Joint HEIRS ~~ with...
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Joint HEIRS ~~ with Who? . . Jesus ~~ Forever ~

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While outside looking up at the beautiful sky, I took a deep breath, enjoying the beauty of God's painting . . when suddenly I 'felt' a surge of pure 'goodness' go through me, I gasped with exciting reception over this joy unseen yet sooooooo real Spirit of loving Jesus ~

~. This surge of Christ's touch felt through me was a happy 'lightning jolt'' . . and honestly I had to catch my breath . .  at the same time, I felt I was outside of time, when I was 'given' an, answer to a question I've wondered for a long time. ~~ the question: How is it in Heaven there will be no chance ever to be out of God's will, since we shall still have a free will? . .

~~ It hit me instantly that 'jolt' of understanding . . . . . Jesus Christ has promised we shall be be LIKE HIM, with glorious incorruptible bodies, as well, with all DESIRE to do ONLY His will. .

Heaven is all goodness within the Light of Jesus Christ. ~ ~ I love that . . ..
My sighing at that 'Heavenly' moment of a serious 'jolt' of understanding seriously took my breath away       YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ~~  we have a forever future meant to be 'Heavenly' minded, unto Jesus enraptured in His goodness so true and faithful

~ ~ "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as He is".. . 1 John 3:2

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beautiful, Donna, thank you for sharing!  i've thought recently too about what it will be like to never sin, never grieve Holy Spirit ever again!  i can't understand it all, but it does make sense that because we will be like Jesus, we will be as He is in fully trusting, submissive desire to do His Father's will above all else!

it's amazing to me, too, to ponder the verses Eph.2:4-7 seemingly talking about us already being there with Jesus in some spiritual way because we are in Him and He is in us by Holy Spirit!

there are so many blessings in store for us beyond all we can imagine!  Praise God for His grace and mercy!

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oh, how we love our Lord and His Word. . .  It is true, our faithful God has announced it,  by His assurance that we are already in Spirit 'sitting together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus  . . .   our Lord as the "I AM" ever present with us,  has given us insight to a new 'arena' of existence —   I am reminded in the Book of Revelation that we are not referred to as "THOSE" who dwell on the earth , but as believers our citizenship is (not will be)  in heaven  . . .   How wonderfully true, Our Adoring Jesus refers to us (for starters) as "His Bride, His Little Flock, His church, His children of Promise, His children of Resurrection, His jewels, His Beloved, His inheritance . . . His Body of believers . .

Since our life and identity IS IN Christ, as He sits in heavenly places, so do we.

—  even now realizing His Spirit is with us, covers us, and is in us   . . .I love how the possession of His gifted salvation grants us to commune with our Creator God forever,   . .  soon to gaze on our Majestic God up close, ever to be with our Jesus, we love, honor, exalt, and adore  ~ ~

I love how our Lord desires to show us the exceeding riches of His grace,  . . .   The wholeness of such good news overwhelms us,  entrusted by His resurrection power to keep us . . and by HIS  grace, our Living God will forever embrace us !   oh, we do feel Heavenly joy that we may revel in His richness of Love  ~ ~ . Glory to our God . .

Posts: 436
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i love reading that, Donna, because it helped me to praise God right along with you and was assuring to me of our place in Christ- thank you!
