And will they still have to wear the Kippah hats? Well I walked down the Jewish food aisle today and bought a box of Matzos ... ate 1 cracker today with butter. Also bought a can of Manischewitz almond macaroons. Wow, they are sweet. I couldn’t find the lamb. Lots of corned beef on display ... then I saw small packages of filet mignon. Perhaps I will have to settle for the filet mignon as my Passover/Easter meal because don’t they also cook and eat the red heifer or do they burn it completely and use only the ashes? :unsure: And then we have the story of the return of the prodigal son ... looks like they celebrated their feast with cow meat ... aka ... filet mignon!!! :yahoo: Luke 15:22-23 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: Johanan, your response about having your name called reminded me of an old joke! Sunday school teacher exasperated by the unruly antics of Jimmy and Johnny decides to call them out. Jimmy, Johnny, do you know where God is?! They immediately bolt out of the classroom yelling: they went and lost God and their trying to blame us! TR :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Yep! I think a lot of those "little Johnny" stories were written about me 😉 Just found out that my daughter as well was told of God to look up! Many seem to be getting that word! While it is the expectation of the whole church, this word seems to be our last minute instruction! God's way of saying the Rapture is near! TR When is Ascension day this year?! TR Looks like Ascension Day falls on Thursday, May 13th ... 10 days before Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd :mail: Did you get another God-wink moment in the warehouse to be alert on that day? :popcorn :popcorn P.S. I just saw your latest post of your daughter also getting the words to Look Up! That is so cool. Ascension day May 13. May 14 Israel turns 73 yrs old! TR
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