Happenings in Israe...
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Happenings in Israel v.2

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I was listening to the radio coming home from the store the other day and it was about the twice daily sacrifices the Israelis will be doing on the Temple Mount.  He claims it will be a live show … and this will irk many animal rights people and they will protest and will be glad when the AC puts a stop to the slaughtering  mid point.

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I actually was surprised by that comment he made because in the midst of the horrors of the tribulation life … you would think people would be concerned about their own life but yet … the people on earth will still have their eyes on Israel and be complaining naysayers on what they do.

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I would assume that the Two witnesses plus the 144,000 will be denouncing the temple sacrifices, as well. After all, the once and for all sacrifice has already been made in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. They will get a global audience and will draw attention to the issue.

So, the animal rights activists will be protesting but for an entirely different reason. However, as you said, they will likely be busier with their own survival, than anything.

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Quote from article: "Still, the situation of free-roaming cats in Petah Tikva is one of the best in Israel: Cat feeders and city officials coordinate efforts; indeed, WhatsApp groups have been organized that have about a 100 feeders with a municipal license who use organized feeding spots. According to Brown, 15 to 30 spots are added every year, and the city’s veterinary clinic works 24/7 treating cats. These days the municipality is also working on creating another, larger cat park."

You reminded me of all the roaming, sunbathing, community of cats I saw when there too. I was amazed at their acceptance and freedom, between man and animal. Cat's are my #1! I've had them since I was small. But I see the dilemma that is there in Israel; it certainly is one.

In reading through it, my vote would be for the idea for families who would, to adopt them, for the spaying, and for the cat parks where they are fed day to day, and have shelter.

More than anything, I so appreciate the regard they have in Israel for the cats in finding humane solutions, as opposed to those elsewhere who demand euthanizing the majority!


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Yes, I was impressed by people in Israel that took the initiative to help the poor cats. Good for them. Smile
My mother lived in a retirement home where they had feral cats that were fed and taken care of. They caught all of them in traps and sterilized them, so the numbers didn't get out of control. When the retirement home closed down, they shipped the cats out to a farm where they could live their lives out being taken care of. Happy kitties. Smile
When I lived in Bangkok, Thailand, the street dog population was a big problem. Every now and again, there would be huge purges. Interestingly enough, Thailand is 95% Buddhist and they talk about living in harmony with animals and the sanctity of all life. :wacko:

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I am a dog lover and my hubby is a cat person, we manage to co-exist in peace and heaven had both fur babies in the past. :mdrmdr: When I lived in HI, it was well known that in the Philippine areas, the dog population was low and that is because for generations dog meat was eaten in the Philippines. It has sense been outlawed but still occurs.

The killing and selling of dogs for food is not legal in the Philippines. It was banned in Manila in 1982. A similar ban was enacted nationally in 1998 via the Animal Welfare Act (Republic Act No. 8485).

DO NOT WATCH as the GRAPHIC pictures may be upsetting.


The black market is now the hot spot.


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South Korea still has a multi billion dollar dog meat industry. :negative:

I refused to go to a dog meat restaurant when invited. Multiple times. I can't justify eating a companion animal. Unbelievably enough, in South Korea dogs are classified as livestock. :wacko:

I won't go into any details about the dog meat industry as it makes me too mad. I also won't talk about cat juice. (Trust me. You don't want to know.)

Happily, things are changing and the younger generation in South Korea enjoy having pets and are rejecting this "tradition." (Historically, Koreans have never eaten dogs except in cases of desperation brought on by famine or war.)

Can't wait for the Millenium and the New Earth when man and animal can truly live in harmony.

Todd Tomlinson
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When I worked in China -- the wet markets were horrible.   Our project team went out on a stroll one Saturday in a market and there was a booth selling puppies.  One of my co-workers felt bad for the dogs and went to the shop owner to buy them to save them.  She paid the man who proceeded to break their necks and wrap them in newspaper.   We all stood there in horror.   A sight that I still to this day can't "unsee".

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Eek and yet our “leaders” see nothing wrong in trading with them for our food and pet supplies???   🙁

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(Todd)  oh noooo....

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