Are we in world war 3?!!?! :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: I'm watching Amir right now. If there's a commercial before video, wait it out, I guess. Saudi Arabia holds Israel responsible. Israel may blow Gaza to smithereens then will draw in a larger conflict. https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8amQfBL8IuNU_3RxMLRBGVit5mVPzTZY This was from just last night. I watch these guys every week. They also believe we go this year. "Yohanan says, Some think we have been in WW3 ever since the Russian/Ukrainian war." If we were, it would have been said. Nobody said that we were in WW3! We are not even supposed to be here if we were in WW3. "If we are we won’t be here too much longer." I hope not!! If we were, it would have been said. Nobody said that we were in WW3! It may not be broadcasted on the evening nightly news but back in March 2022 NBC said this: Russia may have already started World War III Many pundits believe it has already begun. You can find it all over the internet. The Russian/Ukrainian war has turned into a proxy war with may nations involved. Keep in mind that WW3 will not be fought like the previous two world wars. No matter what is going on in the world always remember that Jesus Christ is in charge! Put your faith in Him and Him alone and do not worry about wars and rumors of wars. These things must come to pass. Keep your eyes on Him and keep looking up! Little tiny Israel the real estate our God claims and very much observed by our God is so prophetic as a stand alone these days,in the midst of surrounding nations out to destroy . . a cup of trembling in process? , yet still standing as God claims it shall .. . .happening in real time, surely our Lord in Heaven is showing His believers HOW NEAR His return is, ~ ~ how much more, the rapture . . gotta be this year . . https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/07/middleeast/sirens-israel-rocket-attack-gaza-intl-hnk/index.html Donna, I couldn’t agree more! Yes, Kent . . . and our pResident's 'advise'? . . Israel should not respond. . . the fallen realm keeps moving in global unity of insane fierceness ganged up against little tiny Israel. final end days prophesy is happening now ALONG with all the other signs . . catch us up, Jesus . . “It’s so incredibly shocking how silent it is in America, my friends don’t even know what’s going on here, and when (hopefully) Israel attacks back and attacks hard, I hope we don’t take into consideration global media because it doesn’t matter what the world thinks at this point. I see moms with babies being taken by terrorists and as a mother myself I can’t even comprehend that it’s actually real,” Kamenetsky said. The Biden administration’s U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs deleted a post Saturday telling Israel to “refrain from violence” after Hamas attacked. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded with a declaration of war. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have begun striking Hamas terrorist strongholds in Gaza, in an operation dubbed “Swords of Iron.” Of all of the countries to be watching based on prophecy in Scripture, Israel is definitely first. As Donna said, God is trying to get our attention as to the nearness of the Rapture. This attack could be domino number one.
Some think we have been in WW3 ever since the Russian/Ukrainian war. If we are we won't be here too much longer.