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High Watch Dates Oct 8th - 9th Yom Kippur ?

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Sounds like a major lining up of things but the dominoes still haven't begun to fall yet.

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True ... but I don’t expect to be here when the dominoes start to fall :whistle:

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TR, know that you are indeed precious in His sight, our Heavenly Father knows us from before we were formed, aligned and numbered our days when there was yet none of then. He will keep His children, because His love is steadfast, unmovable, and faithful. Keep looking up! We are going home sooner than later! You can take that to the bank! :yahoo: :flyup:

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Looking forward to meeting all the saints of the Lord.  Indeed, time is on our side!  All we can do is bless the Lord with our patience and continue drawing closer to Him, and one another!

I can only imagine that the Lord is tickled to laughter with our goofy selves!  That said, some of us are more apt to make Him laugh!

Bless the heart of our Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!!!


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Ditto ... my eyes are now focused on 3 weeks from today ... Oct 31st :prayer-hands:

Big sigh if we are still here on Nov 1st .... I’m hoping someone will have a few high watch dates to share since I’m out of them ...

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Hi, Geri7

I posted this in Timing of the Rapture or Tribulation several days ago.

I am re-posting it here.

Please, enjoy and be encouraged.


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So Wednesday ...October 16th is thee departure day?!   Certainly much sooner than Halloween!  I’m loving this! :popcorn

Hmm ... I finally got myself in the mood to unpack also painting cement walls white and decorating my basement with the farmhouse Christmas theme look  ... I’m wondering if I should just put this on hold?   B-)

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I love your continuously "near" expectation, Geri.  Thanks for the hope.

I'd say the basement decorations are worth doing.  Continue with your charmhouse Christmas theme.  Sounds charming, even though you may be blessed to vacate it sooner than later and unfinished.  By all means, unpack.  You certainly won't be taking it with you.  Maybe paint a Rapture theme or verse on one of those white walls.

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October 16th is my older brother's birthday and he will turn 45 and since DJT is the 45th president of the USA then maybe it's a sign we are out of here lol.

As a side note my older is not saved. I tried giving him a Bible once and he got mad at me and said he had enough of this crap at school and then took the Bible and threw it at me and hit me in the head and it hurt bad because it was a very  heavy hard cover Bible

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Ouch you must have been black and blue.  Praying for your older brother. :prayer-hands:

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