Work for the night is coming … when man work’s no more” :whistle: ) till September 8th night fall.  And the fall season arrives on September 22nd … so that makes it … 2 New Years in the Summer time season.  B-)   And the late summer New Years is for animal tithes?  Hmmm … I wonder if the Lord will be taken most of the animals and birds off the planet fulfilling Hosea 4:3 "Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away."

Happy July 1st!  Summer sure is flying and hopefully soon …  we will too!  :yahoo:

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Ok Tammie, you got me thinking of Jacob’s ladder.  So I was doing a quick study this morning on it.  Some scholars think the ladder could be another name for staircase. :unsure:

I’m leaning now when the rapture happens and meeting the Lord in the clouds (the air) … that the rest of the way up we could possibly be climbing lots of stairs. B-)     Puts a new twist on “Stairway to Heaven”


For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


I just saw this rapture dream testimony …
This lady said she was in a warehouse and looking out the window and saw a bunch of beautiful rainbows … all linked together.  So she walked outside to view the beautiful sight and then … she saw a white staircase descend from heaven all the way down to our sky.  She didn’t see anybody on the staircase.  It was empty … just a white staircase.   Then she immediately felt her body quickly transformed from her physical body to a spiritual one.  All the aches and pains gone.  Then her body turned around and as it turned (like when a kid twirls around) she felt herself rose off the ground.  Then that was it she woke up. Talk about a cliff-hanger, eh?!

I was also thinking of the Tower of Babel … what were they trying to do?  Make a tower/staircase to reach the stars/heaven … nothing new under the sun. B-)

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Signs in the heavens!

Many have always equated this to astronomical events!  No telling what the Lord will use.

Whether a staircase or a door or whatever, the Lord may indeed supply a sign of some sort!  Perhaps a dove ascending! Perhaps a series of signs! Or one sign given three times?!

Again, the Lord will make his intentions known beforehand!  IMHO


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I'd run up those stairs so fast it would make your head spin! Smile

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I'll be waiting for you up there Yohanan!

Like I've said, I'll leave the light on for you!


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:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:    Guys, perhaps its a sloooow escalator and the Lord wants His children to enjoy the scenic panorama flight.  B-)


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Competitive a bit aren’t you gentlemen! Ok, grasshoppers, take it easy! You can leap over tall building in a single bound during eternity if you want — race each other to the moon and back, but this first trip up is by God’s design and it is in a twinkle of a eye, so a bit faster than both of you :mdrmdr: :flyup:  and I do think it will be more like a great portal with a brilliant light shinning from God’s glory, we will see our beloved, whom was pierced and know instantly, his righteousness, perfect love, and steadfastness for all eternity ….. Stairway or doorway — we are out of here!!!! :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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He started it!  Ah Sis, you never let us have any fun!


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