Israeli hydro-tech company invents "Miriam's Well" to make water in developing countries drinkable: The Alumor company has developed Miriam’s Well, a solar-powered off-grid water purification device. The system is based on ultraviolet LEDs that use just 4 watts of electricity to produce a liter of water every 30 seconds at a cost of .5 cents a liter. The lightweight device also contains a filter that needs rinsing just a few times a year. Powered by solar energy, the device does not require a power source. The system can purify water to US National Sanitation Foundation standards that have been contaminated by anything from feces to chemicals, and cause diseases ranging from cholera, diarrhea, and dysentery to hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. The new system obviates the need for professional maintenance, spare parts, accessories, or materials such as chlorine. Alumor is hoping to sell its devices at cost through nonprofit organizations. The system is focused on helping people in developing countries with clean drinking water. Miriam’s Well (Be’erah shel Miriam) is the name of the spring that miraculously provided water and accompanied the Israelites throughout the 40 years they traveled in the wilderness. Though the well is not explicitly described in the Bible, it is derived from the narrative of the Children of Israel complaining about the lack of freshwater directly after Miriam passed away (Numbers 20). The Talmud notes that Miriam’s well was created at twilight on the eve of the first Shabbat after creation and gifted to the Hebrews in the desert. According to the Midrash, the “well” was actually a rock shaped like a sieve. It would roll with them throughout their travels, and when they stopped, the rock would dig deep into the sand. It was this rock that, after Miriam died, Moses hit in order to draw forth water once again. Remarkable ! Verrrrr-hy dro-lll, Dan. Stick to your day job. 😉 That’s some pretty good shtick fellas! ? Witch one, Arthur? :unsure: My beard proves I stopped using my shtick razor long ago, Yohanan. 😉 :yes: You will be getting the broom, very soon! In the comment section Someone said Ron Wyatt found it in 1982 under Golgotha - Fair Use - ———- But I lean towards this view below that its in a secret chamber under the Temple Mount … in one of Hal Lindsey’s older books he had a guided tour below and he saw an arrow pointing and the words “Holy of Holies” so he thinks its kept hidden in a secret chamber. Another person said - Fair Use - Israel to classify Christian Citizens as "Jewish by Extension": The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I Hashem am your God. Leviticus 19:34 (The Israel BibleTM) Israel’s Census Bureau is amending its system of classification to include non-Jews who are not Arab to be included under the heading of “extended Jewish population." Until now, people who fall under this classification have been defined as “other.” This will include people who gained citizenship by marrying Israelis, or immigrated under the law of return, which extends citizenship to anyone with a single Jewish grandparent. Many such immigrants hail from the former USSR where nearly 1/3 are not Jewish according to Jewish law. Of them, many are practicing Christians. This will also include non-Arab Muslims, such as the Circassian community. The new classification came as the result of an appeal by Intelligence Minister Elazar Stern (Yesh Atid) to the chief statistician and director-general of the CBS, Professor Danny Pepperman. Stern claimed that implicit in listing these people as other was the goal of converting non-Jews who immigrate. He argued that placing them in an “other” category could push them away. “The current situation hurts immigrants who came to Israel under the Law of Return, and feel they are part of the Jewish people,” said Minister Stern. “Our goal is for these people to join the Jewish people, and not be separated from it." “If you ask these nearly half a million citizens if they are Jewish, a good half would say ‘yes,’ while the others would probably say, ‘I’d like to be, but I’m not allowed in.’” Eliahu Ben Moshe, a demographer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, told Haaretz that the designation of “others” was “demeaning and problematic.” Those who are classified as not “religiously Jewish” cannot legally marry in Israel nor be buried in Jewish cemeteries in the country. https://www.israel365news.com/265150/israel-to-classify-christian-citizens-as-jewish-by-extension/ I went to a Jewish baby naming ceremony and remember how the officiant spoke of always welcoming "the stranger," since the Jews themselves were often strangers in strange lands. And that they should recall those olden days and ever be reaching out to others by being very hospitable. My hubby played "Wayfaring Stranger" last Sun. It's been in my head ever since. It is in some hymnals.
Perhaps it was hidden in the Temple days in a deep secret tunnel, now under the Dome of the Rock?? The Muslims will not let us dig it up. But when G-d is ready he will find a way - the earth could split open and reveal it if He chooses!