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Patricia N.
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Can Israel afford to stand up to America?

Netanyahu is addressing Congress because he has no other option.

There’s no denying the severe tensions between the Biden administration and the Israeli government over the war being waged against Israel by Iran and its proxies.

Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly accused U.S. President Joe Biden of withholding weapons and ammunition from the embattled Jewish state.

Two weeks later, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the U.S. was withholding from Israel no fewer than seven weapons systems.

Ever since the Oct. 7 Palestinian Arab pogrom in southern Israel, America has been giving to Israel with one hand while chaining it with the other.

The Biden administration has made Israel slow down its attempt to destroy Hamas in Gaza, repeatedly forcing the Israelis into paralyzing ceasefire negotiations that have given Hamas the upper hand and insisting on humanitarian aid supplies, most of which were stolen by Hamas to strengthen itself.

Crucially, the U.S. forced Israel not to take early preemptive action against Hezbollah in Lebanon, where the terror group has embedded among the civilian population around 150,000 rockets and missiles. As a result, there have been hundreds of missile and rocket strikes on northern Israel, with more than 60,000 Israelis displaced from their homes over the past nine months while swathes of the upper Galilee have been burned to the ground.

The Iranian regime has said that if Hezbollah is seriously attacked, Iran will “obliterate” Israel. Hezbollah’s foreign relations chief, Khalil Rizk, said on Al-Manar TV last month: “Is this war now with Israel? My answer is that this is not a war with Israel. Israel is merely a tool. The main war, the real war, is with America.”

Yet astoundingly, the Biden administration wants an empowered Iran to be a key pillar of the future architecture of the Middle East. It purports to believe this will produce “stability.” Accordingly, the U.S. is actually protecting Iran from Israel, the nation that the genocidal Iranian regime has sworn to exterminate.

Earlier this week, The New York Times reported that Netanyahu had pushed Biden hard on the need to hit Iran and avoid looking weak. “Let me be crystal clear,” Biden was said have told Netanyahu in a phone call. “If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own. You do this and I’m out.”

Accordingly, the U.S. is solemnly “negotiating” with Hezbollah, just as it “negotiated” with Iran. The Bidenites really believe that genocidal fanatics can be reasoned out of their intention to murder, destroy and conquer. This is beyond grotesque.

Hezbollah has to be neutralized. But it has now said that if Israel launches an all-out war against it, this will be a war with Iran.

The only way through this nightmare is to strike the head of the snake itself in Tehran. Israel cannot afford to wait until Haifa or Tel Aviv start sustaining massive casualties from Hezbollah’s vast arsenal or Iran itself. Faced with such an enemy, a preemptive strike that gains the initiative is essential.

But for that to happen, Israel needs America. And it’s far from clear that the Biden administration would come to Israel’s aid even in a war limited to Hezbollah but in which Iran would unleash itself along with its proxies in Iraq, Yemen and the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria.

Against this dire backdrop, Netanyahu is going to America in three weeks’ time to address Congress. Among the many who loathe and distrust him, there is nervousness and criticism that he may make a bad situation even worse by criticizing Biden so close to the presidential election.

... Netanyahu has a moral duty to explain to Congress and the American people the dire consequences of the Biden administration’s appeasement of Iran, why Israel is fighting a war for its survival unlike any other since its foundation and that the seven-front war against it is merely the opening shot in Iran’s war against America and the West.

What Netanyahu’s critics fail to acknowledge is that he is a supremely cautious politician. He rarely airs his grievances with the U.S. in public. When he does so, it signifies desperation. It’s because he feels he has no other option.   

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@patrician They're worried about an election?  They should worry about Genesis 12:3.

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@terry Amen!

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@erby Bibi should forget about Joey and put his hand in the hand of the Man ... I'll go post it.

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@terry Many Jews know the Old Testament inside and out, and yet they miss that it all points to Jesus. Some Jews are discovering the true Savior now, but the Lord will eventually bring many more of them around...after we are gone. Bibi is a brilliant man. Let’s pray that he opens his eyes if he hasn’t already. 🙏

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@erby  I suspect he has but can't go before the people and run the government that way.  He has a line to walk.  Joel Rosenberg was his campaign manager at one time, and I read that Bibi held Bible, not Torah, studies in his home.  One has to assume (hope?) that the author of that article knows the difference.

