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Patricia N.
Posts: 3791
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Amir Tsarfati:

Netanyahu warns: "Iran is on its way to conquering the Middle East, it's only a matter of time."
Report in Politico:
American intelligence estimates that a large-scale conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is expected to break out in the coming weeks - this is on the condition that Israel and Hamas do not reach a cease-fire agreement in Gaza. A senior official in the American administration emphasized that "the risk of war now is the highest in recent weeks."
The Wall Street Journal: "Biden crashed in his first confrontation - and gave the performance many Democrats feared."
Politico: "Democrats are thinking about the unthinkable - it's time for Biden to go."
The New York Times: "Part of the Democratic Party is already talking about replacing Biden."
Now ask yourself if any world leader would want to sign any defense treaty with America right now. Saudi Arabia is definitely not interested!
The below opinion is what I read all across Israeli social media:
Last night’s debate could turn into a disaster for Trump: Biden's performance was so terrible that he will now be under heavy pressure to withdraw from the race, and if this happens it could cost Trump the election, because the Republicans could not ask for a weaker candidate against them.
Report on the NBC network: The United States is sending military assets, including a battleship, to Israel and Lebanon, in order to prepare for the evacuation of Americans if the situation worsens, according to three American sources. The move is also intended to create a deterrent against regional escalation.
CNN Chief National Correspondent John King says senior Democrat officials are now considering to publicly call on Biden to leave the race.
CNN acts as though they are seeing Biden’s cognitive decline for the first time!
Americans who were addicted to the progressive left media finally wake up to smell the coffee! What that evil media was hiding from them is now out in the open. A demented person is running for the highest office.
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, who is a personal friend of President Biden’s, calls for him to drop out of the race.
“I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime — precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election.”
Two branches of the IDF had a colossal failure on October 7th and since.
Our intelligence and Air Force.
The intelligence failed to alert ahead of time and the Air Force failed to reach fast enough and since then to defend the skies of Israel from aerial threats.
Interestingly enough, these two branches had the most active members in the judicial reform protests, spreading threats (on camera) that many of them won’t be there to serve in the IDF anymore.
Make no mistake, October 7th was years in the making.
However, unfortunately a lot of “useful idiots” made it easier for it to take place!
The leader of the Druze in Syria, Sheikh Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajri, declares war on Iran and Hezbollah now everywhere on Syrian soil... announces emergency draft and a general mobilization against Hezbollah, Assad's forces and Iran's militias, following Assad's forces failed invasion attempt into the Druze Mountain.
A series of tough incidents in Gaza with casualties to the Israeli military. Booby-trapped houses and tunnel shafts exploded in 3 different locations. Pray for the soldiers! The battle there is fierce!
International Atomic Energy Agency report: Iran has installed new and advanced centrifuges and enrichment facilities at the underground nuclear sites in Pardo and Natanz, and in Natanz it has already begun enriching uranium.
The Iranian militias in Iraq are preparing for war with Israel.
The Iranian delegation to the UN threatens - starting a war in Lebanon will lead to a "war of extermination," all options are on the table.

Patricia N.
Posts: 3791
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago

Amir Tsarfati:

U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the Future of his Presidential-Reelection Campaign with his Family and other Staffers on Sunday at Camp David, following Thursday Night’s Debate with Former President Donald Trump, which left several Members of the Democratic National Committee in a “State of Panic” about his Mental Capacity, with some Key Democratic Congressional Members both Privately and Publicly calling for him to step down as the Presidential Nominee.
Over the weekend two people - one is Benny Morris, an Israeli historian who was a professor of history in the Middle East Studies department of Ben-Gurion University, the other is Yair Katz, the head of the workers union at IAI (Israel Aerospace Industry) - went public about the possible and maybe inevitable need to nuke Iran should Israel face an existential threat during the upcoming war against Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
The bitter defeat announcement by a senior Hamas official, Khaled Mashal: "It is true, Gaza has been destroyed, and there is no need to argue about it, it is clear to us."
The media has deceived us not only about the cognitive state of Joe Biden, but also about the cognitive state of Kamala Harris.  Two puppets on a string operated by others.
The French government sent a firm message to Lebanon - "Don't say we didn't warn you, if an all-out war starts, it will be the point of no return, if the moment comes that Israel starts an all-out war, Lebanon will be destroyed to the core, and that moment is fast approaching."
CBS poll: 72 percent of Americans believe that Biden is unfit for another term. Nearly half of Democrats believe he should not run again.
El Al flight had to perform an emergency landing in Turkey due to a medical situation onboard the plane. The nice and friendly Turks refuse to allow passengers off the plane or refuel the plane.  ...Turkish authorities are not allowing the plane to refuel so it can depart for Israel. 
...The plane took off to Rhodes and will refuel before taking off to Israel. 
The hospitals in northern Israel are preparing for an all-out war:
Opening underground wards and adding protection to essential infrastructures.
Another Toronto synagogue had its windows smashed. It’s Kristallnacht day after day and Canada’s leaders are awol.
Business owners in Paris are boarding up their shops in anticipation of riots and vandalism by far-left Antifa extremists, following the announcement of Le Pen’s National Rally party winning the French parliamentary election tonight.
For fear of terrorist attacks: some of the US military bases in Europe raised the alert level to the second highest level over the weekend.
In the coming days, Israel is expected to announce the end of the operation in Rafah and the end of the war in its current configuration.
At this time, the Prime Minister is holding a discussion with senior IDF officials about the end of the operation in Rafah and the dramatic change in the manner of the war.
This means: transition to targeted raids and aerial activity.
Indications that the Houthis are planning to act against Israel from North African countries: Egypt, Sudan and Morocco.

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