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How is everyone doing?

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So Todd, what are you considering doing under those circumstances?

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My daughter is in the midst of covid at home, and just heard from her company in WA that the vax will now be required. This will essentially put her out of work if they will not accept a religious exemption, as she won't take the shot. Lord, Thy will be done. Father, help all those who look to You in the midst of losing their livelihood. Lord have mercy.

Todd Tomlinson
Posts: 552
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The company I work for is also in WA and just announced this morning.  Wonder if we work for the same company?

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Wouldn't that be a real "Fluke" Todd?!!...


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Father, I praise You because Your thinking and planning is always righteous and always good. We look to YOU because YOU are the only true and living God. We know from Your word that governments have to fail, even the biggest one of all that antichrist will lead one day will come down at the word of the Lord. Your word tells us that Israel isn't going to bless who You send to them until the power of the holy people is shattered as You told Daniel, only then will they, at the end of themselves and at the end of depending on allies will they say baruch haba b'Shem Adonai. Until then, what are we to do Father? We choose to stand on Your faithful character and word. We Your people ask You for wisdom, for provision, for health. I ask for Todd, for Kolleen's daughter, for all of us who are in this time before the rapture that Holy Spirit would shield us, guide us in whatever the individual path is that You have for us.  Deliver us from evil Father. Please heal Kolleen's daughter speedily. For my friend's coworker who is in ICU, would You please put in the doctors minds and move them to treat this man with drugs and treatment that is effective, please spare his life. Father, we ask for Jesus to come for the church soon, and begin that work only You can do to bring Israel to where they recognize Your Lamb, Your promised one who is the one who will crush Satan and bring in Your kingdom on earth. I ask in the name of Jesus, amen.

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we must be SO close to the rapture because God's enemy is desperate to remove all resistance to his evil takeover asap

he's running out of time



Todd Tomlinson
Posts: 552
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Yes it would be 😉  and yes that's where I work too!   They are offering religious exceptions and medical exceptions though.  Which is good news.

Todd Tomlinson
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With all of this craziness I stand on the fact that one of God's names is Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14).   He has revealed that to me so many times over my life that I'm not concerned at all about losing a job, finding the store shelves bare, or anything else along those lines.   I had lost my job several years ago and needed my truck fixed.   I went and had it fixed even though at the time I didn't have the money to get it fixed.    When I drove back home from the auto repair facility I stopped at my mail box and in the mail box was not one, but two checks and when I added the two together it was exactly to the penny the amount I had just spent on getting my truck fixed.   It was in the hundreds of dollars range so there was no way that it was some random coincidence.   The two checks were refunds from things that I didn't even know I had coming, and the key point was that when I added the amounts together it was exactly to the penny the amount I needed (it was in the $700 range -- I've forgotten the exact amount).     So with all the jab mandates, China hypersonic weapons and everything else going on around me I am comforted in verses like Matthew 6:26 and 1 Peter 5:7.    We know how the story ends and we know where our home is.   Faith over fear... it works every time.

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Amen, Todd! I love your example of faith! That is the ONLY way we will survive until the Rapture is to rely totally on God to provide. It is my feeling that that is exactly why we are here to experience all of this to date. God wants us to let go of the world, let go of our independence, and let go of anything else that comes between us and Him.

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Yes and amen to Faith in the One Who is upholding us, see's our situations, and draws near to answer our prayers. At times He blesses us before we know we need it. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to us. :bible

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