- Fair Use - Leaving on a jet plane —- Air Heaven with flt 777 departing soon….. :prayer-hands: From Amir Tsarfati: I am going to be very careful with my following statement: Again from Amir: The United Arab Emirates will begin teaching about the Holocaust in history classes in the country's elementary and high schools, the Emirates Embassy in the United States announced. What Killed the Two-State Solution? Cheers and Cash for Terrorists: Lies about Israeli actions aside, a crucial fact repeatedly omitted from most coverage of the conflict is that the factions competing for popularity among Palestinians understand that the way to gain political influence is by playing a role in terrorism and shedding Jewish blood. The problem is not just that the P.A. engages in a pay-for-slay scheme that rewards Younis and his ilk with salaries and pensions. It’s that such an incentive is so popular that neither P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas nor any of his potential successors would dare end it. The valorization of terror is an integral element of Palestinians’ culture. It’s part and parcel of the way their national identity is inextricably tied to the century-old war on Zionism. Indeed, Palestinian protests are not motivated by grievances about Israeli policies or aspirations for statehood. Rather, they are about rejecting the legitimacy of a Jewish state, no matter where its boundaries might be drawn. That’s why Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, refused numerous compromises and peace offers, dating back to the Bill Clinton administration, which would have resulted in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. This leaves Israel with an anomalous situation in which it must not relinquish security control over Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), even as the Palestinian population is governed in most of the area by Fatah and by Hamas in Gaza, which has functioned as an independent Palestinian state in all but name since the 2007 coup that ushered in the rule of the radical-Islamist group. All of the above explains why Israeli voters turned their back on parties that support a two-state solution and brought to power a coalition that has stated its determination not to tolerate more Palestinian terrorism. Starts @ 2:20 - Fair Use - :flyup: :flyup: As Nisan 10 is April 1 this year, I'm figuring we'll have been gone for at least four days before any April 5 Passover lamb is slain. :yes: :yes: I can't believe they have been letting terrorists who are being paid by the Palestinians to have residence in Israel or Israeli citizenship all this time. They should be deported or put in jail immediately! As they say, politics makes strange bed fellows! How far the Jews are from being pleasing in His sight, let alone operating with the wisdom of God! TR
I am not sure if the deep-state in Israel will obey the newly elected government. Key elements in the Israeli judicial branch, legislative branch, security establishment, business world and media outlets are in this!