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Patricia N.
Posts: 4394
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I had not seen nor heard of the huge statue.  I'll have to look that up.  

But thanks for the confirmation.

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Behind the scenes this is happening … Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn  
Per Kimberly 
WOW! This plan proposed by former ambassador David Friedman together with Donald Trump, who both attended the Nashville National religious broadcasters convention, Gives Israel control over Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, and the area west of the Jordan river. This plan is a sovereignty plan that reestablish is the biblical covenants that Israel has always had. Truly, this is setting the stage for the coming covenant with many!

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@geri9 And it sharply divides the world. The loonies on the left will vote for Biden even if he came out and said he was the antichrist.

Patricia N.
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Why Biden’s Actions Toward Israel Place America On Dangerous Ground With God:

In the past several weeks, President Biden has also been at the forefront of demanding that Israel accept a two-state solution as a way of appeasing the Palestinians. In other words, he would reward Hamas’ barbarism by giving them land that rightfully belongs to Israel. Not only that, but his proposal would also give Israel’s enemies a strategic position to accomplish their true intent, which is the destruction of the Jewish state and the murder of the Israelites who dwell there.

A couple of weeks ago, the U.S. vetoed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Please don’t be fooled by this empty show of support for Israel. The current U.S. leadership is no friend of Israel or the Jewish people. Biden’s recommendations, if followed, would seriously degrade the security of Israel as well as the safety of its people.

The actions of the Biden Administration toward Israel place America on dangerous ground for the following reasons:

They Will bring God’s Curse Upon Our Nation

The U.S. President and Secretary of State Blinken appear determined to stop Israel from achieving an all-out victory in its war with Hamas. Though they would never admit such a thing, their proposals would provide Hamas with a tactical victory as well as a position of strength in negotiating the release of hostages that it has not already murdered.

Because Israel still represents God’s chosen people (see Romans 11:1-2), the warning of Genesis 12:3 remains in effect: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

The Hebrew word for “dishonors you,” or “curseth you” in the KJV, is translated in a variety of ways in the Old Testament. In this context, it signifies those who would treat Israel with contempt and dishonor. It’s the act of treating something “lightly” in the sense of placing little importance upon it.

The word for “I will curse,” speaking in regard to God’s response to those who treat His people with disdain, is different and signifies what we understand as a curse, or in this case, a judgment on those who would treat Israel with derision such as the Biden Administration.

His Proposal to Divide God’s Land Will Surely Bring God’s Wrath

As I have written before, and include here for completeness, Scripture makes it clear that those who attempt to divide God’s Land in the last days will incur His wrath.

The prophet Joel reveals that God’s wrath against the nations at the end of the Tribulation will stem from their desire to divide “my land."

One of the key signs of judgments that will overflow the earth during the “day of the Lord” that the prophet Joel writes about is a darkening of the sun: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.”

Jesus, in describing His return to earth after the judgments of the Tribulation period, also mentioned the darkening of the sun that will happen at His Second Coming.

Although the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse is not the darkening of the sun that will happen at the end of this age, I cannot escape the thought that it symbolizes the terrors that lie ahead for planet Earth.

I also believe it’s a warning to America as it occurs in connection with Biden’s push to divide God’s land and the contempt that the U.S. president is displaying toward Israel’s leadership by seeking to impose ceasefires in Gaza that interfere with their goal of defeating Hamas.

Regardless of what the April 8 solar eclipse signifies regarding our future, America truly rests on dangerous ground as its leaders treat Israel with great contempt and seek to divide God’s Land.   

Patricia N.
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Biden to order US military to build Gaza port for direct aid shipments:

The United States military will build an emergency temporary port on the coast of the Gaza Strip to enable the direct, large-scale maritime transfer of aid to the coastal enclave, senior Biden administration officials told reporters Thursday.

“We are not waiting on the Israelis. This is a moment for American leadership,” the official told reporters, adding that President Biden will formally announce the plan in his State of the Union address Thursday evening.

“This port, the main feature of which is a temporary pier, will provide the capacity for hundreds of additional truckloads of assistance each day.”

While the Netanyahu government has ratcheted up the volume of aid allowed into the coastal enclave, Israel has expressed concern over Hamas seizures of incoming goods, with the IDF experimenting with secured passages through the Gaza Strip to distribute aid while avoiding the Hamas stronghold of Rafah on the Egyptian border.   

