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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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This from Craig Bong's fb page posted 6 hours ago:

Possible much talked about 18th SDG in the making.
The event, titled “Peace Day Effort for Middle East Peace,” will take place on Monday and is being put on by Saudi Arabia along with the Arab League and the European Union in cooperation with Egypt and Jordan, one of the diplomats said. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will be the keynote speaker.
Neither the Israeli nor the Palestinian missions were invited to the event, the UN diplomat said, explaining that it is focused on congregating important global stakeholders on the issue in order to “reinvigorate” the peace process.
The current hardline Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to entertain the notion of peace talks with the Palestinian Authority, instead moving to radically expand Israel’s footprint in the West Bank. The PA supports a two-state solution, but its leadership is marred by charges of corruption and President Mahmoud Abbas was roundly criticized last week for a speech employing a range of antisemitic tropes. Both Netanyahu and Abbas will be at the UN next week.
The event is the latest effort by Saudi Arabia to engage in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as it negotiates with US President Joe Biden’s administration about a potential normalization agreement with Israel.
Last week, Riyadh hosted a Palestinian Authority delegation to discuss how to leverage a normalization deal to advance the Palestinian cause.379254047_10230591749115928_3060123269804290238_n

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Thank you for posting Craig’s update!


Okay…  talk about confusing ….


Neither the Israeli nor the Palestinian missions were invited to the event, the UN diplomat said, explaining that it is focused on congregating important global stakeholders on the issue in order to “reinvigorate” the peace process.

Then it says …

Both Netanyahu and Abbas will be at the UN next week.


:wacko:    I guess its a wait and see? :unsure:

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The UN diplomat that said they would not be there may have not know. This could be a new development.

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If the peace deal is part of the 7 year climate push, then maybe the deal is forced on them.  You agree to this or else.  He will confirm a covenant, enforce a covenant.... So exciting!!!!

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WW65  Lisa’s update … Starts @ 9:27 marker - 16:29   for the Israeli news of what went on this past Wednesday.

More “Secret Meetings” with U.S., Gantz and Bennett about Saudi normalization

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Saudi Arabia Tells Israel That The ‘Price Of Peace’ Via The Abraham Accords Will Be The Creation Of The State Of Palestine Taken From Jewish Land


By Geoffrey Grider

Saudi Arabia has let the Biden administration know that resolving the Palestinian Two State Solution is critical for any Abraham Accords normalization deal with Israel, says Blinken

Today the proverbial ‘other shoe’ dropped and now all cards are on the table, 52 straight up, with regards to the true meaning and purpose behind the Abraham Accords covenant signed back in 2020. Now you can sign all the normalization deals you like, if Israel doesn’t sign with the ‘big cheese’ Saudi Arabia they won’t mean very much at all. But signing the Abraham Accords with the Saudis and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman comes at a very steep cost. The price tag is the creation of a Palestinian state made from the land of Israel. Will it happen? Absolutely, 100% guaranteed if you believe the Bible. The Abraham Accords are now, and have always been,the ‘hook in the jaw’ to lure in Israel to a very wrong relationship with their stated enemies.

“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”Joel 3:1,2

“…In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:” 2 Kings 21:7


Saudis say Palestinians must be part of Israel peace deal, says Blinken
From The JERUSALEM Post : “If Saudi-Israel normalization is to move forward, the Palestinian piece is going to be very important too,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. “It is also clear from what we hear from the Saudis that if this process is to move forward the Palestinian piece is going to be very important too,” he said in an interview with the podcast “Pod Save the World.”

He spoke as the Biden administration has been increasingly public about its pursuit of a security pact with Saudi Arabia that would include a normalization deal with Israel. It’s expected that Israel would have to make concessions to the Palestinians as part of the deal. Such a deal would come on top of the US-backed 2020 Abraham Accords, in which Israel agreed to suspend the annexation of West Bank settlement in exchange for normalization deals with four Arab countries: the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan.

Israeli normalization with the Arab world and “any of the efforts that are going on to improve relations between Israel and its neighbors can not be a substitute for Israel and the Palestinians resolving their differences and having a much better future for Palestinians,” Blinken said.

“In our judgment that needs to involve a two-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he explained.
Earlier this week National Security Advisor Tzahi Hanegbi said that the Palestinians had spoken with the US, the Saudis and Israelis about a significant Palestinian component to the deal.


The Abraham Accords have always been about dividing Israel to create a state of Palestine
“The call for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of 1967 with east Jerusalem as its capital in line with the relevant international resolutions and the Arab and international consensus will remain a firm demand,” Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed from United Arab Emirates said.


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Note:   Trying to connect the dots here … :popcorn 

This Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan (picture above) is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates. He is a son of the founder of the United Arab Emirates, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. In 2020, he was a signatory of the Abraham Accords on behalf of the UAE. 😉 

End time watcher, Craig Bong believes the peace agreement deal will be signed at the last day of COP28 meeting in the capital of United Arab Emirates, the city of Dubai, on 12/12/23. 


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Israeli Defense Minister Reveals: Iran Building Air Base in Lebanon:

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant revealed Monday that Iran is building an air base in Lebanon with the purpose of targeting Israel.

The Times of Israel reported:
Speaking at an annual conference of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy (ICT) at Reichman University in Herzliya, Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region.

“In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the ayatollah regime plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says.

“In other words: The land is Lebanese, the control is Iranian, and the target is Israel,” Gallant says.
Iran is heavily involved in Lebanon through its proxy, the Shia terrorist group Hezbollah, which also participates in the Lebanese government.

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Israel‘s customs authority said on Thursday it found 16 tons of material used for rocket production during an inspection of a shipment from Turkey headed to Gaza:

The customs authority said it had stopped for inspection in July two containers carrying 54 tons of what were supposed to be bags of plaster.

A lab test confirmed some of the bags contained ammonium chloride, the authority added, which it said was used by groups in Gaza “to produce rockets that are eventually launched towards Israel.”

In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem described the report as “lies.”

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Starts @ 2:10    Lisa thinks the deal gets done in November … if so its just in time for the COP28 meetings November 30 - December 12, 2023 … for the signing

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