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Is it Fair?

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Humbly Irrelevant
Posts: 296
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Joined: 6 years ago


Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why does the roof collapse while we pray inside the steeple?

Why is it that the suffering of the unsaved seems rare,

While Christians are attacked during the middle of prayer?

How often have we returned from work after a marvelous day,

Only to find our domestic life in complete disarray?

Or left our wonderful havens of familial shelter,

To proceed directly into the occupational swelter?

The affluent and ungodly seem to thrive in life,

Indifferent to our struggles and daily strife.

They appear to stockpile more than their reasonable share,

While not losing any sleep about us because they JUST DON”T CARE!

There isn't an easy answer for why the Godly suffer loss,

But there is no doubt it increases once you pick up that Cross!

The more committed you become the bigger threat you’ll be,

Your prayers are menacing hindrances to an infernal strategy.

But more unsettling than this are the attacks from within,

From Brothers and Sisters who act as if they never sin.

They even go so far as to question our Christian walk,

Chastising our “lack of faith” with their blustering talk.

God, why do You allow this paradox to exist?

Why are the invectives from our own Brethren allowed to persist?

How is it that those who avow to follow You in Name,

Throw the largest stones and hurl the most blame?

The enemy won’t rest until the day that he is chained,

Continuing to inflict damage until he is finally restrained.

As for those casting stones from the balconies of their glass houses,

They should be ashamed of themselves for being such louses!!

There is a DAY coming when we’ll finally be freed,

From this world of suffering, hunger, and greed.

Those who are watching KNOW that our Saviour is near,

So disregard the false-piety and negative comments you hear!

While the enemy is running to and fro spreading venomous leaven,

We who “are pure in heart” shall soon see Heaven;

Those with wicked tongues shall be consumed in their pride,

While we who “are persecuted” shall be eternally at God’s side!!


Let it be not only soon Lord but NOW!!!    Please save us from this wretched world of darkness and bring us into Your Light!

I ask the humbly, even though I am irrelevant Lord.

Thank you for being our Hope, our Light, and our Salvation!!!

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Indeed to our way of thinking many things in life are not fair.  Even Solomon lamented of this fact!

For if we define fairness as blessings only and no struggle or hardships, then fairness lacks.

Is it fair that Jesus was tempted as all men are and He paid the debt price for us?!  Is it fair that after a thousand years Satan is again released to test men on the Earth?!  At first blush, no!

But God's fairness is that our hearts must all be tried, as when like Jesus prayed take this cup from me, but thy will and not mine be done.  God's fairness is then viewed from a higher plane!

I personally am more concerned with "Murphy's Law" rather than to accuse God of not being fair.

And for whatever inequities we suffer, we shall indeed be well compensated for with Heavenly rewards!!!


Humbly Irrelevant
Posts: 296
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Honorable Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Amen, tenderreed, AMEN!!!