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@terry Interesting. I didn’t know that. Bibi would have to be careful.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

French police officer from Nantes hospitalized after having had a Molotov cocktail thrown at him by far-left activists celebrating their election win. They riot when they lose and they riot when they win. Psychopaths! 
At least five dead and 19 injured in the Russian attack this morning in Ukraine. Among other things, the largest children's hospital.
I’m waiting to hear from the UN Security Council or the UN Human Rights Council. I am waiting for the march in the streets of London, Paris or Madrid.
They have a long history of violence, theft, rape and enslavement.
They pioneered in airplane hijacking.
They perpetrated suicide bombings.
They killed and mutilated Olympic athletes.
They assassinated a United States presidential candidate. [who?]
They raped and mutilated innocent civilians.
They kidnap and hold hostage innocent civilians.
They launch rockets and bombs at civilian centers.
They use their people as human shields.
They pay others to murder.
They launch attacks from and hide in schools, hospitals and mosques.
They masquerade as journalists, healthcare professionals, and teachers.
They teach their children to hate and kill.
They steal aid given for their people.
They fight each other, tribe against tribe and gang against gang.
They are steeped in corruption and theft.
They reject peace and co-existence.
They destabilized and attacked states they lived in or neighbored.
They aim to globalize their program.
They want to flood your neighborhood with hate and violence.
Don’t let them.
(Barry Tigay on X)
IDF spokesperson:
A fighter jet successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target that was on its way to Israel
A fighter jet successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target a short time ago that was making its way towards the south of the country from the east.
The target did not cross into the country and no alerts were activated according to policy.
The Israel Defense Force has announced another Evacuation Order for a number of other neighborhoods in West-Central Gaza City including al-Daraj, Sabra, Rimal, and Tel al-Hawa. The IDF will likely start Heavy Ground Operations and Strikes against Hamas targets in all of these neighborhoods over the next 24 Hours.
This is an image of a Hamas training camp in Gaza. [at the link]
The important thing to note here is that the layout of the training camp is not that of an Israeli military base. It is that of an Israeli kibbutz, based on intelligence gathered by "Gazan workers" on a work permit.
A small sample of the most popular books found in your average Gazan home, displaying the level of indoctrination from the cradle to the grave:
A book for children about killing Jews with their car.
A book about the "history of the Jews" where the worst antisemitic tropes of history are presented as fact.
A book colorfully titled "The End of the Jews."
And of course, no home is complete without a copy of Mein Kampf, translated to Arabic.
Here is the ID of Ashraf Mahd el Madhoun.
He was an employee of UNRWA.
That's also him posing for Islamic Jihad with his family.
He also participated in the massacre of October 7.
This book [photo at the link] is a collection of religious decrees (fatwas) that gave the massacrists religious justification to do the unspeakable things they did.
A translation guide for Hamas terrorists explaining how to say Hebrew phrases such as "women here", "children here", "take off your pants" and "take off your clothes".
Hamas would regularly have property ownership relationships with UNRWA as a money-making scheme on the side. Here is one of the contracts.
A sample of guides and manuals found on terrorists, including ISIS instructions on how to create a toxic gas weapon.
All the above is what was allowed to be shared by leading accounts on X from an IDF Intelligence-sponsored exclusive exhibition where the evils and horrors of the October 7 planning and execution were showcased and never-before-seen artifacts were presented.

Patricia N.
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Q&A With Amir Tsarfati & Pastor Barry Stagner:

[There is a commercial and then it starts at about the two-minute mark.]

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Now that the French socialists are planning a 90% tax on the rich, let me tell you the next steps.
1) The rich will simply leave and take their money and businesses with them.
2) The economy will collapse.
3) Venezuela.
(Nioh Berg on X)
Requests from French Jews to relocate to Israel have soared by 430% since October 2023.
More than 2,000 French Jewish families have opened aliyah files in the past 48 hours, amid skyrocketing antisemitism and post-election uncertainty.
Antisemites make life impossible for Jews around the world.
They are exactly why we need a Jewish state.
FOX: Rescued Israeli hostage Almog Meir Jan is suing a US nonprofit linked to the Hamas operative who held him captive. Jan was held in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a contributor for Palestine Chronicle, which is operated by the tax-exempt group People Media Project.
Muslims in France celebrate the defeat of the French right by marching in the streets and chanting, "Death to France, Death to the Jews, Death to the police."
The Islamic Republic in Iran is financing, infiltrating and leading Palestine protests in the USA.
US Government officials have launched an official Press Release after the investigation.

