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Israel's Judges & Prime Ministers

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If that comparison list is to be 100% accurate then the 13th Prime Minister of modern day Israel will hand over Israel to the AC to be their king until Jesus comes back.

Daniel 8:23 calls the AC a king...

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

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Perhaps they hand the AC the rulership position when he confirms the peace agreement and in return he permits them to build their temple and promises to protect them? :unsure:

Then somebody tries to assassinate him and he survives.


Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

By Matt Slick

Zech. 11:17, "Woe to the worthless shepherd who leaves the flock! A sword will be on his arm and on his right eye!  His arm will be totally withered, and his right eye will be blind."

“From the Zechariah passage and the one found in Rev. 13:2,3, some theologians believe that the antichrist will suffer a head wound that will be fatal.  .... “and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast.”

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Yes, the battle of Armageddon will be all the kings of the earth against the Lord Jesus.  Jesus will gather all nations ... He assigns the tasks to....

Revelation 16:12  And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Revelation 16:13  And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14  For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.


Perhaps all the kings of the earth don’t realized they will be going to battle against the Lord Jesus?  Perhaps they think its against the AC ? :unsure:

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Geri7 I wonder if we will be able to identify the AC by his bad arm and bad right eye before the Rapture or if that's how he is after being killed and resurrected. Rev 13:3

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From Dr. David Jeremiah

He explains it better ...

What will happen to the Antichrist as he leads the Battle of Armageddon?
During the Battle of Armageddon, the world will become increasingly discontented with the leadership of this global dictator who has gone back on every promise he made. Major segments of the world will begin to assemble their own military forces and rebel against him.

The king of the South and his armies will be the first to come after the Antichrist, followed by the armies of the North. "At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him: and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships" (Daniel 11:40).

The Antichrist will put down some of the these first attempts at rebellion against him. But before he can move toward his goal of destroying Israel and Jerusalem, something happens: "But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many" (Daniel 11:44). The Bible leaves no doubt as to the source of the news that so disturbs enrages the Antichrist: "Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared" (Revelation 16:12).

The Euphrates is one of the greatest rivers in the world. It flows from the mountains of western Turkey, through Syria, and continues through the heart of Iraq, not far from Baghdad. It eventually unites with the Tigris to become the Shatt el Arab, and finally empties into the Persian Gulf. The entirety of the Euphrates flows through Muslim territory. In Genesis 15 and Deuteronomy 11, the Lord specified that the Euphrates would be the easternmost border of the Promised Land. It serves both as a border and a barrier between Israel and her enemies.

With the disappearance of the Euphrates, the Antichrist will be vulnerable to attack by the kings of the east. Their arrival will mark the beginning of the greatest war of all history.


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Hmmm ... I’m not sure if he will have those injured defects before coming to power or if it happens from the  assassination attempt.  Will he be wearing an eye patch and have a hook arm like a pirate?  According to Dr. David Jeremiah he claims the AC will be very good looking and will speak great things.


From Dr. David Jeremiah

Who is the Antichrist?
The Antichrist is a person who is against Christ. The prefix anti can also mean "instead of," and both meanings will apply to this coming world leader. He will overtly oppose Christ and at the same time pass himself off as Christ.

The Antichrist will aggressively live up to his terrible name. He will persecute, torture, and kill the people of God as he leads the armies of the world into the Battle of Armageddon. He will be the most powerful dictator the world has ever seen, making Caesar, Hitler, Mao, and Saddam seem tame by comparison.

Even though the Antichrist is identified by that name only four times in the Bible, he appears many more times under various aliases. He is also called:

"the promise that shall come" –Daniel 9:26 NKJV

"a fierce king"—Daniel 8:23 NLT

"a master of intrigue"—Daniel 8:23 NIV

"a despicable man" –Daniel 11:21 NLT

"a worthless shepherd"—Zechariah 11:16–17 NLT

"the one who brings destruction" –2 Thessalonians 2:3 NLT

"the lawless one" –2 Thessalonians 2:8 NKJV

"the evil man" –2 Thessalonians 2:9 NLT

"the Beast" –Revelation 13:1 NKJV

When he comes on the scene, people will flock to him like flies to honey, and they will do anything he asks.

