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Patricia N.
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Terror Victims Sue Associated Press over Alleged Link to October 7 Attack:

Victims of the Hamas terror attack in Israel on October 7 announced Thursday that they have filed a federal lawsuit against the Associated Press (AP) for allegedly paying members of Hamas who also functioned as “stringer” photographers for the company.

The AP was forced to cut ties with one freelance photographer, Hassan Eslaiah, who was seen holding a grenade near the Gaza border during the attack, and who had earlier posed for a photograph with Gaza-based Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar.

Later, an AP freelancer was reported by the HonestReporting watchdog organization to have broadcast a live video, along with a Reuters freelance photographer, allegedly encouraging Gazans to participate in the October 7 attack while it was still ongoing.

In a press statement Thursday, the National Jewish Advocacy Center, Inc. (NJAC) said:

The National Jewish Advocacy Center, Inc. (NJAC), working with attorneys from the Law Office of David I. Schoen; Mark Migdal & Hayden; LSN Law, PA; and Goldfeder and Terry, LLC, has filed a federal complaint in the Southern District of Florida on behalf of Plaintiffs affected by the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack by Hamas, against Defendant The Associated Press (AP) alleging that the AP materially supported terrorism through payments that they made to known agents of Hamas.

On and after October 7, several major media outlets posted photographs of the atrocities Hamas committed. The AP paid for some of these real time images, including of Israeli hostages being taken into Gaza, despite having been warned well in advance that at least one of the so-called “journalists” they were paying were in fact Hamas affiliates, and despite the clear indications that they were functioning as full participants in the Hamas terrorist squad that conducted the October 7th attack, and not as the AP chose to pretend, as journalists. In doing so, the lawsuit alleges, AP aided and abetted Hamas in carrying out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. The Plaintiffs in this case include survivors of the attacks, family members of those murdered, and innocent civilians displaced from their homes because of Hamas’s action.

The legal team, under lead attorney David Schoen, reached out to the AP before filing, “but the AP flatly denied what has been established by demonstrable evidence – that the AP was told long ago that at least one of the people they were paying was affiliated with Hamas. In fact, this arrangement was such an open secret that a picture one of their photographers posted three years ago of himself being kissed by the demented arch terrorist Sinwar has been widely displayed by the media.”

“The First Amendment and core free-speech principles certainly protect the AP’s right to hold and to publish even highly offensive views,” said Mark Goldfeder, Director of NJAC. “But the allegations in this lawsuit have absolutely nothing to do with what AP said, and everything to do with what they did. Media organizations don’t have any special right to act with impunity and pretend that they don’t know whom they are paying. Nor does it matter that they were freelancers; the issue is that AP was furnishing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, not in what capacity the terrorists were cashing the checks. We hope that a suit like this can draw a line in the sand and provide some basic level of accountability.”

Separately, a New York Times photographer who had been accused of accompanying Hamas terrorists on October 7 won a prestigious George Polk Award for his coverage of the war.

As Breitbart News reported last year, the Times denied any wrongdoing.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

As per channel 12 news in Israel - the Israeli military intelligence denied the request of the Southern Command to bring attack helicopters closer to Gaza in the hours before the October 7th massacre. Similar “stand down” orders were given to infantry and navy forces in the hours prior to the massacre and the reason for that is - the military intelligence was convinced that it’s only an exercise and didn’t want to expose and burn its sources inside Hamas in Gaza.
Needless to say that those sources eventually turned out to be unreliable and useless.

Now I must make it very clear - at no point the prime minister was informed about the whole nightly drama. His phone rang only at 6:29AM when the attack has already begun.
So all the irresponsible fake reports as if Netanyahu knew in advance and gave an order to “stand down” are of ignorant people who know nothing about the situation!

Perhaps Today
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I never did believe this was a false flag so that Israel could attack Hamas. I knew there had to be more to it.

Patricia N.
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Biden Leaks Confidential Details of Hostage Talks to Late-night Comedian:

President Joe Biden divulged details of secret negotiations over Israeli hostages to late-night comedy host Seth Myers on Monday — giving away bargaining positions by a key U.S. ally, while predicting success that all sides in the talks said was premature.

Biden, eating ice cream with the host of NBC’s Late Night with Seth Myers, said that he hoped for a “ceasefire” by next Monday. He did not specify whether he meant a temporary or permanent ceasefire, and both Israel and Hamas said there was no such deal.

Reports, in fact, emerged on Monday that Hamas had rejected the terms of a proposed framework for a deal, throwing cold water on the optimism that had briefly emerged over the weekend for an agreement.

In addition to predicting unlikely success in the negotiations, Biden divulged that Israel had offered to stop the war during the upcoming Islamic holy month of Ramadan — thus pinning an ally to a public position that had intended to be an offer, not a firm commitment in the absence of mutual agreement.

Israeli government spokesperson Tal Heinrich said Tuesday that there was no agreement with Hamas, adding that the terrorist group’s demands — including an end to the war and Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip — were “outlandish” and from “another planet.”

Critics have speculated that Biden wanted to appease Arab and Muslim voters in Michigan ahead of Tuesday’s primary vote, where he is certain to win but faces a possible boycott by Democratic Party primary voters upset about the war in Gaza.    

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16 minute clip from Kimberly


Shocking Biden using American Funds to help build the Middle East Corridor through Gaza!


