Just My Thoughts
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Just My Thoughts

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Humbly Irrelevant
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Trump in 2024?  I keep seeing Trump put himself in the news about running again.

My personal opinion -- I don't think so.  It is too late.  He lost his chance to overcome the swamp.  I am just as sad that Trump lost as anybody on this forum, and I don't see bright hope ahead of us as a nation now.  I see the Tribulation close on the horizon.

It appears that Trump had a vast majority of the nation behind him and he still didn't triumph over a senile, and corrupt, politician.  Whether it was voting fraud, a humungous amount of never-Trumpers voting for anyone else, or whatever -- it just doesn't matter -- he STILL lost.

He couldn't overcome TPTB while in office, and he couldn't win at the poles.  He could have declared a national emergency and invoked the Insurrection Act while our cities were burning last year -- but he didn't.  He had the power and authorization "to employ the armed forces during a natural disaster or terrorist attack" -- but he didn't.

TPTB are just too powerful!   I'm not sure if they threatened his family, financial standing, or something else, but he couldn't overcome their power and influence.

And why in the world would he want a rally in DC when he had already lost and their was nothing more that could be done?   This, in my humble opinion, was very short-sighted and narcissistic.  All it did was provide TPTB with the opportunity to frame him and cast anybody that worked for him, associated with him, or voted for him as terrorists.  Trump handed the social left with a perfect platform to being the destruction of our nation.

Again, in my humble opinion, not only will Trump not run again in 2024, but there won't even be a democratic republic left in the 2022 mid-term to self-correct.  The Left now owns the Executive Branch, the Senate, the House, and even the Supreme Court Justices Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett refused to save our nation when they had a chance.  They voted with the Left.

If elections are rigged, the winning candidate will always win. It doesn't matter if you receive 200 million votes if the voting machines are going to discard them or shift them to the other candidate. And fraudulent ballots seem to appear out of nowhere with no review allowed to determine their validity.  It appears that the precedent was set in stone this election and another Republican will never win office again.

I am saddened for our nation, but I am looking up for our Redemption.  JESUS IS IN CONTROL!!!   Let our hearts not be troubled, if the Tribulation is on the horizon, the Rapture is in our face.


Just my two-cents worth, and I may owe each of you some change.






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If another Republican is ever elected it will be the likes of Mitt Romney or John McCain. No real conservative will ever be elected to high office again.

Todd Tomlinson
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Totally agree -- we've passed the tipping point in my humble opinion.   I have wished for a massive revival in the US and a return to the Christian principles our country was founded on and while still possible, it seems that time has passed.    Part of me is saddened but a bigger part of me is excited as I know how the story ends and we get to go home!

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We must ever look forward and upward!

We trust in the Lord, and obey his Word as we understand it, and the Holy Spirit's leading!

Trust and obey, for there is no other way!


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Matthew 5:6 " Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

We, siblings in Christ, were hopeful that we would get to witness some justice, see the "white hats" win in our western and watch the liars, cheaters, those who kill and destroy face some justice. It is in our nature as Christians to want what is right to prevail. Unfortunately at this time here on earth there are more of them than there are of us, at least in the powerful roles.

Jesus warned us that our numbers would be in the minority. "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7 13-14

Our country or the idea of it is over....sadly many can not see it. People are too consumed with social media, travel, stuff as well as their hobbies or worse to even see the road we are headed down. We are truly in the post Christian era.

What is good about that is getting our focus back onto our true and only hope in Jesus, and you guys have posted some great songs!!

Love that old hymn TR.. trust and obey for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey..

and Todd...that is literally one of my favorite songs...Home and the video is awesome too,

we all want to go Home....today is good, how bout you Lord?....today??? :flyup:

Lee Giblin
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I read this idea on another forum today but it is intriguing.  What if the Rev 13:3  beast is the evil deep state and the wounded head was Trump trying to kill it, but wounded it.   But the evil took over  the head again.

Just a very different take on this verse.


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Again, are you ready Lord?!  Love it!



Humbly Irrelevant
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More thoughts...

My family members are all getting their vaccines and are pushing me to get mine.  They are very condescending to me about my stupidity for not wanting to get vaccinated with them.  They are asking me what kind of conspiracy forums am I following because the statistics they follow have proven that there has not been one death and the side-affects have all been very minor.

I have never told them about this forum, so they think I am following NewsMax or Fox News, but that is not accurate because I watch zero news anymore.  I have read the personal eyewitness accounts on this forum about the deaths and side-affects.

So I guess we are all just idiots and morons for even doubting what Dr. Falsy, Ebill Grates, and big govt. tell us.  If my "loving family that really cares about me" is any barometer, we are definitely in the minority in the world and will suffer persecution soon.  If we don't take the vaccine, not only are we derided, but we will also be excluded from buying, selling, holding a job, and living.

The Tribulation is coming to a theater near all very soon -- if the theater hasn't been shutdown by the virus.

It is saddening to live in this world now.   I hope we aren't here to have to make the decision to take the vaccine or to NOT take the vaccine. :wacko:



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Like everyone else, I am struggling greatly with the world we currently live in. Based on what I grew up believing about this great country and how we've always bounced back from adversity, to see the state of the Union as it is today is quite troublesome. But what I keep reminding myself is that we are watching the the most amazing metamorphosis from a sin-drenched society (that we've all learned how to live in quite comfortably) to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and while the ride is bumpy and our ways of life are being shredded right before our eyes, what we are about to be received into is so beyond any words a human can write! So, as we struggle with this transition (and yes, I am talking to me!)  let's all remember where we are headed. This reminds me of something my mother says often: "I just hate it for the grandkids". But what she doesn't realize is that life in this sin-soaked world will NEVER be truly good. Only when Jesus is reigning from His throne will life truly be good!

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