On my mind today . . ~ ~ eyes closed in prayerful contemplation sitting in My Father’s lap, finally to look up at Him ~ I then ‘show’ Him my pet cat He gave me ~ And I see God smiling, Patient, loving , so meant to be ~ Our God unimaginably delights to show us His Glory, doesn't He ~ And then I say to our Creator while holding kitty “ Abba, “ look at kitty’s markings!, We are blessed! ~ Christ’s saved shall forever be privileged
I picture us dear saved, being held finally in Heaven ~
'Oh, Jesus You are our Conqueror and ‘we’ win! ~~
Father Abba rejoicing over His Family ~~ so eagerly ~
OH! ~~ how MUCH He loves His Created Family ~
our Creator’s Response? “Let My children (and pets) come to Me”
Oh, how He listens to our musings, our ‘remarkings’
to adore our God Who never resists ~
That “Heavenly” LOOK” to us from our very Creator!
oh Risen Savior, we may know our Heavenly Father
because of Christ's Love having made us Your Family ~