How will he unite the nations?
The prophet Daniel describes the Antichrist in these terms: "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast … And there … were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words. … He shall speak pompous words against the Most High" (Daniel 7:7–8, 25).

As Daniel says, the coming world leader will be renowned for this kind of eloquence, which will capture the attention and administration of the world.

Daniel goes on to tell us that not only will this golden–tongued orator speak in high–blown terms, but he will also speak arrogantly against God. The apostle John describes him similarly in the book of Revelation: "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" (Revelation 13:5).

Daniel continues his description of the Antichrist by telling us he is a man "whose appearance was greater than his fellows" (Daniel 7:20). In terms of his outward appearance, this man will be strikingly attractive. The combination of his magnetic personality, speaking ability, and extreme good looks will make him virtually irresistible to the masses. The apostle John expands on Daniel’s description of the Antichrist’s blasphemous acts by telling us that every living person will be required to worship this man. "He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as man as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed" (Revelation 13:15).

Finally, Revelation 13:1–8 describes the Antichrist as a Beast—an appropriate title for him. During the last 3½ years of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will personify Satan himself. Second Thessalonians 2:9 says, "The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders." Step by step, the Antichrist will promote himself from a European leader, to a world leader, to a tyrannical global dictator, and finally to a god.

What is the "unholy trinity"?
Satan is the first person and the father of the unholy trinity. The Antichrist will be the second member and the son of the unholy trinity. The False Prophet, the third member of the unholy trinity, will direct the worship and praise of the people back to the Antichrist (Revelation 13:11–12).

How does the Antichrist gain political power?
His rise to power will be inconspicuous. It will not be noticed in the beginning and will hardly raise the attention even of the those who are closer to the center of action. He will rise out of the general population. John says, "Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns" (Revelation 13:1). The sea in biblical imagery stands for the general mass of humanity or, more specifically, the Gentile nations.

Whatever power the Antichrist has, he is allowed to have it by the overriding authority of Almighty God. As bad as the Tribulation will be, it will never be out of God’s control. There is a leash on Satan, and God is holding it. Satan will be able to do only that which God allows him to do during the Tribulation period.

Who will worship the Antichrist?
According to Revelation 13:8, "all who dwell on the earth will worship him." Daniel 7:25 tells us that the Antichrist is a cultic leader. "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High … and shall intend to change times and law." He will speak out against the true God of heaven. The language suggests that he will try to raise himself to the level of God and make declarations from that position.

Second Thessalonians 2:4 says the Antichrist "opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." He will accept the worship of the people of the world.

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God is in control, as He oversees all things to accomplish His purposes!  Indeed we are privilaged to see God's hand intervene and direct the affairs of men and Satan.

Watching Jonathon Cahn's tape with regards to God's accomplishments in sync with various Jewish feast days and historic dates of note, Nissan 1 seems to be a portent of great things.  His study and insights are well received.

Usually Nissan begins in April or May.  Wonder what day that will be in 2020?!  That IMHO will be a day to keep an eye on.




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Still looking hopeful we can be in our eternal home in 2019 ... :popcorn

Gantz: I'm determined to have broad unity government, not third elections

The Jerusalem
By Lahav Harkov

Benny Gantz’s remarks reflected a deep frustration with the Likud and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Blue and White and Likud continued to disparage one another and express extreme skepticism about the possibility of building a coalition, even as the parties held talks to form a unity government.

The negotiating teams for the two large parties met on Thursday morning in Ramat Gan and plan to meet again on Sunday. Blue and White leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid joined the negotiators for part of the meeting.

Speaking at an event for party activists Thursday night, Gantz said he wants "a broad, liberal unity government - or any other way to form a government…I will make every effort to make progress…I am determined to have a government and not an election.

But Gantz’s further remarks reflected a deep frustration with the Likud and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Gantz railed against Justice Minister Amir Ohana for giving a speech in which he claimed there was a conspiracy in the State Attorney’s Office against Netanyahu, saying: “Everyone has a right to fight to prove his innocence, but what is happening in recent days must stop…Netanyahu needs to hit the brakes fast. The things Justice Minister Ohana said crossed every line and we will make sure they don’t continue.”

