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Patricia N.
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Petra: A ghost town for centuries, but not in the last days…:

Most tourists who visit the ancient city of Petra will surely agree that it is the most amazing “ghost town” on Earth. We have seen the pyramids of Egypt, the temples of Luxor and Karnak, the Parthenon, Delos, Ephesus, Knossos, Babylon, Nineveh, Ur, and hundreds of other sites and cities of antiquity, but nothing surpasses the beauty and splendor that must have belonged to Petra. And because many of the temples and dwellings were carved out of sandstone rock cliffs, the physical aspects of this Edomite metropolis remain for the visitor’s appraisal and inspection today.

Petra is located about 180 miles south of Amman and 75 miles north of Aqaba in Jordan. Its biblical names are Mount Seir and Sela. Mount Hor is also associated with the general area in Scripture. Petra is also described by the prophets as the rocky nest of the eagle, the city of Esau, and the stronghold of the Edomites.

Few Christians realize just how many times Petra is mentioned in the Bible, and the important role it played in biblical history. Even fewer realize that God is preparing to resurrect this historical ghost town to serve as a hiding place for Israel.

The city of Petra – named in 2007 as one of the seven wonders of the world – is entered through one of the most fantastic rock formations on earth, El Ciq. About two miles from the entrance to the Ciq is Ain Musa (the Spring of Moses). At one time, water from Ain Musa was carried into the city by tile pipe inlaid in the rock walls of the Ciq. ...possibility that Ain Musa is actually one of the two rocks that Moses struck to bring forth water.  It is remarkable that at the peak of the Mount Seir mountain range in the desert area, springs of pure and sweet water pour from rock formations.

With the fall of the Roman Empire came a lack of necessary forces to keep law and order in that part of the world. Therefore, the rise of marauding bands and changing trade routes affected the future of the city. In about A.D. 600, Petra again became an isolated city, a home only for vagabonds and wild Arab tradesmen.

Since 1950, thousands of visitors from all over the world have gone to Petra, the yearly numbers depending upon the political and military situation in the Middle East. However, the city itself, for the most part, remains a ghost town, awaiting patiently its next inhabitants, whom we believe to be a Jewish remnant who will live here for three and a half years, watching for the coming of Messiah.

Petra in Prophetic Perspective

We believe Petra will become of prophetic importance in the day when:
• Israel will become a nation again and win miraculous victories against overwhelming odds. This has occurred.
• A great nation to the north of Israel called Gog in Ezekiel 38-39 will move with a great army over the mountains of Israel to take a “great spoil.” Most Bible scholars interpret this nation to be Russia.
• Israel’s flight to Petra will come three and one-half years after the signing of a Middle East comprehensive peace treaty (Dan. 9:27).
• Petra will again loom into prominence when knowledge has increased, along with accelerated communications and travel (Dan. 12).
• Petra would be readied for its role in the last days when the Roman Empire would be revived and a world government leader would demand that everyone on Earth worship him as a god (Rev. 13).
• The Abomination of Desolation will be the signal for Israel to flee to Petra – in a time when all the world is working, buying and selling using code marks and numbers (Rev. 13). The world has just about arrived at this economic stage.

The preceding and many other prophetic signs in evidence today serve as signals for the ancient city of Esau to prepare for an influx of visitors, the children of Jacob.

This article is an excerpt from PETRA in History and Prophecy by Noah Hutchings  

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from Amir Tsarfati's email newsletter:

Assassination Attempt of President Trump
The world quite literally dodged a bullet when former president Donald Trump turned his head at precisely the right moment, causing the projectile that had been fired at him to take away part of his ear rather than pass through his skull. If you think mayhem has ensued since this failed attempt, imagine what would be taking place in America and around the world if it had succeeded. There is no doubt that we have God to thank that the former officeholder and current Republican candidate for president was not killed or more severely wounded.
By saying that, do not read into it that I am formally endorsing Donald Trump. I am an Israeli. I don’t have a vote.  One more truth that I know – both Donald Trump and J. D. Vance are great friends of Israel.

