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Patricia N.
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From Amir Tsarfati's e-mail newsletter:

Israel Preparing a Preemptive Strike on Hezbollah:

There are two options when someone is going to attack you. Either you respond proactively or reactively. From all accounts, it seems Israel is done with being reactive against Iran’s proxy militias. Iran’s desire is to strike Israel in order to distract them from their attacks on Tehran’s nuclear program. Because they fear retaliation if they carry out an attack themselves, they will do it instead through the terrorist group Hezbollah. Recently, Israeli intelligence has uncovered very strong evidence that Hezbollah is planning an attack in northern Israel in which villages will be invaded and hostages taken. The Netanyahu administration will not sit by and wait for that attack to take place. They will be proactive. Thus, it is very likely that a major strike is about to take place by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Once that happens, Israel must be prepared to endure a period during which thousands of rockets will be fired across the border from Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza. Keep your eyes on Israel. Pray for Israel. These coming days could be a very trying time.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Tonight, Iran officially became the vice president of the UN General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly elected Iran's permanent representative in New York as the vice president of the 78th session of the General Assembly.

Iran that less than a year ago killed and imprisoned tens of thousands of Iranian citizens, most of them young, because of a headscarf.

Israel informed Egypt that both Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Lebanon are planning an attack from the north on Israel. Obviously, it’s with the green light from Hezbollah. Israel told the Egyptian mediators that it will reserve the right to remove any threat by assassination of their leaders and/or destruction of their terror infrastructure.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Unusual terror attack on the Israeli Egyptian border. At least two Israeli soldiers were injured and airlifted.
The event is still undergoing and under complete gag order!

The Israeli Air Force is attacking now in the depth of Egyptian territory in Sinai!

It appears that this is a multilevel terror attack that began earlier with a terrorist who opened fire on Israeli soldiers who patrolled along the border and now again fire shots from the Egyptian side that are answered by Israeli air strikes.

The Israeli defense minister and the chief of staff just finished consultations. Prime Minister Netanyahu is updated.  This is a very serious incident that the Egyptian military will have to provide some answers for.

Another Israeli soldier was killed during the exchange of fire with the terrorist hours after he killed the first two Israeli soldiers. Sad day in Israel today!

The Spokesperson for the Egyptian Army "normalizes" the incident this morning at the Egypt border.

The spokesperson for the Egyptian Army recently published an official report on the incident this morning at the Egypt border, using the following language (note the nuances):

"Early this morning, one Egyptian security personnel began pursuing drug smugglers. During the pursuit, he breached the security barrier, leading to an exchange of fire that resulted in the death of three Israeli security personnel and the injury of two others. One of the Egyptian security forces members was killed during the exchange of fire. Currently, security forces are scanning the area, the incident is under investigation, and the area is secured. Appropriate legal measures will be taken based on the findings. Our condolences go out to the families of the deceased. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured."

Make no mistake, each word in the following statement was chosen carefully. The Egyptians are completely normalizing the behavior of the gunmen that crossed the border and are "consoling" everyone, including the family of the Egyptian police officer, of course.

Two points from the Egyptian announcement which connect the event in the early morning to the event in the afternoon:
1. Linking the entire event to drug smuggling.
2. An attempt to present the event as a misunderstanding between the two parties.


Patricia N.
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From Amir Tsarfati's e-mail newsletter:

June 16-18, we will teach the Revealing Revelation Conference once again in Timisoara in western Romania! What an opportunity God has blessed us with, and we are so excited to see what He is going to do!

I must admit that as I’m leaving Israel, it is with concern and frustration. Every single person in my country’s military, intelligence, and government knows that the commencement of a very big war is not a matter of if but when. In the past, America has been the stabilizing power that has kept the dogs at bay. But now, what once was the most powerful nation on earth is being led by an incredibly weak administration that is humiliatingly desperate to make a deal with Iran, seemingly at all costs. If this new Iran deal goes through, instead of giving the US more influence in the region as they hope, it will essentially render America irrelevant in the Middle East. I love the US; it is like a second home to me. It breaks my heart to see what has become of this country that I have so admired and respected.

The Washington elite believe that if they can only come up with a good deal for Iran, the ayatollahs will gratefully accept it and hold to it. But that is not in their DNA. This administration is expecting those in the Middle East to think and act like Westerners. That’s not going to happen. They also assume that Israel will go along with the deal because they are dangling the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia as some great reward. Again, that’s not going to happen either. We would love a strong relationship with Saudi Arabia, but agreeing with a new Iran deal is far too exorbitant a price.

Soon, the Biden administration will roll out their terrible new deal. Only a compromised and foolish Democrat-led government, along with their liberal, progressive EU buddies, will believe in it. The Israelis won’t buy it. The Saudis won’t buy it. The Iranian regime will gladly sign it, but they won’t hold to it. Israel, for the sake of its own survival, will end up having to act alone to stop Iran from going nuclear. And that’s when it will all blow up.

I know that God has His hand on His nation and on His people. I pray for His intervention in the process of this new deal, and that He somehow restores the strength, reputation, and positive influence of the United States of America.

Patricia N.
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Palestinian Poll: Vast Majority See Violence as Solution; Few Believe in Two-State Solution:

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) released a new survey on Wednesday that painted a grim picture of a Palestinian public overwhelmingly supportive of violence towards Israel, with two-thirds believing that Israel will not celebrate its hundredth anniversary.


Moreover, 78% believe that the chances of creating a Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel in the next five years are slim or nonexistent.

When asked what has been the most positive or the best thing that has happened to the Palestinian people since 1948, the largest percentage (24%) said that it was the establishment of Islamic movements, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad (both classified as terrorist organizations) and their participation in “armed struggle.” 21% said the first and second intifadas were the most positive developments in Palestinian history since 1948.

