Is the Trump Peace ...
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Is the Trump Peace Plan What the AC Will Ultimately Confirm?

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David W. Roche
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The statement is attributed to Belgian NATO Secretary-General Paul-Henri Spaak. "We do not need another committee. We already have too many. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lead us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us a man, be he God or the Devil, and we will receive him."

There are no references to it outside of Christian sources, which makes it difficult to document, besides being allegedly spoken.

The iron is Rome; the miry clay is evidently something else.  I've also heard the proposal that "they shall mingle themselves with the sons of men" could indicate something not entirely human.  Then they are not themselves the "seed of men"?  Maybe.  Or it could be that the leaders of the world view themselves as godlike but will attempt to govern with the help of the common people, and the two just don't mix.  In ancient times, kings of empires did see themselves as gods and their subjects were viewed as "dirt."  They would have laughed at the notion of holding a "town hall" to tell the emperor what to do.

After all, this was Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and God was telling him that in the course of time he would pass from the scene and things would deteriorate.  How did Nebuchadnezzar respond when he was described as a "head of gold"?  Rather than humbly submit to God, he ordered an idolatrous image of himself entirely of gold to be constructed so everyone could worship it.  Message not received.  What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Nebuchadnezzar sees the succession of world leaders as a monument to human achievement, towering above everyone below, until a big rock brings it all down.  Daniel sees the same order as a series of dangerous beasts ultimately to be killed, after the Son of Man (the perfect human) comes in glory.

11Then I kept watching because of the arrogant words the horn was speaking. As I continued to watch, the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. 12As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was removed, but they were granted an extension of life for a season of time.   Daniel 7:11-12

There will be an "image of the Beast" brought to life by the False Prophet.  Somehow, I don't think too many people would be impressed with a display of animatronics, as that is becoming so common.  I really don't know how that will play out, however.

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BREAKING: Trump to unveil peace plan next week. Invites Netanyahu, Gantz to White House. Pence issues invitation while in Jerusalem. Palestinian leaders livid. High risk strategy. Here’s what we know so far.

January 24, 2020 - By Joel C Rosenberg in Epicenter

(Jerusalem, Israel) — Stunning most Mideast analysts and pundits, President Trump says he will unveil his “Deal of the Century” peace plan next week. And he will also host a high profile, high stakes meeting with two senior Israeli leaders at the White House on Tuesday.

“It’s a great plan,” the President said aboard Air Force One, heading to Florida. “It’s a plan that really would work.”

Here’s what we know at this hour:

Pence issued invitations to Netanyahu and opposition leader Benny Gantz while he was in Jerusalem on Thursday. (note: more details in the Pence visit tomorrow.)

Pence said Gantz was invited at the recommendation of Netanyahu.
Pence made the announcement while on his first visit to the new American Embassy in Jerusalem.

Pence is now the highest ranking American official to visit the new Embassy.
White House goal by including Gantz: to create the widest possible acceptance of the plan from across the Israeli political spectrum.

Jared Kushner and Avi Berkowitz — two of the architects of the plan — were supposed to be in Israel this week for the World Holocaust Forum that drew top leaders from 50 countries.

Both canceled their trip at the last moment. Media speculation suggested the cancellation meant the plan’s release wasn’t imminent. But just the opposite was true.

Leaks throughout the Israeli media purport to have bombshell detailscontained in the plan — but for the moment it’s all speculation and rumor.

Palestinian leaders are seething — one said, “No Palestinian can accept this dangerous conspiracy.”

A livid Mahmoud Abbas said: “We warn Israel and the U.S. administration not to cross any red lines.”

Very few of the 50 world leaders who came to Israel this week visited Abbas.  In a sad and likely self-defeating move they may come to regret, Palestinian leaders have for more than a year shut down all contact with the White House and have done nothing to negotiate with the Trump administration and try to improve how the deal may affect them.  Nevertheless, Trump says of his deal, “it’s actually very positive for them (the Palestinian people).

Three big questions emerging:

First, will the vast majority of the Israeli people embrace the plan, or will it create new social and political divisions?

Second, even though Abbas and his advisors will reject and denounce the plan, will any segment of the Palestinian people embrace it, or at least say that it is a reasonable starting point to begin negotiations?

Third, how will the Gulf Arab states react? Egypt? Jordan? I’m watching these matters most closely of all.

“Some supporters of the U.S. administration’s broader Middle East policy are hesitant regarding the option of publishing it before the election,” the Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Wednesday, before this news broke late Thursday night.

“Joel Rosenberg, a Jerusalem-based author and analyst who has made headlines in recent years for organizing high-profile meetings between U.S. evangelical leaders and Arab heads of state, tells Haaretz he thinks it would be wiser to publish the plan after the election.”

“Is there an upside to releasing the peace plan before the Israeli election in March? Perhaps, but I don’t see it,” Rosenberg says. He adds that, in his opinion, it would be better “to put the plan out immediately after the March 2 vote, but before anyone puts together a coalition. That way, the White House can’t be accused of interfering in the election, but it can still lay on the table core principles and key proposals that a new Israeli prime minister will absolutely need to take into account.”

That said, having decided to plow ahead and release the plan now, I will say it was a shrewd move by Trump and Pence to invite Gantz to the White House for the rollout. That will help blunt (though by no means eliminate) accusations that the White House is trying to boost Bibi’s re-election efforts.

Next week promises to be fascinating, controversial and historic. I’ll provide updates and analysis from here in Jerusalem on this blog. For up-to-minute-updates, please follow me on Twitter.

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David W. Roche
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That said, having decided to plow ahead and release the plan now, I will say it was a shrewd move by Trump and Pence to invite Gantz to the White House for the rollout. That will help blunt (though by no means eliminate) accusations that the White House is trying to boost Bibi’s re-election efforts. 

Remember when a certain president openly interfered with the Israeli elections and worked to have Netanyahu removed?  Well, actually, there was more than one.



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Thanks for the update Geri7 Next week should be very exciting. Interesting that this virus thing in China is going on at the same time.

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Yeah the Coronavirus is alarming.  Just thinking about all those who work in the sweatshops and have the stuffy nose, cough, etc. and then touching all those cheap items on the assembly lines before it gets package and shipped out to our country. :wacko: Will the disease spread this way to?  They tend to spray toxic formaldehyde on their junk  before it gets shipped out ... wonder now if that is a blessing after-all ... perhaps the formaldehyde can kill the Coronavirus on the spot?

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I think several things would affect it. One being how long the virus could survive without a host, moisture, temperature, etc.

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The hour glass is certainly dropping grains of sand as we speak!  It seems to me that this peace initiative is a true harbinger of the dwindling days before us!  Also an important piece of the prophetic puzzle.



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And while all the news media is preoccupied and distracted with Kobe’s death and not even talking about Trump’s peace unveiling ....

Someone pointed out in Japan “Kobe” means ... God’s Door!

KO means “God” and “Be” means “door” ... Could it be a sign the door of heaven is going to open in Revelation Chapter 4?   Or not? :unsure:

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Anybody else in a deep cleaning mood tonight just in case tomorrow is the big day of the rapture?

- I just did the laundry

- All the dishes and appliances are cleaned

- Trash taken out

- I’m making a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so I won’t have to turn on the stove

- I will mail out all the utility bills early tomorrow morning

- Will leave a lot of water and food for my dog just in case he is stuck down here a little longer


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Nah. If the hordes want my stuff they can take it as it is. It's usually pretty clean anyway. 😉

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