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Patricia N.
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Imam recites Quran at Belgian parliament, calling for killing, kidnapping of Jews:

An Imam at the Belgian parliament last week began reciting a verse from the Quran that explicitly calls on Muslims to kill and take Jews captive.

The Quran excerpt is verse 33:26 from the Al-Ahzab Surah (chapter). It translates to, “ And He brought down those from the People of the Book who supported the enemy alliance from their own strongholds, and cast horror into their hearts. You ‘believers’ killed some, and took others captive.”

Within the Quran, Jews are referred to as the “People of the Book.”

The event on Tuesday was not organized by the parliament, but rather at the initiative of Hasan Koyuncu.  MP Theo Francken, critical of the organizer of the event, posted on X, formerly Twitter, "This man invited that imam. He is deputy speaker of parliament. Can he stay that way?"

MP Darya Safai recalled her own detention in Tehran, "With the same chants as here in the Brussels parliament, we woke up every morning in the prison of the ayatollahs, were required to pray in our cell with the same words, and at the same time several Iranians were hanged to set an example to others. I managed to escape that prison alive, unlike many others, and it shocks me even more to hear the same thing here in Belgium, 24 years later, in the heart of Western democracy."   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The Russian army is completing the occupation of the Ukrainian city of Avdiivka, for which there was a battle for many months, and here it is hoisting the Russian flag over one of the tallest buildings in the city.
Patricia N.
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Israel Sets March 10 Ramadan Deadline for Hostage Release — or War in Rafah:

Israel has set a deadline of March 10 — the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan — for a hostage deal with Hamas, failing which it will proceed with plans to invade Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas leaders on the Egyptian border in Gaza.

The announcement, apparently representing the position of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, was made on Sunday by opposition leader Benny Gantz, who has joined the war cabinet as part of an emergency government of national unity.

“The world must know, and Hamas leaders must know — if by Ramadan our hostages are not home, the fighting will continue everywhere, to include the Rafah area,” Gantz said.   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Russia issues threats against Norway over “sovereignty issues” in Svalbard.
Russian Deputy PM Yuri Trutnev compares the situation there for Russians with Ukraine:
“Today, our warriors are spilling blood for the sovereignty of our country & the right to speak Russian.”

Patricia N.
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Pompeo: We Must Support Israel’s Resolute Victory In This War Against Evil:

This week, my wife, Susan, and I visited Israel for the first time since the barbaric Hamas attacks on October 7.  I’ve been to Israel many times.  But this visit was the most poignant and the most heartbreaking.  What Hamas terrorists did to innocent Israelis on October 7 was so shocking, so sadistic, that it is difficult to capture in mere words. 

. . . our country must continue to support Israel in its fight to destroy Hamas, so that the tragedy of October 7 never happens again.

My trip also made it even more frustrating to hear the Biden Administration’s criticisms of Israel’s response.  Last week, President Biden characterized Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas as “over the top.” 

This Administration should worry less about the impression it makes with its radical, progressive base and instead consider what is right and wrong.

During their visit to Israel, former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo and his wife Susan urged Christians to continue fervently praying for Israel as they work to stamp out evil.

“I just want to say, for those of us, of which there are millions, who are so crushed – who were so crushed – on October 7th and continue to be and continue to stand with you, we feel helpless. And it’s hard for us to know how to convey – especially to those personally affected, but to Jews everywhere – how much we care,” Susan Pompeo explained.

“And so, I will share with you a prayer that I’ve been saying, and I asked my Bible study friends to say also, for Israel. And the prayer goes along the lines that it is a battle between evil and good,” she continued. “One of you said that, and I believe that wholeheartedly. And we must overcome as warriors, all of us in our corners of the world. We have to overcome this evil, not be afraid, be as courageous as we can be, [and] pray hard. We must stamp it out. So, just know we’re praying for you.”   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

7.2 million illegals entered the United States under the Biden admin, an amount greater than the population of 36 states.
The Houthis just attacked an American-owned ship.  It was carrying humanitarian aid.
To Yemen.
You literally cannot make this up. Worst Houthi flub yet.
China: The worst cold spell in over six decades saw Xinjiang freeze at -52.3°C temperature.  
Temperatures broke a 64-year-old record in China's far western region of Xinjiang, plunging to a bone-chilling minus 52.3 degrees Celsius.
Waterfowl have frozen to death in a lake.
Birds and other animals not adapted to cold climates struggle to maintain their body temperature, leading to hypothermia and potentially fatal outcomes.

