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Patricia N.
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Hamas commander tells troops it’s time to surrender to the IDF:

‘We came to the decision that we don’t want to fight and as soon as the army comes we will turn ourselves in.’

In their own words, it appears the time has come for Hamas terrorists to throw in the towel.

When Shin Bet asked Hamas Nukhba terror commander known as Abu al-Baraa during interrogation if he had a message for his fellow Hamas fighters, he said, “I recommend everyone surrender, your fate is death.”

Abu al-Baraa told Shin Bet that he and his troops intended to surrender when the IDF entered their tunnel in Khan Younis, even though they were armed with Kalashnikovs, RPGs and improvised explosive devices.

He told Shin Bet, “We came to the decision that we don’t want to fight and as soon as the army comes we will turn ourselves in.” 

Abu al-Baraa added, “We sat in the room, we put all the weapons outside, outside the room. And the army came and took all the weapons. We sat and waited. When the army arrived, we raised our hands and surrendered.”

Shin Bet confirmed they caught Abu al-Baraa and other terrorists who were hiding in a tunnel in Khan Younis behind a reinforced door.  “We will continue to act and strike at Hamas terrorists from above and below ground,” the Shin Bet said.   

Patricia N.
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Amit Tsarfati:


We have been lied to. This is the message that goes all across the Arab world suddenly after the October 7th events and the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people, has 36 hospitals. There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas and fuel for free from Israel. Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving 530 million a month from Qatar alone, and 120 million a month from UNRWA and 50 million a month from the European Union and S30 million a month from America. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with 51 million.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged and all goods were entering it as we foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were travelling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and there's many examples for that.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that our minds were besieged by a propaganda lie about what is going on in Gaza.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza are organized by terror headquarters and ammunition warehouses with Hamas underground tunnels.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground metro of Hamas that stretches for 500 kilometers, which Israel can only invade.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children's rooms in Gaza homes.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book Mein Kampf were very popular in Gaza and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza or a portrait of the author.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that the Gazans live a life of luxury with multi-storey mansions with swimming pools and premium German cars.
Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege on Gaza because it still borders its Muslim sister Egypt.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that most of the citizens in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, elected Hamas in democratic elections and celebrated the massacres on October 7th.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that what is called journalists in Gaza who work for Western media like CNN, AP, Reuters and others turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that what is called peace activists and workers of international human rights organizations of the UN, the Red Cross and WHO turned out to be terrorists and corrupt people of Hamas. Others turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7th.

🔴Suddenly we discovered that each of the leaders of Hamas is a billionaire and richer than President Trump with a net worth of four to S5 billion each.

So after Hamas started the war on October 7th by infiltrating Israel, the world has discovered a lot of what's going on in Gaza, especially from the Arab world.

Now the Arab world has unveiled the truth and discovered what's going on. And I think everyone in the world should understand what Hamas stands for.

Hamas doesn't really care for the people of Gaza. Hamas doesn't care for the Palestinians whatsoever. They just care about their own survival and they care about the destruction of Israel.

And this is something that we cannot approve and this
is something that we will not stand for.

Paul R
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I know how you feel, Yohanan. Every time your president does or says something stupid, illogical or just downright evil, your country (that you love) becomes a laughing stock. Can't wait for the day that we all have a King that we can look up to and admire.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:


It was allowed to be published that in a joint operation by the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Israel Police (YMM) in Rafah, two Israeli hostages, Fernando Simon Marman (60) and Louis Har (70), who were kidnapped by Hamas to the Gaza Strip from Nir Yitzhak in 7/10.

The condition of the two is good and they were taken for medical tests at the Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center.

The security forces will continue to act in all efforts to recover the abductees.

Perhaps Today
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May God bless and keep Israel. DIEU  

Patricia N.
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Hamas in the Bible – the sequel:

Did the prophets prophesy this damnable violence? Bibi seems to think so.

“Hamas” – in addition to being the Arabic name of this death-worshipping, extremist Islamic terror organization in Gaza – is also a Hebrew word mentioned over 60 times in Scripture. Here we will share several of the most relevant among them. But first the definitions…

In Biblical Hebrew “hamas” – חמס means: “to be violent; by implication to maltreat: – make bare, shake off, violate, do violence, take away violently, wrong, imagine wrongfully.” (Strong’s Concordance)

In Arabic “hamas” means: enthusiasm, excitement, fire, intense interest; And it is also the acronym in Arabic for the full name of the organization called Hamas: “The movement of Islamic resistance” (Harakat Al-Mukawama Al-Islamiyah).