Despite a plurality of Palestinians perceiving Israel as powerful when asked whether Israel will celebrate its 100th anniversary, a majority of two-thirds (66%) says it will not do so. In comparison, 27% say it will, whereas 7% said they do not know.

Patricia N.
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SODOM DISCOVERED: Meet the archaeologist who discovered the notorious biblical city, the most dramatic find of the 21st century, Exclusive interview with Dr. Steven Collins on THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN:

. . .many in this modern, scientific age struggle — or outright refuse — to accept that the cities ever really existed, much less that God wiped them out with fire from heaven.  After all, to believe Genesis would be to accept that God is real, the Bible is true, and that God really does bring judgment against individuals, cities, and even whole nations if they stubbornly reject God and flagrantly disobey His commands.

. . .Collins told me, he simply followed all the location clues laid out in Genesis and boom — he uncovered the biggest Bronze Age city in the entire Middle East, a city that comports with the Biblical account of Sodom in every respect, including its sudden and cataclysmic annihilation.

“The proper question to ask in the location of Sodom is, ‘Where was Lot standing when he lifted up his eyes and saw that the whole plane of the Jordan was well-watered?’ It was Bethel and AI,” Collins explained.

All this led Collins and his team to dig in a site called Tall el-Hammam, with the permission of — and under the supervision of — the Kingdom of Jordan.

And what did they find?  A massive series of cities, including the biggest and wealthiest city of the Bronze Age in the entire region.  What’s more, they found a massive metropolitan city that was completely wiped out in a sudden firestorm and then uninhabited for the next 700 years.

To watch last week’s episode of THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN — with Part One of my exclusive interview with Collins — go to www.RosenbergReport.TV.  Tomorrow night, don’t miss Part Two.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati from his email newsletter:

Protests Break Out Again as Israel Begins Judicial Reform:
Israelis once again took to the streets and blocked major thoroughfares as the bill to remove the judiciary’s “reasonableness” review of laws and decisions passed its first reading. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters say that this ability within the courts to determine “reasonableness” gives the judicial branch of the government way too much power. Ultimately, it means the courts rather than the legislature have the final say in the laws of the land. No other country gives their judiciary that much power. Unfortunately, the media buys into the lies of the liberal left, and the people eat it up. For the sake of the country, judicial change must happen. But it is going to be a long battle.

IDF Busy on Three Fronts:
The Israeli Air Force (IAF) attacked an area near Damascus, Syria, Wednesday night. The targets were warehouses which stored “advanced Iranian weapons.” Closer to Israel’s border, three Lebanese suspects attempted to damage the fence between Israel and Lebanon. The IDF used non-lethal weapons to chase them away. Finally, in the West Bank city of Nablus, two men suspected of carrying out a terrorist attack on June 5 were killed in a shootout with Israeli security forces. This, sadly, has been indicative of the State of Israel since its inception in 1948. We are constantly surrounded by our enemies, forced to strike either preemptively or in retaliation for what is perpetrated upon us.

Iran Behind Attempted Attack on Israeli Embassy in Azerbaijan:
Israel has officially blamed Iran for a foiled plot against the Israeli embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan. Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said in a statement, “Iranian terror is a global threat, as we saw in the past few days in Azerbaijan in an attempted attack against the Israeli Embassy in Baku, as well as in recent months in Cyprus and Greece in attempted attacks against Israelis and Jews.” Earlier this week, an Afghan national was arrested for the plot. So far, Israeli intelligence has done well thwarting Iran’s terror attempts. But all it will take is one missed attack to bring devastation to many people.

War with Hezbollah Nears:
It is almost inevitable that a war between Israel and Hezbollah will break out soon. And, because Hezbollah has so much power within Beirut’s government, the entire country of Lebanon will likely be brought in. Currently, Lebanon is a rudderless ship. There is no sitting president. The terrorist group Hezbollah is looking for regime change and seeking to bring it about by installing their own candidate in the country’s top spot. It is quite possible that we will soon see assassinations within the country itself, as the Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah seeks to rid itself of competition. Meanwhile, the terrorists are continually antagonizing Israel along the border seeking to draw Jerusalem into a shooting war. We are now at a place where the best option may be to give them what they want. At least if Israel launches hostilities, they will be able to do it in their time and in their way, rather than being in a reactive position.



Patricia N.
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Israel’s Netanyahu is rushed to hospital for dehydration. Hours later, he says he feels ‘very good’:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday declared that he feels “very good” after he was rushed to the hospital for what doctors said likely was dehydration.

But doctors ordered him to remain in the hospital overnight for further observation, and his weekly Cabinet meeting was delayed by a day and rescheduled for Monday, his office said.

Netanyahu’s office said he was hospitalized after feeling mild dizziness. It said that he had spent the previous day in the heat at the Sea of Galilee, a popular vacation spot in northern Israel, and that after a series of tests, the initial assessment was that the veteran Israeli leader was dehydrated.

Later on Saturday, a smiling Netanyahu issued a video statement from the hospital, saying that he had been out in the sun on Friday without wearing a hat and without water. “Not a good idea,” he said.

“Thank God, I feel very good,” he added, thanking the medical team at Israel’s Sheba Hospital and thanking the public for messages of support.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

King Mohammed VI of Morocco invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to visit Morocco this evening.

The invitation was issued in a warm personal letter in which the King thanked the State of Israel for its willingness to recognize Morocco's sovereignty in the Western Sahara.

King Mohammed VI wrote to the Prime Minister that "the visit will open up new possibilities for strengthening relations between our countries."

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Prime Minister Netanya will undergo tonight a medical procedure to install a pacemaker. He will be released tomorrow just in time to get to the parliament for the vote on the judiciary reform legislation.

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