Well, I'm not going down easy on this, so let me just add that both Barry and Tyler have the same Father. Okay? :mdrmdr: :stinkerbell: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: In Truth, we're all now Blood (bought) brothers and sisters in Christ! :heart: :bible Man oh, man! Kolleen gets Dan on the ropes but Dan wont give up. Kolleen puts the one, two on Dan. What will he do next? Enquiring minds want to know! I guess I only feign a certain level of tenacity, but Kolleen's tenacity is everywhere in her fabric! But I do try to avoid the ropes as best I can. LOL :heart: :heart: :heart: :good: :stinkerbell: :mdrmdr: :stinkerbell: :mdrmdr: :heart: Just for information sake, Tyler's last name is not Awe. I know him and they are not related.....sorry to burst bubble Dan, and yes Kolleen is correct, we are all siblings in Christ going forward. :amen: Looks like Kolleen wins again! :mdrmdr: Well, it began because apparently I was the only one - and no one else confessed - that they thought Barry Awe and the Generation 2434 host were the same guy. Just wanted to know if it was only me, and if so, to clear up the confusion. Thanks for the fun and humor in it all!!
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