They went to Wossamotta U! Wossamotta U was Rocky and Bullwinkle’s alma mater. Now wait a minute, Kent! Don't put Rocky and Bullwinkle in the same boat as those clowns! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: I stand corrected! Rocky and Bullwinkle were much more accomplished. And much more entertaining! :yes: And they made much more sense than our so-called elites (aka educated fools). Isn't that the truth!!! :yes: I bet our Savior has and appreciates a good sense of humor. I cannot wait to experience His wit, knowledge, and love. Maybe there is a verse or two in the Bible that were said humorously but we interpret as said seriously. Any thoughts on this? He had to have been amused at circumstances or by His disciples on occasion. He tolerated Peter! Lol! He created laughter and humor. I bet he had a very good dry wit!