No broom for Dan. The records show he is an unfit driver! Centuries-old Torah scroll retrieved from suspected Arab thief: An Arab resident of Umm El-Fahm has been arrested following an undercover police operation to retrieve what is believed to be a stolen Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) hundreds of years old, of immense value. The scroll originates from Baghdad, and the Arab was attempting to sell it for hundreds of thousands of shekels when his plans were foiled. Another three men were arrested along with the main suspect, all residents of the north of the country. The three additional suspects were interrogated on Wednesday and are being held in detention until Thursday. Police have taken custody of the Sefer Torah. The operation was conducted with the cooperation of the Antiquities Authority. OK, I just noticed Yohanan's hilarious post of the witch who flied straight into ....what was it? a telephone pole? MWS, have you been riding your broom again without a license? who flied? sorry, I meant who flew Arthur possibly missed what I meant when I asked, "Water my chances?" I was referring to a "water witching" kind of divination - the proximal discussion. Bent rods are employed, and Arthur suggested I not get bent. He also suggested my being droll, i.e., "...amusingly odd or whimsically comical." The idea of a "stick" and broom-based "witching," Arthur interjected instead. Then as you saw, Yohanan's playful derision wrapped me in effigy around that telephone pole, while alleging a completely unjustified / false record of unfit driving! Sheesh! Oh well, I guess boys will be boys. Ya gotta love em. :unsure: :yes: Oh, I knew what you meant, Dan. Don't be a stick in the mud. 😉 That can't be me wrapped around that pole! I've never been skinny, Heidi. Yeah, I know you knew. And I'm not one of those old grumps even if Yohanan tries to make me out that way. We gotta have a little fun. On the other hand, even though I'm more of a Spring and Summer guy, bein' a Fall guy is okay. But go easy. :mdrmdr: It’s just that you hit the pole so hard, well, you can see the results! Dig those socks you’re wearing too! 😉 Those are not my socks, Yohanan! Nor my high heels! I don't even own anything like those, nor could I even get them on. Your trumped up story just doesn't fly, as you can see, and your trumped up "...the records show..." allegations about my unfit driving are fictitious slander! Please limit any "trumping up" around here to a sudden snatching! I'm inclined to report you to the mods! Can I get an amen here??