A source in the negotiations said Blue and White openly opposed the Likud’s attacks on the legal system for the past year, so while they’re disappointed in Ohana, his speech didn’t have a real impact on negotiations.

As for the 55-seat bloc of religious and right-wing parties, which remains steadfastly behind Netanyahu, Gantz said he is determined to lead a government and not be “excess baggage.”

Another senior Blue and White source said major problem is that the party does not trust Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to stick to the terms of a rotation agreement for the premiership, saying: "If Netanyahu is first, no one will be second...No one trusts him not to go back on his promises."

"If Bibi wasn't head of Likud now, we would have a government," the source said. "He seems to want a third election."

A poll in Jerusalem Post sister publication Ma’ariv found that if a third election takes place in less than a year, most of the public – 52% – would blame Netanyahu, followed by 21% who would think Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman is at fault, 19% who pin the blame on Lapid and 8% on Gantz.

The poll also showed that not much would change in the event of a third election. Blue and White would get 34 seats and Likud 33, one more for each part. The Joint List would get one less seat, bringing it to 12. Shas and Yisrael Beytenu would remain as they are, with 9 and 8 seats, respectively, and UTJ would lose one seat and have 6. Yamina - which split into Bayit Yehudi and New Right after the election - would have 6 seats instead of 7, and Democratic Union would remain the same at 5. The poll was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday and has a 4.1% margin of error.

Likud chief negotiator Yariv Levin said after the talks that Blue and White wants a minority government supported by the Joint List and not a unity government.

“We are coming out of the meeting with the feeling that these are fake negotiations, a Blue and White show for the media and a pleasant conversation that is only meant to pass the time,” he said.

The real negotiations, Levin said, took place in Gantz’s meeting with Joint List leader Ayman Odeh and MK Ahmed Tibi later Thursday, in which they will try to “establish a minority government with the Arabs that is extremist and dangerous.”

“As long as they do not abandon this foolish idea, these talks are a show and fake,” he added.

The Likud negotiator expressed hope that in Sunday’s meeting Blue and White will “abandon the lunatic option” and accept the “president’s plan” that would allow Gantz to be prime minister while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu takes an extended leave to handle his legal woes.

Levin also called Gantz and Lapid's presence in the meeting a "PR stunt" meant to hide that they don't want a unity government or to follow the president's plan.

A minority coalition with outside support from the Joint List has been a controversial option among Blue and White MKs, and some in the party’s right flank have spoken out against it. There was a heated argument on the subject in a Blue and White faction meeting this week, with some saying the idea of building a coalition relying on anti-Zionist votes should not even be entertained as a negotiating tactic and others saying all options must be considered.

When it comes to a minority government, one Blue and White source told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that any possibility should be considered to get Netanyahu to “pack his bags and leave” the Prime Minister's Office. He said it is always possible that once the minority government is established and lasts for a period of time, other Zionist parties will join it and form a majority.

Blue and White’s spokesperson said Gantz’s meeting with Odeh and Tibi "was held in a positive and substantive atmosphere and discussions focused on important issues to the Arab society, particularly civil issues which Gantz made clear need to be addressed in all events," meaning, regardless of whether the Joint List is supporting their coalition.

Odeh tweeted that they discussed burning issues for Arab society and the shared issues for all citizens of the country.

"We remain faithful to the values of peace and equality and welcome the Likud’s hysteria," Odeh said.

Meanwhile, Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman ruled out any possibility of joining a minority government with the Joint List, effectively killing that option.

"First of all, it is clear that the Joint List is a fifth column - not in scare quotes, but literally," Liberman told KAN Bet. "The whole election we said there is only one option, a unity government, period. We will continue with everything that we promised to the voters."

Still, Liberman argued that Netanyahu wants another election and has ignored all of his party's overtures.

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz has 20 days left to form a government before the mandate to do so goes to the Knesset, which will then have 21 days for a majority of its members to back a candidate for prime minister. If that does not happen, a third election within a year will be called.

Ahead of Thursday’s meeting, Likud and Blue and White seemed as far apart as ever, with sources on both sides saying they don’t see a path to a coalition, making a third election likely.