In the previous article, Israel Today shared the seminal appearances of “hamas” in the Bible – in Genesis chapter 6, verses 11 and 13. Both refer to the earth being “full of violence,” which becomes the trigger causing the Judge of all the earth to execute judgment in the Flood and push “restart” with Noah.   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

After all the fake news about Egypt threatening to cancel the peace with Israel if we enter Rafah:
The Egyptian Foreign Minister: There is a peace agreement that has been in place with Israel for more than 40 years and we will continue to uphold it.”
More about the hostage release:  The daring rescue took significant planning after Israeli intelligence identified a building in which the two hostages were held.
The forces trained on a model and prepared for various incidents and complications. Last night the forces were ready and given a "green light" to proceed.

The extraction team arrived quietly at the home in Rafah at around 1 am.
At 1:49 a.m., the forces breached the second-floor apartment with explosives, and within moments killed three terrorists guarding the hostages.

Within one minute of the rescue, the Israeli Air Force carried out massive airstrikes against Hamas terrorists in the area of the operation, to aid in the extraction.  The two hostages were taken by the forces in armored vehicles out of Rafah, then put in a military helicopter that brought them to the hospital.
The Palestinians got the memo and now are leaving Rafah towards the north as the Israeli ground maneuver is approaching.
The Israeli government confirmed: Al Jazeera's offices in Israel will be closed.
New details about rescued hostages, Fernando Marman and Louis Har.

➡️ Their relatives say that they had cooked for the family that had held them captive.

➡️ They lived mostly on pita bread and white cheese and returned having lost much of their body weight.

➡️ They had not seen sunlight during the 129 days since their abduction.

➡️ They were asleep when the Israeli forces entered and, until they realized that they were in the hands of Israelis, were sure they were going to die. Their extraction came as a complete surprise.

➡️ The men had not seen news for the entire time they were held hostage, except for one time when they were able to watch a broadcast on Al Jazeera.
More about the dramatic operation in Rafah at night: in order not to endanger the hostages, the special forces lowered them using rappelling ropes from the second floor to the bottom, without going through the first floor where an unnecessary risk could have been created.

When the hostages were transferred to the rescue vehicles, one of the Shin Bet fighters noticed that Luis was barefoot, and carried him in his hands so that he would not injure his feet from the glass and stones that were on the floor. Immediately after that, the warrior took off his operational shoes and put them on Lewis. The shoes were left in Tel Hashomer hospital and the soldier continued the rescue mission without his shoes.
Skiing area near Davos, Switzerland.  
Jews have been barred from renting ski equipment.
The looming ground assault on Rafah will signal the end of Hamas as a coherent army.
It's also the end of Hamas as a government anywhere.
It's Iran's first time being decisively rolled back anywhere.
And it's a military victory for a Western country.
All of these things contribute to the increasingly desperate calls for Israel not to send in troops.
Not to evacuate civilians in order to execute it either.
Just not.
Israel please, please do not win.
Anything but that.
..... <  

Patricia N.
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IDF Airstrikes Pound Damascus As Syria Warns That It Is Ready For War With Israel:

If you haven’t been paying close attention to what is going on in the Middle East, you need to start doing so.  As I have discussed previously, I believe that a Great Middle East War will be one of the conflicts that defines World War III.  For months, the fighting has mostly been limited to Israel and Hamas, but events on the northern front are really starting to heat up.  In fact, as you will see below, the IDF just pummeled Damascus with more airstrikes and the Syrian government is saying that it is ready for war with Israel.  So could we soon see a scenario where Israel is fighting an all-out war with Hezbollah and the Syrian army simultaneously?

Needless to say, that really would be a nightmare.  We are so close to a major regional war, and each new day brings new escalations.

Right now, there is a tremendous amount of buzz about Israel’s impending assault on the Hamas stronghold in Rafah.  As the Jerusalem Post has pointed out, Hamas desperately needs Rafah if it is to survive. There is likely another side to this. Hamas needs Rafah to survive. This is how Hamas controls humanitarian aid entering Gaza.

If Israel really does intend to wipe out Hamas, it must go into Rafah.  And it appears that is exactly what is going to happen.  Of course Hamas is really freaked out at this moment, and they are desperately trying to get Israel to back off by warning that any attack on Rafah would “torpedo” negotiations for the release of the remaining hostages…

But there is a problem.  More than a million Palestinian civilians have taken refuge in Rafah, and getting them to safety before the assault begins has become a major international issue

I think that Israel will go into Rafah, and when that happens there will be an explosion of international outrage.  Could that be one of the events that triggers a full-blown war on the northern front?  At this stage, we truly are on the verge of the unthinkable.

On Saturday, the IDF once again hammered Damascus with airstrikes…  In response, a top Syrian official has reportedly said that Syria “is prepared to engage in conflict with Israel”… If an all-out war erupts on the northern front and missiles start flying all over the place, Israel will completely flatten both Damascus and Beirut.  I do not think that most people understand how cataclysmic this war could potentially become.

