Nathan Jones: The Arabs and the Palestinians, which are pretty much one and the same, are masters at public relations. So, yes, the world right now is saying, “Israel, yeah, we’re behind you!” But, the world is infected with a satanic hatred of the Jews. It’s hard to understand why people hate the Jews so much, well the Bible tells us that it’s satanic in nature. So, yes, once Israel starts fighting on the ground in Gaza, the tide of public opinion will likely change, and people will become like, “Okay, you’ve overdone it with the Palestinians.” Then there’s a good chance that Hezbollah in Lebanon will jump into this conflict which will then soon morph into the Psalm 83 War. As a result, Israel will enlarge its territory. What’s interesting about this new war is that we can trace the drones that hit Israel’s borders and the money behind Hamas to Iran and Russia. Ezekiel 38-39 foretells Russia coming down against Israel because it yearns to plunder Israel. Just what does Israel have now that Russia would want? Israel is now a direct threat to Russia’s economy when it comes to selling natural gas, especially to Europe. That “hook in the jaw” God uses to draw Gog down to Israel is already here. It’s clear that these prophetic wars are so close as every day something happens that reveals their nearness. Of course, we’re not rejoicing that this new Israel-Hamas war is happening, but rather we look to what happens after the Gog-Magog War when God supernaturally steps in and destroys the threat of Russia and Iran and Turkey and Gog’s remaining coalition. The Jews will turn to God, though not yet to His Son. Then, once the Tribulation commences, the whole world will turn against Israel. That means the United States will turn against Israel on that day. Blessed Promises So, again, we don’t celebrate any of these horrors of war. We reject and condemn them and those who are acting satanically, filled with great evil and malice towards the Jewish people. We know God is still on His throne. He is still in control. And He will bring a great remnant of the Jewish people to salvation. Nathan Jones: How blessed it is to read Psalm 121:4, “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” The Israelis are not alone, for God is on their side. Of course, the Lord wants them to feel alone so they’ll turn to Him and repent. We know from prophecy that a third of the Jews by the end of the Tribulation will turn to Jesus Christ. How encouraging, too, that if the Lord is protecting His people, where 60% of the Jews in Israel don’t even acknowledge that Yahweh exists, how much so will Christ take care of Christians. As Psalm 121:5-7 continues: “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” What a blessed promise to Christians! Tim Moore: Christians have so many blessed promises that we should remind each other of them. After all, we’re supposed to encourage one another and all the more as we see the day of Christ’s return drawing near. https://christinprophecyblog.org/2023/10/hamas-and-the-end-times-wars/
Tim Moore: We do not relish or celebrate the darkness, rather we recognize that because we have read the Word of God and so understand what Christ has revealed through His prophetic word, we know that the world will indeed grow increasingly dark. We will have trouble in this world, and yet these troubles are external to Christians because internally in our hearts we will not be troubled — if we stand on Jesus Christ. Christians have that assurance. All of these end times signs merely demonstrate that Jesus Christ is at the very gates of Heaven and that we are currently living in the season of Christ’s return.