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Patricia N.
Posts: 4304
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Another Gulf State Opens Airspace For Israeli Carriers As 'Normalization' Advances:

In another sign of rapidly warming ties between Arab gulf countries and Israel, Oman has announced it is opening its airspace to Israeli carriers for the first time in history.

It comes on the heels of Saudi Arabia allowing Israeli airplanes to also traverse its airspace, seen as a huge step in the normalization of relations process still underway, based on the Trump administration's 'Abraham Accords'. Israeli airlines can now significantly shorten travel eastbound to places like India and China.

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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Two young Israeli brothers were shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist a few hours ago. As usual, the Palestinians began to distribute sweets to the passers-by as a token of joy. Disgusting!

In response to the cold-blood murder of their friends, Jewish settlers arrived at the scene and set on fire businesses and houses. The Palestinians are in a state of panic and shock. Jews in their mind aren’t supposed to revenge.
I personally don’t support this at all, but I think that in the Middle East this language is loud and clear. The next terrorist might think twice before killing Jews just for being Jews.

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I saw this posted on another forum


When they shall say "Peace and safety"...

Jordan: Israel and Palestinians affirm need for ‘de-escalation’

Israel and the Palestinian Authority affirmed the need to “commit to de-escalation on the ground” at a meeting in Aqaba, Jordan on Sunday, according to Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates. They also agreed to work toward a “just and lasting peace,”


Per Israel 365 news

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Patricia N.
Posts: 4304
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Ministers vote in favor of death penalty law for terrorists:

Israel’s Ministerial Committee for Legislative Matters voted in favor of a bill calling for the death penalty over acts of terrorism on Sunday, minutes after a shooting attack killed two Israeli brothers.

Otzma Yehudit head Itamar Ben Gvir noted that the death penalty exists in the U.S., he went on to call it “a moral and fair law” that should “certainly also exist in a country where a wave of terrorism plagues the country’s citizens.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the government “will continue to act by all means at our disposal – security-wise, operationally, and legislatively – to deter terrorists and maintain the security of Israel. Our response to terror is to strike at terror with force and deepen our roots in our country.”

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Prime minister Netanyahu’s wife Sarah was locked up in a hair saloon in central Tel Aviv for hours due to hundreds of progressive liberal anarchists that surrounded the place. It took dozens of police officers and border patrol soldiers to peacefully rescue her.
All of this because the left in Israel refuses to accept the election results and the fact that the new legislation will no longer keep in power only liberal judges.

Seeing the anarchism and brainwashed minions of the progressive liberal left, more than ever I am convinced that only The Tribulation will bring Israel to salvation! Mentally and spiritually, Tel Aviv is ready for the antichrist!

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

There are reports that the U.S. is concerned about a possible Israeli strike in Iran. The unplanned and short-notice visit of General Mark A. Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as the soon-to-come visit of the Secretary of Defense, both reflect the fear in Washington that Netanyahu will order a strike very soon since Iran is clearly just days away from a bomb should it decide to build one.

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Makes sense to get it done on Purim … which starts later today :mail: sundown March 6th - sundown March 7th :whistle:

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Per Sean Osborne - Eschatology Today Blog


Someone posted - March 2nd
Things seem to be falling into place, Lebanon looks to be on the verge of chaos

Sean  replied - March 4th

Lebanon is continually circling the drain due to financial crisis; the ever present strife at the Ain al-Hilyeh refugee camp and, of course Hezbollah doing the 12ers bidding. Future Israeli real estate.

Sean  - March 5th

Word has leaked that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will move their Embassy to Jerusalem. The move could become official in April 2023. PM Netanyahu has offered a site adjacent to the U.S. Embassy.


Someone replied
I didn't know Hungary was an ally to Israel. I always thought they were on the other side


Sean’s response
Viktor Orbán is the enemy of the EU, and the Global Elite in general. Think of him as Hungary's Trump.


Sean  - March 5th

The European Union has not, is not and never will be a foreign friend to the State of Israel.

Sean  - March 6th

Here's where the rubber meets the road in Judea and Samaria.

Thus far firefights have been between the IDF and islamic terrorists.

PA leader Abu Mazen has directed his Security Forces to not hesitate at all in confronting the IDF.

During the upcoming Ramadan any IDF counter-terror operation could result in a Psalm 83 flash fire between the IDF and all armed terror factions and PA security troops in Judea, Samaria.

This propect has the U.S. Biden Administration scared stiff, which has prompted ChJCS Milley and SECDEF Austin to drop everything to fly into the region. They seem to believe a regional war is about to erupt and add to their problems with Ukraine, Russia and Red China. 

To top it off, the US fears Israel will strike Iran without notification. 😉 

The dominoes are all neatly lined up.


Sean  - March 6th

To put this another way, Biden's woke Pentagon brass are preparing in detail for a World War. 

The last thing the Pentagon wants is for Israel's Netanyahu and Orthodox allies to upset their preconcieved apple cart.


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Do what you must do and  git er done, Israel! :heart: :prayer-hands:

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