We really are living in a time of wars and rumors of wars.  And World War III is going to turn our world completely upside down.  Unfortunately, most people still seem to believe that global leaders have events under control and that everything will work out just fine somehow.   

Patricia N.
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The Widespread Passion To Divide Jerusalem Demonstrates The Nearness Of The Tribulation:

Even though he wrote The Late Great Planet Earth over fifty years ago, Hal Lindsey remains a leading voice in the realm of biblical prophecy.

In a recent article of his, “Recognizing ‘Palestine’ as a State in the Aftermath of Oct. 7 Would Reward the Worst Kind of Evil,” Lindsey correctly ties any near-term recognition of a Palestinian state as a prize for terrorism. . . . 

The determination of America and other nations to reward the murderous brutality of Hamas in such a way by dividing the Land of Israel demonstrates the nearness of the seven-year Tribulation. I say this for a couple of reasons.

The Warnings of Scripture Point to the Current Determination for Divide Israel: 
Long ago, Israel’s prophets wrote about the determination to divide Israel in the latter days. 

The current determination to divide the Land of Israel will continue, resulting in God’s final judgment of the nations at the end of the Tribulation. Since we already see such widespread passion for this, how close must we be to the Day of the Lord?

The prophet Zechariah wrote about a future time when the nations of the world would become consumed with the future Jerusalem (12:1-5). This prophecy is coming to life in our time.

Do any UN members seek to give away a part of any other capital city in the world? Of course not. But just as the Lord predicted long ago through Zechariah, this would happen to Jerusalem in the last days. Does this not point to our soon disappearance followed by this time of wrath upon the earth? (1 Thessalonians 5:1-10).

Israel’s Covenant with Death Lurks in the Future:

The Bible tells us that the clock will start ticking on the seven-year Tribulation when Israel agrees to a peace covenant with the Antichrist (Daniel 9:27). Isaiah describes this future agreement as “a covenant with death” (Isaiah 28:14-18). Do we see any stage setting for this in the aftermath of all that’s transpired regarding Israel since October 7, 2023? Absolutely. However, it will be a more long-term result of current events.

As Hal Lindsey points out in his article, the Biden administration’s proposal for a two-state solution rewards barbarism, murder, and rape of innocent people. Benjamin Netanyahu will not agree to any such plan now or in the near future.

However, several factors seem likely to weaken the current resolve of Israel’s leaders in the future. Israel’s ongoing war on many fronts, the likelihood of a much deadlier encounter with Hezbollah, and the obtaining of a nuclear bomb by Iran are likely to continue for many months or longer. We can expect that the nonstop threats to the nation’s existence will, at some point, make its leaders vulnerable to an offer of peace.

What if someone suddenly appears on the world scene who seems both able and willing to guarantee a time of peace for the nation? What if this coming “man of lawlessness” sweetens the deal by including the construction of the Jewish third temple on the Temple Mount?

I believe such factors will cause Israel’s leaders to come to terms with the “covenant of death” offered by the antichrist. Although this seems out of the realm of possibility in the near future, events could, and will, rapidly progress to this point after the Rapture of the Church.

The Rapture is a signless event that could happen at any moment. It’s the nearness of the Tribulation that leads to our awareness that it could happen very soon since the New Testament assures us that our disappearance will happen before Israel inks the “covenant of death” with the antichrist.   

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

According to the tests at the hospital for the abductees who were released last night - the abductees did not receive the medication that the State of Israel gave them in the deal with Hamas almost a month ago. There is no better proof than this of the violation of the agreement - that we took our step and delivered to them entire trucks with medicines that probably also helped treat wounded terrorists and they did not take the small step of bringing the individual medicines to our abductees. After slaughtering, raping, torturing and kidnapping they continue with their terror and now we also got proof that they lied... Hamas must be destroyed!
Satan is so afraid that we will finish the job with Hamas.
South Africa submits an urgent application to the International Court of Justice regarding the planned attack in Rafah.
“Hamas' strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, because their goal is not to defeat Israel's military or to hold terrain; it is far more sinister and medieval—to use the death and suffering of Palestinian civilians to rally international support to their cause and demand that Israel halt their war.”  --Newsweek
What is happening in Gaza's Rafah city looks like a horror movie. As you can see in this video that went viral on social media, dozens cameramen standing at the entrance of a medical center in Gaza. They start running to the entrance along with a boy who seems to be carrying his little brother. Instead of leaving the camera and helping him they just film the whole scenario.
Fortunately, the doctor quickly removes the bandage that someone tied on the child's head before the cameras started rolling. As you can see with your own eyes, there was no injury under the bandage.
The Egyptian regime fears one thing in Rafah: discovering the extent of the corruption of the Egyptian army and its relationship with arms, drug and human smugglers. . . . 

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