Again whether Israel celebrates their 74th birthday on Apr 12 or May 14th the day preceeding either one are the last day of their 73rd year! Fig tree generational timelines will either stand or fall! Hoping for Apr 11th to be that day! As this is the closest thing we have spiritually to a hard count, all else would be merely extrapolated guesswork! Apr 9th thru the 11th I will be on high alert hoping for an authoritative word from the Lord, as His word alone is all I would receive!! TR Without a shadow of doubt everything is lining up for a 2022 departure (just by the latest hot off the press report about Ukraine/Russia “peace and security for not just that region but for the entire world” and our government wanting to bring in Mr Fix It (aka AC)… but the church has got to leave before hand. Right now April rules … and any one of these days is good with me. I’m not at all picky… April 11 April 12 - is my dad’s b-day would be cool to finally meet again on that day April 15 - Passover April 17 - Easter/Resurrection Day and if not … then we have a few dates in May and in June … I just heard someone posit a theory about second Passover on May 15/16 that sounds interesting but I’m with you Geri- there is no need to move on to May dates when there are so many good viable April dates still in play. hopefully soon! We're for any day on the Lords schedule __ Comforting thoughts! Thanks Kolleen! TR Bump!