Interesting article above: half way through talks about some interesting reasons to consider June 20 as a possible date for Pentecost. Some interesting math around this possibility also contained in this article. Very informative article! especially the cryptocurrency was unveiled and its called … the “MARK.” - Fair Use - —————— Ready to go to the Father’s House … if the real Pentecost is June 20th it also happens to be Father’s Day and the first day of Summer … Saying Summer is near does not precipitate we will be taken prior! But certainly an early Summer or June escape is entirely plausible as well! TR TR interesting "Juneteenth" is celebrated on June 19th and is about the freeing of the slaves. Wouldn't it be great if that was our freedom from this crazy place! I've had so many countdowns over the past 22 years that I'm running out of them. Lord let this be .... the final countdown.... Todd, I’m with you on that prayer and hope! :prayer-hands: :flyup: Ditto Todd! Just so long as I'm not late for the Rapture IE: left behind! Fact remains Spring precedes Summer as the Rapture preceeds tribulation! TR June is here! Summer but 10 days away! As the evil plans of men and demons become more transparent our prayers ever continue to rise as a sweet fragrance unto the Lord! May faith and patience satisfy us until we are seated at the Masters banquet table! I believe that as we continue to die to self, no prayer will go unanswered! I can be definate that our faith and trust shall soon be rewarded! TR Again, the scriptures are clear! Unrepentance and not glorifying God beg to bring the judgements of God upon men! The Lord already knows who's hearts are hardened against Him! And to whom the gospel can still be preached, at that point it's all a matter of choice! As written, they did not like to retain the knowledge of God in their hearts! The contrast of hearts among men could'nt be any more plain. For the seed is always capable, the soil is not! TR
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