Synopsis:  Shocking!  In my last video I questioned what Netanyahu was praising Biden for … and guess what?  Biden said that based on his “instinct” the corridor that will run through Gaza may be the reason for the Hamas attack on Israel.  I said he may be laundering the Americans money for this project and here in this statement it can be proven he has been involved in this historic Middle East corridor project.  Israel had to gain control over Gaza and cut off Egypt at the Rafah Crossing to make sure Israel controls the Gaza Strip and West Bank.  Wow this is a stunning bit of info… also the proof that Netanyahu was allowing Hamas to be funded by Qatar, to elevate them over the Palestinian Authority is just insane!  Whew … what a tangled web of deception! 
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Patricia N.
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Palestinian Activist Blasted for Whining that Firebombing, Hijacking Planes Deemed Unacceptable Form of Protest:

Prominent Palestinian writer and activist Mohammed El-Kurd is facing fierce backlash after complaining it’s unacceptable to commit acts of terrorism, such as hijacking and throwing deadly molotov cocktails, in support of Gaza.

In a viral X post on Monday, the popular Palestinian activist wrote: You can’t protest peacefully. You can’t boycott. You can’t hunger strike. You can’t hijack planes. You can’t block traffic. You can’t throw Molotovs. You can’t self-immolate. You can’t heckle politicians. You can’t march. You can’t riot. You can’t dissent. You just can’t be.

“POOR MOHAMMED EL-KURD Not allowed to do fun things like hijack planes and throw Molotovs,” wrote the Australian Jewish Association. “This extremist was a guest at the 2023 Adelaide Writers Festival subsidized by the State government.”

“The pro-Hamas mob is angry that they aren’t allowed to hijack planes,” wrote speechwriter Aviva Klompas.  Mohammed El-Kurd is a frequent speaker on US campuses…remember this the next time he flies into your hometown,” she added.

El-Kurd has a history of espousing radical rhetoric and has been accused of “unvarnished, vicious antisemitism.”

Last month, he made headlines after calling Zionism — the longing of the Jewish people to return to their ancestral homeland and the fulfillment of the dream of millennia — a “death cult” while stating that massacres should be “normalize[d],” during a diatribe against the Jewish state at a pro-Palestinian rally in London.

El-Kurd argued that Hamas’s attack would be documented in future history books as an “example of revolutionary struggle” that one need not wait to “celebrate.”   

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Here is Part 1  … it’s 44 minutes long.

Per Kimberly … she keeps connecting the dots   Popcorn  



WOW! Remember that Israel was working with China on a belt and road initiative? Well, it turns out that the India Middle East Corridor project, announced at the UN by Netanyahu, will replace that and Israel will be the central hub! All the nations will prosper by the wealth of her trade through this corridor route that goes from India to UAE, Saudi and Israel. Then goes to Cyprus & Greece, up to Italy and France, who ironically is negotiating the hostages in Israel!!!   WOW .. so the rail station named after Trump shows this railway and corridor was already being built before the Oct 7th attacks in which, the Mossad, whose motto is “by way of Deception” … did not even detect the Hamas attackers. High ranking former IDF agents said that not even an insect could breach the gate without setting off the alarms … people, Egypt is being choked off from having control at the Rafah Crossing, so the corridor can go through with Israel in control of it!!!
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Patricia N.
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Israel won't allow Gazans to return to northern Gaza Strip until 'return of all the hostages,' says Israeli DM Gallant:

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced on Monday that Israel would not permit Palestinians displaced by the war to return to northern Gaza until all the hostages are released.

The Hamas terrorist organization has reportedly demanded that Israel allow those who were displaced by the fighting in northern Gaza to return to their homes.

Israel’s stated goal is to completely dismantle the Hamas terror group and says it will only agree to a temporary pause in the fighting to secure the release of hostages. 

Hamas says it will not free the hostages without an agreement that leads to a permanent end to the war.

"We're totally committed to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth," Israel's economy and industry minister, Nir Barkat, told Reuters at a conference in the United Arab Emirates, where Israel's growing acceptance has provoked angry reactions from Palestinian militants.   

Patricia N.
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Israeli officials puzzled by Biden’s optimism on ceasefire deal:

Hamas also weighed in, saying that the US president’s remarks were premature.

Senior Israeli officials said on Tuesday that they were unaware of any basis for US President Joe Biden’s remarks on Monday that a hostage-for-ceasefire agreement in Gaza is imminent.

During an unannounced visit to Van Leeuwen Ice Cream in Manhattan, near Rockefeller Plaza, Biden was asked about when a ceasefire in Gaza might start.

“I hope by the end of the weekend,” Biden said, per the pool report.

“My national security adviser tells me that we’re close. We’re close. We’re not done yet,” Biden said. “My hope is by next Monday, we’ll have a ceasefire.”

Ynet quoted the senior Israeli officials as saying on Tuesday morning that they do not understand “what the American president’s optimism is based on.”

The Hamas terrorist group also weighed in on Biden’s comments, with a source telling Reuters that the statement was premature and did not align with the situation on the ground.   

Patricia N.
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US Treasury Secretary tells Israel to bring back Palestinian workers:

Israeli ministers are concerned with the security problem posed by re-issuing work permits to Palestinians. 

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged the Israeli government to reinstate work permits for Palestinians and to release tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority.

Yellen sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with “a number of steps that the US believes must be taken” which “are vital for the economic well-being of Palestinians and Israelis alike.”

Since the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7th, Palestinian workers have been barred from working within the pre-1967 border of Israel and 150,00 Palestinians who live in Judea and Samaria are now unable to travel for work.

To respond to the shortage, Israel has considered bringing in tens of thousands of workers from other countries to replace the Palestinian workforce.

In December, Minister of Economy and Industry Nir Barkat ....wrote on X, “The reality changed on 7/10 and unfortunately there are those who don’t realize it. The days that Israel will rely on the labor of Palestinian workers are over.”

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