Ha! :mdrmdr: Love the humor “eggciting” :mdrmdr: :dieu: Now that’s a great idea, very “sharp” of you to think of this. Like throwing darts :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: More is better! NOT! TR on hebcal, 5 Sivan is May 28, start of Shavuot at sundown. 6 Sivan is May 29. it cheers me up that Jesus keeps His word. He is going to bring us to Himself so that where He is, we can be also. I do hope that He will bring us home before vaccine becomes mandatory. I was at the local bank a few days ago. we had to wear masks. an employee was going around with a spray bottle of disinfectant and kept spraying and wiping down surfaces. I have asthma and the darn mask and spray was just irritating. I could hardly wait to rip that mask off when I got out of the mall. oh for Abba's house where there is no requirement for masks or vaccines. and angels don't go around spraying disinfectant. maybe the Lord will call us home tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe on a pentecost, but we know that He will call us home when its time. Indeed in looking forward to what the Lord will do, we are guided by what the Lord has already done! TR
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