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Inuit Elders Issue Warning: 'Earth has Shifted'

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Patricia N.
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Inuit Elders Issue Warning to NASA and the World: 'Earth has Shifted':

The Inuit people think the weather is different and more earthquakes are happening, not because of "Climate Change," but due to the earth shifting.  The earth has wobbled or tilted on its axis.  The sun comes up in a different position and is higher in the sky and gives more hours of daylight.  They used to only have one hour in the winter to hunt but now they have two hours.  The place the sun sets and stellar constellations have also changed their positions. 

These are my notes from the video.  The main part is only about 5 minutes long.


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I remember when I lived up North going to the school in the dark at 9 am and coming home in the dark at 3 pm. I think you'd get about 3 hours of daylight in December. The only daylight I got to experience for most of winter was at noon recess. :wacko:

On the other hand, summers were great as it was only twilight at midnight. You could read a newspaper outside at that time.

You definitely learn to cherish your daylight hours in winter and you'd definitely notice a sudden change.

I do wonder if a pole shift is about to happen. ?

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I hear ya Vermont winters are a drag just like Alaska.  In December its dark at 4:30 pm whereas the South (Carolinas it would be dark by 6:20 pm).  Then you slowly see daylight hours return with each passing day.  Yesterday returning back from the stores I was amazed to see it still light at 5:30 pm but by 6:00 pm it was dark.  And its still dark at 7:00 am  … I can’t wait for changing the hour on the clocks.

Looking forward to heaven where its … ALWAYS sunny. B-)   Whereas on the earth I guess it will still have night time darkness for the earthly millennium people to catch some shut eye.  I wonder what happens after the millennium age ends … will it always be sunny on the earth too?  If so what happens to the stars?

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One nice thing being so far North is the spectacular sunrises and sunsets. They last for a long time. Not to mention the Northern Lights in the winter. So awe inspiring!

When I lived in Thailand (8 degrees North) the sunsets were so quick. Like maybe 5 minutes in duration. Mind you, incredible beaches there. ^^

Every place has its trade offs. Smile

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Here is an article that talks about a pole shift. Here would be the proposed new equator.

Behold, the new beautiful tropical paradise of Canada! Supposedly the new North Pole would be in the Bay of Bengal, East of India.

The map doesn't take into account the flooding of low lying areas after the Greenland ice cap melts, though.