There is a serious investigation taking place into how the shooter was able to get such a clear shot at the former president from such an obvious perch. The leadership of the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, has come under serious scrutiny for her commitment to equality over competency. There is one thing that we have apparently learned from the higher-ups in the organization – slopey roofs are kryptonite to Secret Service agents.

It’s been 9 months since the war in Gaza began. Let’s look at some statistics. Half of Hamas’s military leadership has been eliminated. More than 14,000 terrorists have been killed or apprehended. There have been 37,000 targets struck from the air and 137,297 buildings destroyed, leaving 40 million tons of rubble that will need to be cleared at a cost of $500-600 million.

For those who may think I’m being a little harsh on these terrorists, please look back and remind yourself of what they did.  There are so many wounded survivors. Many have committed suicide, while others have lost their minds.
One last story related to the Palestinian conflict. Norway’s foreign minister, Espen Barth Eide, presented a formal request to come visit Israel. That request was immediately denied. Why? Because on May 28, Norway formally recognized a Palestinian state. Sorry, Norway, we’ll happily accept your fish exports, but you can keep your politicians.

United States  
On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955, a bill which prohibits California school districts from informing parents if their child claims to have changed their gender identity. This outrageous infringement on parental rights denies parents the knowledge that would allow them to address any struggles of this sort that their child may be going through. Billionaire Elon Musk went so far as to say that this bill was the final straw causing him to move SpaceX from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas. My call to Americans throughout the nation is that you please don’t forget this when Newsom’s name potentially shows up on the presidential ballot in 2028.
Next Monday will see Prime Minister Netanyahu meeting one-on-one with President Joe Biden at the White House. With the DNC coming in August and questions about the president’s health, it is likely that he will keep the prime minister at arm’s length. Then, two days later on July 24, Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress. It will be interesting to watch the reaction of some of the more antisemitic members of the United States government.

Turmoil continues to roil through the government of France. Since the divided parliamentary elections of July 7, there is no leading candidate for prime minister. Gabriel Attal, the former prime minister, and his government resigned on Tuesday leaving all the key ministerial roles leaderless. President Emmanuel Macron has the authority to appoint the new prime minister, but there is no clear majority party or bloc. With the ethnic turmoil and governmental confusion, it will be very interesting to watch what happens with the Olympics when they begin in Paris a week from tomorrow.

A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Its arms are open wide and people from many faiths are buying into it. There is only one group that it rejects – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join me Friday, July 19, at 12:00 PM PDT, for my teaching “The Rise of the One World Religion”. In it, we’ll see how this new system will eventually unite all people under one man – the antichrist.

I know that there are many people who are very concerned about what the future holds. I can’t say that I blame them. In a sense, World War 3 began on October 7. This fight that we are now in is different than those of the past. This is a religious, cultural, and, above all, a spiritual war. Iran is central to much that is happening. They had big plans with Hezbollah and Hamas, but that isn’t going how they intended. Once those two terrorist organizations are defeated, Iran will be forced to look for new allies. That is when they will join a new coalition led by Russia. This will lead to the Big War.

If this frightens you, let me encourage you to read Ezekiel 38. Actually, read Ezekiel 36-39...
God is in control, and He will work out His plans.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Biden forgot the name of his Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, and he called him - "The Black Man." 
I’m sure it’s because of Covid…. 
Senior Democratic officials: Biden is expected to retire during the weekend.
The footage that drives the Palestinians crazy. They wanted us out of Israel - they got us inside Gaza!
Israeli intelligence recorded a phone conversation between two Gazan civilians on July 13. They praised the elimination of Muhammed Deif and expressed hope that the same fate would befall Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader in Gaza.
Rest in peace Lou Dobbs.
People close to Biden told the New York Times that he appears to be beginning to realize that he may not be able to win the presidential election in November and may be forced to drop out of the race.