Patricia N.
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A 2,000-year-old 'widow's mite' coin found by 11-year-old boy near Dead Sea:

A young Israeli boy recently discovered a coin over 2,000 years old near his hotel in the Dead Sea area, the Israeli Antiquities Authority announced.

The tiny bronze coin was minted under the Hasmonean King and high priest Alexander Jannaeus during the 1st century B.C.

Nati Tokiar is an enthusiastic 11-year-old child who was evacuated with his family from their home on Kibbutz Magen after the Oct. 7 massacres that led thousands of Israelis living in border communities to be quickly relocated to a safer place.

During one of his trips to the Dead Sea area, where his family is living in a hotel, he was surprised to find an ancient coin on the ground. Nati demonstrated outstanding citizenship by returning it to the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA).

"The response we received was exceptional, and it was heartening to see archaeologist Alex Freiberg make the effort to come and meet Nati in person, presenting him with a certificate. This experience has filled Nati with joy and motivation, inspiring him to continue practicing good citizenship in the future."

This specific coin type is named “the widow mite” by some scholars, antiquities sellers and experts, as it was most probably the coin mentioned in the Gospels of Mark 12:41–44 and Luke 21:1–4.   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati: The IDF's Plan to Dismantle Hamas & Bible Prophecy Update | Watchman Newscast:

Patricia N.
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Netanyahu Presents Plan for ‘The Day After Hamas’ in Gaza:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his plan for “the day after” Hamas is defeated in Gaza to his Cabinet on Thursday, calling for local officials without links to terrorism to run the government, and Israel to exercise military control.

The plan does not explicitly rule out a role for the Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs Palestinian communities in the West Bank; nor does it include a Palestinian state, leaving that issue for future bilateral talks. It is deliberately vague on these points.

Netanyahu’s goal in leaving those contentious issues undefined appears to be to satisfy the demands of the Biden administration on the one hand, and his right-wing coalition partners on the other. But on several other issues, Netanyahu is absolutely clear.

One is that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) must control Gaza’s borders and must have complete freedom to operate within Gaza to stop terrorism. The Gaza Strip is to be entirely demilitarized, from a Palestinian point of view, except for a civilian police force.

Another is that Israel will establish a kilometer-wide buffer zone within Gaza, a no-man’s-land that will protect the Israeli border communities that Hamas attacked on October 7. (The Biden administration has insisted, in contrast, that Gaza not lose territory.)

Finally, the plan insists Gaza be “deradicalized.” Netanyahu envisions a possible role for the United Arab Emirates and for Saudi Arabia, but appears to sideline Qatar, which shelters Hamas; and also rules out the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

This evil world filled with satanic influence is weak and disposable.
The real power comes from the one who has the power to give life. And He demonstrated it on Himself so beautifully! He gave His life and when the time came He took it back! He is the only hope of Israel. He is the only hope of this world.

Everything you see around you is not going to survive! Don’t admire the things of the world, such as amazing talents, beauty, human wisdom, etc.

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.”

You may say - it’s not going to happen soon. I’ve heard these words many times.
Those are the words the people of Noah’s generation said. The flood which was spoken of and warned of came then as a complete surprise to them. As Peter wrote:

“For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”
American Central Command:
As a result of the Houthis' attack on the British ship Rubymar a few days ago, an 18-mil oil slick was created in the sea. Also, the ship was carrying fertilizers that cause environmental damage at sea.
Greta, are you still there?
The United States and Britain launched dozens of strikes against Houthi militants on Saturday evening.
The strikes are the largest military operation against the Houthis in two weeks.  
The attacks targeted the infrastructure and weapons used by the Houthis to carry out their attacks.  American officials say that the United States and Britain have bombed 18 sites of the Yemeni army.
Iran special forces have carried out a cross-border raid into Pakistan during which they killed Ismail Shah Baksh, a leader of Jaish al-Adl and a number his supporters.
The tensions between the countries are far from over.
Will Pakistan strike back?

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