J. D. Farag’s Septe...
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J. D. Farag’s September 11th, 2022 Bible Prophecy Update.

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I’m leaning a lot of people were involved in taking down the towers.

Here is what I know …

I used to live 28 miles from Manhattan … our street was connected to 3 other streets - 2 parallel and the other street was across the street from us but just off to the side and this one house on that street was 2 houses away on top of the hill … we could see from our house and it was sold to an Egyptian family back in 1997.  They put up this huge satellite dish before the smaller ones became popular.  There was more than one family living in that home, which was illegal but they got away with it.  I noticed the women were dressed in suits and went off to work and the men wore white Arab gowns and stayed home with the kids. LOL. Everything was backwards.  I came into contact with the men while going for walks … they seemed nice and would just nod their heads and smile.   One night (or should I say early morning hours) in 1998 I couldn’t sleep and went into the kitchen to get something to eat/drink.  Our kitchen faced the street and I didn’t turn on any lights.  It was bright that night with a full moon shining and we had street lights … I saw a stretch limo drive up at that house and lots of Muslim men in white robes got out and they were carrying brief cases and went inside the house. I thought .. how odd.  Then we were getting ready to move and was throwing things out for garbage pick up and anything we threw out … we would soon see those Muslims walk over and carry back to their place. LOL  From mattresses to tall extension ladder, etc. they took it all.  After we moved … then 9/11 happened and when we went to go on vacation … we stopped in our old neighborhood … the neighbor directly across the street happened to be outside doing lawn work and we chatted with her.   We asked how the Egyptians are doing … she said … they are gone!  They put up that satellite for Egyptian news only and before  9/11 happened they suddenly left and never sold the house.  So were they involved in the shenanigans too?  Or was it just a coincidence they suddenly left and didn’t bother to get their money for the house they purchased? :unsure:

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A buddy at work told me the same type of story except it was in Kansas. They moved out right before it happened and abandoned the house. We will know the truth one day hopefully soon.

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After I witnessed how the govt handled the whole covid fiasco- promoting the shutting down of discourse, established research and knowledge.....etc...and a lot of etc.... I completely distrust the entire swamp, and what I know now without question is that there are many, many, super wealthy, manipulative persons who want to control this planet and all who live here and they don't care what they destroy, who they hurt or kill- whether it's one person or millions.....they are the pawns of the enemy, willing to work his evil....and truthfully, there is nothing new under the sun. I know that the nothing will be kept secret and the true Judge of this world will execute His judgment.

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I feel so stupid for believing some of the narratives from the past 30 or so years. I sniffed the covid thing out right away. But before that I'll admit I got hoodwinked a few times.

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Pentagon 9/11 Plane Crash Video 1

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Private Message, I was duped as well. I saw, I heard only what I wanted to hear and see. My eyes are fully open now. We have been deceived by satan from the get go but especially these end times are Deceptive as the Bible tells us it would be. For those who have ears, let them hear.

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