Perhaps Today
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It is great having an inside voice to Israel.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Reports that the targeted destination of the drone strike was the US embassy in Tel Aviv. 
Trump to Hamas:
“The hostages better be back before I assume office or you will be paying a very big price!”
Everyone in the region knows that if Trump is back in the Oval Office the party is over.
If Israel attacks Yemen, Saudi Arabia will be happy but Iran and Russia won’t.
If Israel attacks Hezbollah in Lebanon, everyone will be happy but Iran and Russia.
If Israel takes over the Gaza Strip and stays there, Turkey will join the axis and stand “by the side of the oppressed Palestinians.”
As you can see - it’s no longer just Israel’s war.
It’s a World War!
The International Court of Justice in The Hague: All the settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and the systems related to them - are against international law.

Netanyahu responded:
The Jewish people are not occupying their own land - not in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in the land of our ancestors in Judea and Samaria. No false decision in The Hague will distort this historical truth and likewise the legality of Israeli settlement in all the territories of our homeland cannot be contested.
BREAKING: Senator Josh Hawley says whistleblowers have come forward, alleges the Biden DHS assigned “unprepared and inexperienced personnel” to Trump who weren’t even Secret Service.

“Whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations, the July 13 rally was considered to be a loose' security event,” Hawley said in a letter to Mayorkas.

“For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas.”

“Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event's security perimeter.”

“In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact USSS agents but instead drawn from the department's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).”

“This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations.”
(Collin Rugg on X)
Businesses including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters, and supermarkets have been taken offline following a mass global outage.
Major US airlines have been grounded.
Issues reported in Australia, India, the United States and New Zealand.
The outage appears to be affecting Windows PCs globally.
For the first time in the war - Israel is considering action in Yemen!
(Alon Ben David)
I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again:
The biggest blow to Hamas and all the enemies of Israel worldwide is to have ALL Jews around the world move back to Israel.
It will serve two purposes:
1. Fulfilling the destiny of the land as the God-given place for Israel.
2. Fulfilling the destiny of the people to thrive under the blessing of God while being there.
Every time God wanted to teach Israel a lesson because of their unfaithfulness, He allowed their exile from the land.
Thus, being away from Israel isn’t where God wants us to be. It’s remaining in a perpetual state of punishment.
Last but not least:
It’s best to move now when you are able and you’re doing well, rather than to move later when you’re running for your life.
It’s best to do it out of choice than out of fear.
Am Israel Chai!
Arab reports: intense and unprecedented flights of American, British and Israeli military planes over the Yemeni coast of Hodeidah.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's new government resumes the funding of UNRWA which was stopped after evidence emerged that its employees are Hamas terrorists, and its facilities are Hamas headquarters.
Just as the Jihadists burn down Britain, it decides to fund terrorists…

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Barry Stagner   

The War in Israel with guest Amir Tsarfati:
[Starts at about the two-minute mark.]   

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Patricia N.
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I hope I haven't posted this before.  I might have.

Patricia N.
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Israel Strikes Yemen — ‘Houthi Terrorist Regime’ — for First Time:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday that it had struck the “Houthi terrorist regime” in Yemen for the first time, launching a long-distance airstrike on the Al Hudaydah Port, targeting the origin of a drone that hit Israel Friday.

The attack came in response to a Houthi drone that reached Tel Aviv on Friday, killing one Israeli civilian and wounding eight others after slipping past Israeli air defenses due to what the IDF called “human error.”

In a statement, the IDF said:

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck military targets of the Houthi terrorist regime in the area of the Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen in response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against the State of Israel in recent months.


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who monitored the attack together with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from Israeli Air Force (IAF) headquarters, said that the attack had reached its target 2,000 kilometers away from Israel, and that the “fires that are burning now in Hudaydah” are being seen in “the entire Middle East,” a warning to enemies of Israel.

Iran is roughly the same distance away from Israel as Yemen.