Levin said that Gantz has shown willingness to compromise after meeting with Netanyahu, but the rest of Blue and White’s quadripartite leadership, which also includes Yair Lapid, Moshe Ya’alon and Gabi Ashkenazi, pushed back, leading Gantz to reverse course.

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Another fantastic article from Mr. Duck.  In layman’s terms he sums up what’s going on.  I thought I would post it here since some of it pertains to the Israeli election drama.


Lining Up  - by Daymond Duck   Dec 8, 2019

This week, Breaking Israel News published an interesting article about Israel’s stalemated election and Prime Min. Netanyahu’s legal problems.

It is just one man’s opinion, and there may be political motivations behind it, but some readers might find what the rabbi is saying to be interesting.

The original article can be found at:

Mendel Kessin, an orthodox rabbinic scholar, keeps delivering a speech titled “The Worldwide Reduction of Evil and Netanyahu’s Downfall.”

The rabbi is making four points that, in my words, are: 1) Many world leaders are having problems; 2) Israel will get a different kind of government; 3) The judgment of God is falling on Prime Min. Netanyahu; and, 4) Israel will go in a better direction.

I want to expand on my understanding of these four points.

One, according to the rabbi, God doesn’t have to drag nations into war to weaken them.

God can weaken nations internally with riots and demonstrations, and that is what God is currently doing to Israel’s enemies and the Arab nations.

God is weakening the nations because He intends to change the world.

Two, in the past, non-religious Jews formed coalitions to rule Israel.

Israel’s two failed elections mean that God is rejecting the process that allows non-religious Jews to rule over Israel.

God wants Israel to establish a procedure that will produce a different kind of government.

Three, there is no doubt that Prime Min. Netanyahu is one of the world’s greatest leaders and he has done a great work in Israel, but God has allowed him to suffer humiliation (be indicted) and great financial expense (years of paying high-priced lawyers) because he has refused to destroy the Islamic terrorists that are humiliating Israel and causing Israeli citizens to lose crops, property, money, etc.

The rabbi is saying, Prime Min. Netanyahu is reaping what he has sown.

He is saying, the Prime Minister’s most important responsibility is to protect the Israeli people and their assets, but Mr. Netanyahu has failed to do that for the Jews that live near Gaza, so God is not protecting Mr. Netanyahu and his assets.

Four, the rabbi is saying Israel’s new kind of government will be a religious leader that will give Israel a bright future.

This writer does not know whether the rabbi is right or wrong, but Israel’s future includes government approval to rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices, and eventually, to accept the reign of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Moving on to another subject: On Nov. 23, 2019, the U.S. Commander of Centcom visited Bahrain, the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff visited Israel, and Vice Pres. Mike Pence visited the Kurds in Iraq to discuss the situation in Iran.

The U.S. sanctions against Iran are working, Iran is in financial trouble, and the Iranian people are rioting and demonstrating.

Iran has two choices: Change her ways so the U.S. will drop the sanctions, or risk starting a war.

The U.S. believes Iran will risk starting a war by attacking a major target in the Middle East, but the location and details are anyone’s guess.

Two days later, DEBKAfile reported that their sources believe that Iran is ready to move forward (on the risk of starting a war).

Five days later, Pres. Trump and Prime Min. Netanyahu discussed the situation over the phone and finalized their plans on how to deal with Iran.

Moving on one more time, it has occurred that God helped Joshua capture Jericho with trumpets in just seven days (Josh. 6:1-20) and He helped Gideon and 300 men defeat the Midianites with trumpets, pitchers and lamps in one day (Judg. 7:10-22).

What an amazing God!

But in 1948, God helped a poorly armed Israel win the War of Independence in twenty months; in 1956, God helped Israel win the Suez Canal War in eight days; in 1967, God helped Israel win the Six-Day War in six days; and in 1973, God helped Israel win the Yom Kippur War in eighteen days.

I would say that the same God that helped Joshua and Gideon in Old Testament times is still on the throne, and many prophetic events are lining up.

God said He will regather Israel and “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD” (Isa. 54:17).

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If nothing happens today, then Israeli elections will be March 2, 2020. Looks like they filed a bill to dissolve the knesset like they did for the first and second elections.

So I am wondering about the peace plan in all this... I am also interested in seeing if Likud will keep PM Netanyahu as head of their party.


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