Patricia N.
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MidEast Update | Jul 09, 2024, with Amir Tsarfati:

[Starts at about the five-minute mark.  You can click on the gear-shaped icon at the bottom right of the screen to speed it up to save time.  I usually start with 1.5 times the normal speed.]   

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@patrician We are fortunate to have Amir’s updates. Our eyes need to be on Israel for sure. Thanks Patricia!!

Perhaps Today
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@erby I agree, we are fortunate to have Amir.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The Israeli Cabinet approved the extension of compulsory military service to three years for the next 8 years.
Earlier, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed Defense Minister Yoav Galant and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to agree on the details of the new law, and, after consultations with representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the final version is presented:
- Service life will increase to 36 months for both men and women;
- The temporary order will be valid for 8 years;
- It will affect both soldiers currently serving and everyone who will be called up over the next five years;
- After 8 years, the service life will be reduced again to 32 months.
During the discussion, Secretary of Defense Galant insisted on a 10-year duration of the temporary order, and the Treasury proposed limiting it to 5 years (due to economic consequences).
A final vote on the legislation is expected at the next cabinet meeting on Sunday.
Israel sent a letter to UNRWA with names and ID numbers of 108 Gazan Palestinian humanitarian aid workers of the UN group who are proven to be Hamas and Islamic Jihad active terrorists.
UNRWA has yet to respond.
Only in New York: “Black people are the real Jews”.
It’s refreshing to see that there are still people who really want to be Jews 🤣
Jeremiah the prophet wrote:
Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you..."
A baby is a separate human being. A woman doesn’t need a baby in her in order to live.
A baby, however, needs his mother in order to live.
So, the question remains- will you allow him to live or sentence him to death?
Life is a choice! That is why keeping the baby is a both pro-life and pro-choice!
“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;”
(Deuteronomy 30:19)
We are promised an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for us.
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
Israel Finance Minister Smotrich on the looming hostage deal:
Why am I opposed to the hostage deal?  

If we withdraw now, all the work we've done would be in vain, and all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives would have done so for nothing. We now have the chance to finish the job, and we’re expected to stop?

Do you understand what happens if we allow Hamas to regain control of the Philadelphi corridor? It means thousands of terrorists flooding back remaining with still lots of infrastructure. It might be hard, but we can finally get the job done.
The ultimate victory over Hamas and all the antisemites around the world is to have all Jews move to Israel.
That’s what this country was intended to be. That’s where Jews are intended to be.

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Amir Tsarfati:

Israeli strike in Damascus.
We are moving fast towards world war 3!
Syria reports of a number of attacks in various locations also in the suburbs of Damascus.
Damascus is burning.
There are Syrian reports that a very senior member of the Islamic Jihad was killed in the targeted attack in Syria.
Unconfirmed reports that Ziyad al-Nakhalah the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad was killed in Damascus!
If it’s true it’s HUGE!!!
Another Israeli strike in Syria this time near Homs.
.....  br />

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Amir Tsarfati:

World War 3 began on October 7.

Immediately after the massacre, way before Israel began the counteroffensive in Gaza, the well-planned and skillfully coordinated protests on U.S. university campuses and on the streets of major cities around the world began.

The war on Israel is not only on Israel. It’s a religious war, a cultural war, and above all a spiritual war. Anyone who is running for president of the United States had better surround himself with a war-savvy people with a steel spine.

This war will find its culmination once Hamas and Hezbollah are defeated, leaving the Iranian ayatollahs’ only chance to contribute to Israel’s annihilation to be through joining a new coalition led by Russia. This will lead to the Big War.

Gog from the land of Magog is getting ready. But don’t worry and don’t fret. The end is known. Read Ezekiel 38 all the way through and find your comfort there.
Riots in Dublin Ireland as the locals are calling not to accept more Muslim immigrants.
The Irish government recently recognized Palestine as a state. Interesting turn of events.
A vessel carrying foreign experts and military materials for missile production destined for Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis has gone missing in the Red Sea. The Houthis have launched a reconnaissance mission to find the vessel, now missing for three days.

