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Im a conspiracy nut but why do so many conspiracy christians believe...

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Boulder, this might help from Grace through Faith:

"When someone gives a prophecy that disagrees with the Bible, we’re supposed to believe the Bible. It doesn’t speak of a last days revival before the rapture. It says in the last days many who previously appeared to be part of the church will fall away 2 Thess, 2:3.

Some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits 1 Tim. 4:1, while others will have only a form of godliness but will deny its power. 2 Tim. 3:1-5  They will not put up with sound doctrine and will turn their ears away from the Truth to follow myths. 2 Tim. 4:3-4 What remains of the true Church will have little strength. Rev. 3:8  These prophecies have been coming true right before our eyes in the Western Church (Europe and the US) for years now.

There does seem to be a great move of the Holy Spirit in places where the gospel has not made inroads in the past. We hear reports out of Africa, the Middle East, India, China, and other places to confirm this.

Revival means bringing new life to something that’s has been dying, so what’s happening in the East technically isn’t a revival. I believe God is issuing a supernatural 'last call' around the world before He takes the Church home in the rapture."


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Kolleen, I really appreciate what you are saying about President Trump. I was stunned when President Trump “lost” the election. I was even more dismayed with the January 6 debacle (I pray daily for the release of the political prisoners and call Congress often), and the subsequent refusal by courts and state legislators to examine all of the election “irregularities.” (AKA theft). I appreciated President Trump’s presidency: energy independence, prosperity, and peace. He supported Right to Life, talked about God and family a lot, and is the only president to attend the January Right to Life event in DC. So he had a few mean tweets. Look who he was dealing with!

Anyway, I don’t think my post reflected my true regards for him. It sadly reflects my recent lack of hope in a Trump comeback. I just am afraid that there is too much corruption across the political spectrum, and am thinking there aren’t enough people in important places to help him pull a comeback off. It would be nice to see that before the Rapture. But God....

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I think the bigger reason Trump will probably not be re-elected is because God has other plans, namely the rapture. Once that happens to world will be thrown into the Tribulation and America as we've known it will be gone. I do not see that bringing back American values is in God's timetable. Like any God fearing Christian I want to live in a world of virtue and Judeo-Christian values but the time we are appointed to live in right now is as a witness to the closing of the Church age. We will get those values back when Christ is on the Throne on this earth in the Millennial Kingdom. Until that time I personally do not think we will see anything but a steady or even rapid decline in the country we once had.

Rick Jones
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When God blows his trumpet, it will be a different world. People will no longer know only know God through faith but through sight. If you don't know it's coming, then you will tremble.

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I so appreciate your comment Kent - truly!

I pray also for the release of the J6 prisoners, and am sickened by the Left entangling and entrapping lawyers and so many others with their evil.

Regarding Trumps tweets, I so agree with you - "look who he's dealing with." Could anyone of us deal with what he has had to! I believe God raised him up for these times.

Like you, I agree too re: his comeback. The forces of hell are against his regaining the presidency, in every way shape and form. Including possible harm to him.

We can hope this new UN Israeli Peace Plan news will result in the Rapture that will remove us all to finally be with Him!! :rose:


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I so agree with you, Kolleen re:  Trump . .  as well, I 'see' Trump sheltered and kept fearless at the moment in Christ's  Protection . .  . .  Seemingly Trump knows this.    Too, I have respect for Dr. Robert Jeffress and his support for Trump and his prayers  .


I think it's  such a cool thing how Trump's mug shot helped his campaign.   So like our Lord to turn things around . . . .

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So appreciate your comments Donna!! :rose: 



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