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Patricia N.
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Axis of Ezekiel 38? - Turkish President Erdoğan calls for Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria alliance against Israel:

Israel ‘the most concrete threat to regional and global peace’ says Erdoğan.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoǧan told local media on Saturday that Russia, Iran and Syria should do more to protect Syria’s “territorial integrity.” 

“It is essential that Russia, Iran and Syria take more effective measures against this situation, which poses the greatest threat to Syria’s territorial integrity,” Erdoǧan said when asked about the recent alleged Israeli airstrike in the nation's capital, Damascus. 

Erdoǧan has consistently criticized Israel since he came into power a decade ago, despite several attempts to improve economic ties between the two nations. Since the start of the Gaza War last October, Erdoǧan has increasingly attacked Israel and sided with Hamas. 

Shortly after the Hamas invasion and massacre of southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, the Turkish president canceled a planned trip to Israel and refused to condemn Hamas. 

“Hamas is not a terror organization,” Erdoǧan said at the time. “It is waging a battle for its land.” 

In November, Erdoǧan slammed Israel’s ground incursion into Gaza, calling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “the butcher of Gaza.” 

In May 2024, at Erdoǧan’s urging, Turkey announced that it was halting all trade with Israel. 

The Turkish leader has also called for an “alliance of Islamic countries” to stop “Israeli arrogance.” 

Notably, some bible researchers have identified an alliance of Russia, Iran and Turkey as being the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, especially the War of Gog and Magog from Ezekiel 38.   

Patricia N.
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Germany's AfD Warns: Europe's Future Under Islam—'First Synagogues Will Burn, Then Churches, and Everyone Who Does Not Submit' (Video):

“October 7 is a sign of what awaits us when Islam takes power in Western Europe,” warned Beatrix von Storch, highlighting the massacre of Jews as a grim preview of Europe’s future under Islamic control.

In a powerful speech delivered by Beatrix von Storch, representing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) parliamentary group in the Bundestag, she condemned the rise of Islamic terror in Europe and the failure of Western governments to confront the threat. The AfD, often falsely labeled as Nazis by the left, is, in fact, Germany’s only conservative party and the fiercest defender of Jews. They are also the country’s only pro-Israel party, standing firmly against anti-Semitism. Storch began her speech by stating that “Islamist terrorists carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust,” taking over 200 hostages in the process. She criticized prominent Western figures and institutions for their complacency, claiming that “all their icons, from Greta Thunberg to Judith Butler, saw ‘resistance’ movements in Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Storch went further to address the cultural and academic spheres in Germany, accusing universities and their leaders of harboring antisemitic sentiments. She stated that “woke presidents of German universities share antisemitic tweets and find genocide against the Jews compatible with university rules.” 

One of the most striking aspects of her speech was her condemnation of the West’s immigration policies, which she directly linked to the growing threats to Jewish communities and broader European societies. “Europe is burning, ladies and gentlemen. And you all have lit the fire here with your immigration policy,” she declared, citing a significant rise in antisemitic attacks across Europe, including a “400% increase in Belgium.” She noted the exodus of Jews from Western nations, with “30,000 Jews from the West migrating to Israel,” emphasizing that even under rocket fire, they feel safer in Israel than in Europe.

Her speech also included a frightening warning about the future of Europe, stating that “the 7th of October is a sign of what awaits us when Islam takes power in Western Europe.” Storch painted a grim picture of a future where synagogues and churches burn, and anyone who does not submit to Islamic rule is persecuted. “First the synagogues will burn, then the churches… then the kippah-wearers will be beaten up, and in the end everyone who does not submit,” she declared, calling out Germany’s political elites for their submission to Islamic forces.

Von Storch’s speech ended on an uncompromising note, distinguishing the AfD from the left-wing ruling establishment: “We will defend synagogues and churches. We will never submit.”   

Patricia N.
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Netanyahu: UN must withdraw south Lebanon peacekeepers from combat zones:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday called on the United Nations to immediately pull its peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon from areas where Israel is battling Hezbollah, saying that the terror group is using the international troops as “human shields.”

In urging that members of UNIFIL be moved out of harm’s way, Netanyahu said that previous similar pleas by Israel had been refused, despite a rising number of injuries to UNIFIL troops.

The international force has already said that it will stay put.

“Your refusal to evacuate the UNIFIL soldiers makes them hostages of Hezbollah,” Netanyahu said. “This endangers both them and the lives of our soldiers.”

Netanyahu said Israel “regrets the injury” to the peacekeepers, and that it is doing whatever it can to prevent such incidents.

“But the simple and obvious way to ensure this is just get them out of the danger zone,” Netanyahu said.    

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati, Oct 15:

Never forget that over 100 student organizations released a statement stating their true goal is “fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization.”
It has never been about Israel, it has always been about destroying the freedoms and liberties of the West.
(Eyal Yakobi on X)
When the civil war in Syria started - the UN soldiers there ran away to take shelter in Israel.
Now when Israel needs them to move aside so we can destroy Hezbollah, suddenly European leaders are against it. Only when Israel is fighting back they suddenly act so brave!
WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE SYRIA-ISRAEL BORDER?: There have been numerous reports today about IDF activity on the Syrian border and even minor incursions in the Quneitra area. This morning, Reuters reported that since 10/1, the IDF has begun removing mines in the border area with Syria while also expanding the fence closer toward Syrian territory.

Reuters also reported that the IDF has been putting up new obstacles and fortifications in recent days in the fence area with Syria. At the same time, Syrian soldiers watch and don't interfere.

Reuters reinforces the fact that the Russian military has recently evacuated positions and outposts in the Golan as part of a "quiet understanding" with Israel.
The Biden admin has sent Israel a document that is harsher than anything the U.S. has sent Israel in decades.

The demands are nothing short of insane and if Israel doesn’t comply, our “Friends” in the White House are threatening an arms embargo.

That’s right, Biden/Harris are worried about Israel sending more humanitarian aid into Gaza knowing full well who steals that aid, and not a word about the hostages or Hamas.

The irony of any American Jew voting for these Israel haters is that there is no denying that antisemitism is going through the roof, but those same Jews who know that if things get really bad, Israel will have their back, are now abandoning Israel and voting for Harris because she’s not Trump.

So they expect us to have their backs but they won’t have ours.

I don’t care what you think of Trump and his personality. It’s irrelevant. Voting for Harris today, after everything this admin has done to hurt Israel, is abandoning Israel.

It’s fine if you want to vote based on abortion, immigration, or anything else. But say it as it is. Israel is less important to you. Own it.

However you want to look at it, whether you care about promises or about policy, Trump has proven time and time again that he’s a friend of Israel’s. ...
(Hillel Fuld on X)
This is Waddah Younis, the Hezbollah fighter whom the IDF captured when he got stuck (or was hiding) in a tunnel shaft in south Lebanon. ...Waddah also says that Hezbollah fighters ran away. They were only interested in the money. This should debunk our perception of Iran-led "resistance" fighters as being ideological, whether Hamas or Hezbollah. These people are unemployed and join terrorist organizations mainly because of unemployment.
French President Macron:
“Prime Minister Netanyahu must remember that Israel was established through a United Nations resolution.”

And I say to this French macaroon: Israel was established by God’s decree!

“Before she was in labor, she gave birth;
Before her pain came,
She delivered a male child.
Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labor,
She gave birth to her children."
(Isaiah 66:7-10)

Patricia N.
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