how blessed we are to learn increasingly the greatness of the Love of our lord . . . . such is: ~~ Jesus' royal and beautiful prayer . . “Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My Glory, the Glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world." . . "I in them and You in Me—that they may be perfectly united, so that the world may know that You sent Me and have loved them just as You have loved Me. ~ Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, that they may see the Glory You gave Me because You loved Me before the foundation of the world. .…" . . John 17 ~ our Lord loves us soooooooo much. Our Creator God wants us to hear His prayer to His Father, our Father, the joy of His Heart that we His children be united to our God forever . . . . . it will happen, God's children shall forever live up close to the very Essence of our Triune God, . . to learn never ending His Infinite Power, and gaze and adore His Perfect Beautiful Glory. . . . . . I can't wait to be with our Lord, Who loves us whole(heartedly). our Jesus truly wants us to live and be with the Divine Triune God . . How wonderful our Lord's prayer is that we may learn deeper God's very Essence and His delight of never ending Divine joy up close so near the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. . I love it that we will continue to learn throughout eternity. God is endless and we will never know everything about Him. Donna- Thank you!!! I needed to read that today and be reminded how much God loves us! Helps me trust more that He will lead and guide us each step of the way because He does love us so very much and enjoys expressing that love to us in all the ways we need Him to! My thanks too! Yes, wow, a never-ending joyous journey of discovering the width and depth and height of His love for us. What an awesome God! oh precious sibs . . If we can feel such love among here . .and we do . . oh how MUCH MORE our Lord loves us . . what a blessing that we'll really find out fully at the rapture . . we adore our Jesus, and we get to rejoice over Him, and how He has soooooooooo much in Heaven He wants us to see and experience within His Glorious Love for us. Imagine Christ's delight when He will escort us all the Way to His Heavenly Throne, . . oh to see the Triune God up close . . it is written, and our God has promised an eternity more beautiful than we can imagine: Heaven's visibility ~ ~ ~ every day, we pray, to be held fully in Christ's Light ~ Lord, please come . . we look forward when Jesus shall announce 'arise, and 'come' when through Heaven’s doors, we land on Heaven’s shores Love it!
we are, each day nearer to Heaven's Trinity
Oh, thank You Lord, for Christ's Sufficiency
Blessed Redeemer, we cling to You and Your unmerited favor
~ ~after this earthly life? We shall see clearly Heavenly sights, . . . .
when through Heaven's doors, we land on Heaven's shores,
yessssssss . . within God's Heavenly Glory, soooooooooooo . . satisfied !
. . . and of His own our Lord has won?, He shall lose none ~
envisioning the promised Heavenly Banquet, the Table set
~ ~ oh, catch us Home, Lord, within Your Heavenly net ~
We are Your children reborn excited for that beautiful 'morn'
when You, Jesus, take us close where the Great "I AM" lives
where we shall praise our God, ever thankful we are His ~