Update: According to a press briefing by IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari on Saturday evening, the attack was carried out by fighter jets, not remotely, with pilots flying 1,700 kilometers and returning home safely.

Hagari said that Israel did not want a war with Yemen as a whole: “Yemen is a big country. Only a part of it is run by the Houthis.” He emphasized that the target was the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist regime, not the people of Yemen.

The name of the operation, he said, was “Operation Long Arm,” chosen to send a signal to Iran and other enemies.

The Times of Israel added that one of the goals of the attack was to disable the port through which Iran brings in weapons.  The Iran-backed Houthis have attacked Israel, without provocation, since the Hamas terror attacks of October 7. The two countries do not share a common border and have no reason for war other than Iran’s desire to destroy Israel.

The Houthis have also choked international shipping through the Red Sea by attacking vessels that pass through the Bab-el-Mandeb strait. The Biden administration’s Operation Prosperity Guardian has focused on defensive actions that have, thus far, failed to deter the Houthis or the Iranians.

President Biden removed the Houthis from a list of terrorist organizations upon reaching office — reversing an action taken by President Donald Trump — and waited years before putting them on a terrorist list again, despite their attacks on Saudi Arabia and Israel.   

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'The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land' - Israel blasts ICJ ruling declaring Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria illegal:

'No absurd opinion in The Hague can deny this historical truth or the legal right of Israelis to live in their own communities in our ancestral home,' says Netanyahu.

Israeli leaders denounced the ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on Friday, which declared Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria (internationally known as the West Bank) illegal.

“Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, and the regime associated with them, have been established and are being maintained in violation of international law,” stated ICJ President Nawaf Salam on Friday.  The judges stated that Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem should come to an end “as rapidly as possible.”

“The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land, including in our eternal capital Jerusalem nor in Judea and Samaria, our historical homeland,” Netanyahu said. “No absurd opinion in The Hague can deny this historical truth or the legal right of Israelis to live in their own communities in our ancestral home.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz echoed Netanyahu’s remarks, describing the decision as “fundamentally warped, one-sided, and wrong.”

“The Western Wall, the Cave of the Patriarchs, Jerusalem and all of Judea, Samaria, Benjamin, and the Jordan Valley are the property of our ancestors. No opinion will erase the historical truth or undermine the deep connection between the people of Israel and its country,” he said.

More than 50 nations appeared before the ICJ, with the majority asking the court to find the ‘occupation’ illegal with just a handful, including Canada and Great Britain, asking the court to refuse to issue an opinion on the issue.

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Accepting GOP nomination, Trump threatens Iran & Hamas, demands all hostages be released before he takes office, vows to build 'Iron Dome' to protect America:

DENVER, COLORADO - In a 92-minute speech, the longest of any Republican candidate accepting his party's nomination for president, Donald J. Trump, on Thursday night put a spotlight on Israel and the Middle East.

First, in a clear threat to Hamas and its Iranian ally, Trump demanded that every hostage in Gaza be released before Jan. 20, when he plans to take the Oath of Office and become America's Commander-in-Chief once again.

"I tell you this, we want our hostages back," he said, "And they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price."

Second, Trump vowed to build a missile defense system that will protect all of the American homeland, just like Israel's "Iron Dome" system protects all of Israel's airspace by shooting down 90% or more of the missiles, rockets, and suicide drones that Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the other enemies fire at use.

"With our victory in November, the years of war, weakness and chaos will be over," Trump insisted.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the mullahs in Iran were emboldened to invade and attack Ukraine and Israel respectively after they watched the collapse of Afghanistan's democratically elected government and the victory of the Taliban terrorists in the days leading up to the 20th anniversary of Osama bin Laden's attack on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, attacks dreamed up and set into motion from Afghanistan.

"It began to unravel with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the worst humiliation in the history of our country," Trump said. 

Trump added, "We also left behind $85 billion worth of military equipment, along with many American citizens were left behind – many, many American citizens."

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Amir Tsarfati:

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