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Amir Tsarfati:

Leaked documents from negotiations with Hamas reveal the militia's demands: monetary compensation, security guarantees for their leaders, safe passage to Turkey, the return of confiscated funds, and the lifting of bans on their foreign bank accounts.

The suffering of Gaza's residents, a result of Hamas' actions, is notably absent from their concerns. Their focus remains solely on money and personal safety.
Fathi Hammad, senior Hamas official: “All of you 7 million Palestinians abroad, enough of the warming up. You have Jews everywhere and we must attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter and killing,”

The purest form of genocidal language.
It will take Gaza about 15 years to clear 40 million tons of rubble caused by the war.
The cost of clearing the ruins is 600 million dollars.
• A land area of ​​305 acres is required to bury debris that cannot be recycled.
• The UN development plan for the reconstruction of Gaza will not be completed before 2040 at a cost of 40 billion dollars.
• Gaza returned to the 1980s, meaning that 44 years of development in Gaza were erased.
• There is no place in Khan Yunis that has not been damaged.
• 137,297 buildings were damaged in Gaza, meaning more than half of the total buildings in Gaza were damaged.
Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle now admits that the USSS knew the building 125 yards from President Trump was a huge vulnerability, but didn’t station an agent there because it had a “sloped roof.”

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”
The IDF estimates: so far 14,000 terrorists were eliminated in Gaza.
CNN:: The U.S. obtained intel in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing his security before Saturday’s shooting. Plot has no known connection to Crooks, however.

And I am asking, if there was such a threat, why did the Secret Service act so poorly in Pennsylvania?
Horrific news from Israel.
A survivor of the Nova music festival lost her mind, killed her 6 years old with an axe and then walked across the street (as seen in the video) to the mall where she tried to attack the security guard and ended up hurting herself.
The October 7th massacre left a deep wound in the souls of many survivors. Some committed suicide and others like in this case, simply lost their mind.
California Governor signs new law BANNING schools from notifying parents if their children turn Transgender.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955 into law which prohibits California school districts from informing parents if their child changes their gender identity.
(Mercury News)
Leader of Hezbollah "We are engaged in a campaign with clear horizons. We have received a Quranic promise that this entity will disappear."
Satan is working hard in convincing the enemy that Israel will disappear.
But guess what?
Satan “was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
According to the logic of the director of USSS - The roof of the White House which is slopey, shouldn’t have security on it.
"The Big Ben Clock belongs to us in Palestine, to the Palestinians."
Eiffel tower - you’re next!

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Knesset Member: “There will be no Palestinian State. Not Now. Not Ever!”

Last night, 68 Members of the Knesset from nine different parties, representing more than 80 Knesset Members voted against a Palestinian state.

Knesset member Dan Illouz of the Likud party gave his remarks in English, the full transcript is below:

“A Palestinian state is not just a bad idea – it’s a dangerous one, under any circumstances, but especially now.

“On October 7th, we witnessed pure evil. Hamas terrorists butchered innocent Israelis, children, women, and men in cold blood. And now, there are voices suggesting we reward this savagery with statehood? This is madness.  A Palestinian state would be a reward for terrorism. It tells the world that violence pays off. This cannot happen.

Look at history. Every time we conceded land for peace, we got more terror. The Oslo Accords, the Gaza disengagement, the withdrawal from southern Lebanon – each move brought more bloodshed. Gaza, given to the Palestinian Authority, became a Hamas stronghold. They used it as a launchpad for rockets and murder. We cannot make the same mistake again.

A Palestinian state would put terrorists at our doorstep. Imagine Hamas rockets not just from Gaza, but from the heart of Judea and Samaria. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, our airports – all within easy range of their terror. Can we afford this? Absolutely not.

And what about our history? Bethlehem, Hebron, Shechem – these are the cradle of Jewish civilization. Handing them over is not just a territorial compromise. It’s a betrayal of our ancestors, our identity, our soul.

Showing strength is the true way to move the whole region, and the whole world, forward. It will allow for the expansion of the Abraham Accords and turn Israel into a center of world trade, connecting East to West. The future can be bright, but only if we show strength. Those who believe that dangerous concessions will bring peace need to learn history. Only strength brings real peace, development, and when good actors are strong, then the future is brighter.

So let’s be unequivocal: There will be no Palestinian state. Not now. Not ever. We owe this to our children. We owe it to our ancestors. We owe it to the future of Israel and the free world.”   

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