Paul R
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Ramadan starts tomorrow. Expect the unexpected.

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And Daylight Savings Time too, yippee!

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Posted by: @terry

And Daylight Savings Time too, yippee!



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@yohanan Ooops; sorry.

Patricia N.
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@terry  It makes sense to me in these crazy times.  Something bad and something good all in the mix!

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@terry Why sorry?

Patricia N.
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Reports: Humanitarian Aid Airdrop Kills Five Civilians in Gaza, Injures Ten More:

Witnesses told the Guardian that the accident happened near the coastal refugee camp al-Shati after a parachute attached to the pallet failed to deploy properly and fell on a group of men, teenagers, and children waiting for aid.

“Then, all of a sudden, the parachute didn’t open and fell down like a rocket on the roof of one of the houses,” witness Mohammed al-Ghoul told the newspaper. “Ten minutes later I saw people transferring three martyrs and others injured, who were staying on the roof of the house where the aid packages fell.”

According to a video obtained by CNN of the malfunction, the pallet can be seen falling at a high speed, with bags coming apart “in a shower of debris, and later seen and heard impacting the ground with audible loud thuds.”

The government media office in Gaza called the airdrops “useless” and “flashy propaganda rather than a humanitarian service,” according to Al-Jazeera.

It is not yet clear who the aid was from. Multiple countries, including the U.S., are conducting airdrops of aid in Gaza. According to CBS News, the U.S., Jordan, Egypt, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium dropped aid over Gaza on Friday.   

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The government media office in Gaza called the airdrops “useless” and “flashy propaganda rather than a humanitarian service,” according to Al-Jazeera.


Of course! Should we expect anything less from such ungrateful people? 

Patricia N.
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Israel’s Netanyahu Says He Will Defy Biden’s ‘Red Line,’ Draws One of His Own:

If Joe Biden still doesn’t understand that other world leaders will never take him seriously or see him as a threat, then he’s more hopeless than we thought.

If you don’t remember, after Biden’s epic fail of a State of the Union address, he was heard on a hot mic expressing his frustration with the Israeli Prime Minister, saying “I told him, Bibi, and don’t repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come-to-Jesus’ meeting.”

Later, in an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart, Biden attempted to make himself appear a strong and intimidating presence by saying that Israel’s planned military operations in Rafah, a city right in the south of Gaza on the Egyptian border, would be the “red line” for Netanyahu.

As Netanyahu told reporters on Sunday, when asked whether he’d go ahead with the invasion of Rafah, “We’ll go there. We’re not going to leave them. You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is? That October 7 doesn’t happen again. Never happens again.”

Netanyahu is right to oppose the ceasefire that virtue-signaling leftists are so aggressively lobbying for.

As Biden himself inadvertently admitted in that MSNBC interview, a ceasefire for the month of Ramadan would only strengthen Hamas, giving the terrorists time to regroup and rearm themselves.

Moreover, according to Netanyahu’s own estimates, “We’ve destroyed three-quarters of Hamas’ fighting terrorism battalions. And we’re close to finishing the last part in warfare,” projecting it taking “maybe six weeks, maybe four,” to finally end the fighting.

You have to admit, if his figures are accurate, it would be pure stupidity to put on the brakes right now.

Patricia N.
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Report: Biden Trying to ‘Collapse’ Netanyahu Government, Mid-war:

U.S. President Joe Biden is reportedly attempting to force the “collapse” of the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the middle of a war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza and a potential war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Biden has been increasingly hostile to Netanyahu in his public remarks, recently saying that Netanyahu is “hurting” Israel more than he is helping it through his conduct of the war. (Netanyahu fired back, saying that Biden was “wrong.”)

Now, New York Magazine reports that the Biden Administration is actively looking for ways to force Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition, which has been remarkably unified, to fall apart, which would bring about early elections. It reported (original emphasis): One Israeli expert frequently consulted by American officials says, “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, what can we demand which will collapse his coalition.”

Netanyahu has been a frequent obstacle to Democrats’ policies in the Middle East, starting with his opposition to President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, and continuing into his opposition to Biden’s Palestinian state ideas.   

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