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Patricia N.
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Amir continued:

Patricia N.
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Make Gaza Great Again?  by Amir Tsarfati  (3 minutes)


Perhaps Today
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It is amazing how gullible people are. To continue to buy into this Hamas lie.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The Ukrainian army sank a Russian ship in the Black Sea:
The Ukrainian army said it sank a Russian ship named "Tsezar' Kunikov" today using naval drones.  The ship participated extensively in the war against Ukraine and in the past also in attacks by the Russians in Syria.  Russia has not yet confirmed the report. The number of victims is not yet known.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

In a surprise to nobody, the IDF searched a hospital in Khan Younis and found dozens of terrorists and stockpiles of weapons.
Among those detained at Nasser Hospital was a Hamas ambulance driver who participated in the October 7 massacre.
Remember that when the mainstream media tells you that the IDF raided a hospital.
Egypt is preparing for the worst-case scenario for it in the Rafah area, which is a breakout of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip into the Sinai Peninsula, after the destruction of the border fence following the IDF operation in Rafah.

The Egyptian army already understands that the decision has been made in Israel to occupy the Rafah area and the "Philadelphia axis", and that this military action is only a matter of time. Despite Israel's promises to Egypt and the US that the occupation of the Rafah area will only be done after evacuating more than a million displaced people and moving them to the center of the Gaza Strip, the Egyptians are not taking any risks. They know that they will not be able to stop the influx of displaced people if they decide to breach the border fence with Egypt.

Therefore, according to Egyptian sources, the Egyptian army has begun construction work in eastern Sinai through a contracting company, in order to create a safe area isolated from the border with the Gaza Strip to receive the displaced persons in the event of mass migration as a result of IDF activities in the Rafah area. The area is intended to receive approximately 300 thousand displaced persons Palestinians in tents that will be erected there. This area will be surrounded by a 7-meter-high concrete fence. The work in the area is intensive and will be completed within ten days.

The area is secured by the Egyptian army, which is assisted by intelligence officers and the "Forsan Elhaitham" militia of one of the Bedouin tribes, who helped the Egyptian army defeat the ISIS forces in the area.
Amidst the rising anti-Semitism on campuses: the Education Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives issued a new subpoena to the management of Harvard University.
Harvard became a hub of terror sympathizers!
Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, has died in prison according to Russian media outlets.
Dear Palestinians,  
Two decades ago Israel gave you full autonomy over Gaza. With tens of billions in aid money, you could have turned it into Dubai.
Instead, you built terror tunnels and weapons. You celebrated murdering and kidnapping Israeli civilians.
Zero sympathy for you.
(Dr.Eli David on X)
What is happening to Canada?
Flyers are being distributed in McGill University in Montreal, instructing students to boycott courses and programs affiliated with Israel - and let’s be honest, we know they mean Jews.
India’s prime minister Natendra Modi and UAE’s President Mohammed bin Zayed signed a framework agreement to work together on the India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor project. The project aims to integrate railway lines and sea routes from India to Europe through the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel, which will speed up the transit of goods.
With this step, the UAE made its choice in favor of India, refusing to support China’s One Belt One Road economic development initiative.
Today, Mr. Pallywood got confused about which hand he injured. It varied depending on what time you check his Instagram account...

Patricia N.
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Blue State Blues: Why Israel, and the World, Need Benjamin Netanyahu:

Benjamin Netanyahu has many skills that have allowed him to survive so long as Israel’s prime minister, defying domestic rivals and international critics. But one skill in particular makes him indispensable: his ability to stand up to bad American policies.

Right now, that bad policy is a Palestinian state.

Giving the Palestinians a state after the Palestinian terrorist group known as Hamas carried out the biggest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust would reward terror and create terrible incentives.

What Biden does not understand, or chooses to ignore, is the fact that nearly two-thirds of Israelis now oppose a Palestinian state — a complete reversal from a decade ago, when nearly two-thirds supported one. Rockets, and terror, have changed their minds.

Obama’s big idea was the Iran nuclear deal, a complete sham that allowed the Iranian regime to emerge as a nuclear power after a decade or so, and that gave it potentially hundreds of billions of dollars that it could use to fund its terror operations worldwide.

Netanyahu had the audacity to oppose the nuclear deal. Israel was supposed to stay quiet, like Czechoslovakia at Munich in 1938, another small democratic nation cut out from the high-level diplomatic maneuverings that would ultimately determine its fate.

With that history in mind, Netanyahu spoke out against the Iran deal from every available platform, even delivering a speech in Congress against Obama’s proposal. He was not opposed to any deal, but rejected one that put his own people in grave danger.

Netanyahu could do that because he is, in a sense, American: he went to high school in Pennsylvania, studied at MIT, and speaks English fluently, without an accent, albeit with a deep Israeli baritone. He knows how to appeal directly to the American people.

Netanyahu has held onto power because he has convinced a broad coalition of right-wing parties, who together represent the majority of Israeli citizens, that he is the only person capable of governing when Israel faces pressure from its strongest ally.

And the world needs him. Because he is right about a Palestinian state — as he was right about the Iran deal, and many other mistakes. Rewarding terror would make us all more unsafe. Ironically, the more Biden attacks him, the more powerful he is.   

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KS Rajan on Five Doves, Pompeo: The Backward Belief Of A Two-State Solution:

As Olivier Melnick recently underscored, “As much as the Palestinian narrative has wanted us to believe it was, this was never about the land. This has always been about the complete annihilation of the Jewish people and the complete eradication of the State of Israel from the world map.”

Hal Lindsey likewise wrote: “Even if [Netanyahu] can depose Hamas, the nature of this conflict means that a similar group will arise. Hatred against Israel is not about land, rights, or money. It is a tenet of [Islamic] faith.”

Rewarding terrorists with land and autonomy couldn’t possibly bring peace to the region. So why are the Biden administration and numerous world leaders championing this “solution”? The answer is found in Scripture.

A two-state solution advocates for the dividing of Jerusalem, with the east portion of the city being given to the Palestinians for their state capital.

God told the prophet Zechariah that a time would come when Israel is re-established, and the world would be fixated on the idea of dividing the Jewish State, specifically Jerusalem.

In Zechariah 12:3, God warned the nations: “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”   

Patricia N.
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The son of Hamas’ co-founder speaks out on why Hamas needs to be eradicated:

Patricia N.
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What Is Life Like for Palestinians in Gaza? Eye-opening documentary (27 min):


Patricia N.
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Netanyahu Defies Biden with Unanimous Vote Against Imposed Palestinian State:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defied U.S. President Joe Biden on Sunday by submitting a resolution to his government opposing a Palestinian state imposed from outside, and having the resolution endorsed unanimously.   

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