Torches Waived on Hilltops throughout Israel marking the new month as was done by the Sanhedrin: The event seemed quite simple; waving a pair of torches on a hilltop just after sunset. But it symbolized an essential part of the Sanhedrin’s activities, announcing the calendar to the communities outside of Israel. The Sanhedrin initiated the event by receiving and interviewing two witnesses on Mount Zion. They then signaled Joshua Wander who stood ready on the Mount of Olives. Wander lit two torches and waved them in the specified manner. ‘For thousands of years, our nation has sufficed with one Festival of Lights; Hanukkah,” Wander told Israel365 News. “Now, we are bringing back the true Jewish tradition of having lights every month. This is an essential sign of our return from the exile.” “There were about ten locations around the country that participated, from the black mountains of Eilat in the south to Katzrin in the Golan,” Davidoff told Israel365 News. “Some people lit torches without notifying us. There is an awakening going on. Like one fire lights another, the torches are uniting Israel and hopefully the Galut (exile) in the service of God.” Rabbi Weiss said, “The calendar begins in Jerusalem, where, according to Jewish tradition, the creation of the world began. That is why the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem can establish the months.” The Sanhedrin has, in fact, received requests from other nations, including Pashtun in India and local Muslims, to take part in this effort to reset the calendar. According to the Torah, the new month is established by witnesses testifying before the Sanhedrin, or high court, that they have seen the new moon. Setting the new month by witnesses is considered by Rashi to be the first mitzvah that the Nation of Israel received after leaving Egypt. With great spiritual meaning, establishing the calendar is far more than a convenience. It is so important that it takes precedence over the Sabbath. Rare Hailstorm Pounds Egypt as Jews Read about that very plague in Torah: On the first day of the New Year, the Egyptian Red Sea resort in Hurghada was hit by a hailstorm that left destruction in its wake. Coincidentally (or not), the hailstorm hit the Egyptian town on Shabbat while Jews around the world were in synagogues, reading the section of the Torah describing the plague of hail that hit Egypt over 3,300 years ago. Local media reported that the “quail-sized” hailstones were accompanied by lightning storms. This precisely conforms to the Biblical account of the plague of hail which mixed the elemental opposites of fire and ice. Jewish sources predict that all of the plagues will reappear in the final Redemption but in even more powerful forms. It is written in Midrash Tanchuma, homiletic teachings collected around the fifth century, that “just as God struck the Egyptians with 10 plagues, so too He will strike the enemies of the Jewish people at the time of the Redemption.” The Israel Bible gives a poignant explanation of why the seventh plague, a combination of fire and ice, is appropriate for the turbulent times we live in. “The hail contains both fire and ice, yet the fire does not melt the ice and the water of the ice does not extinguish the fire." They are slowly starting to understand dimly. God is removing that veil that was put before their eyes. Wait until they actually read the Book of the Revelation of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach. Then they'll see a form of the 10 plagues of Egypt occuring, before His Second Coming. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and for the Prince of Peace to come back. :prayer-hands: Muslim Arab-Israelis Explain Why They Joined Israeli Military: Yoseph Haddad spent time with members of the Bedouin desert reconnaissance unit in a bid to find out why Arabs would choose to serve in Israel’s military. An Arab Israeli officer, who served for nine years, explained his decision to join after two rockets fell near his home, killing two children. “When a rocket comes from Gaza or from Lebanon, it doesn’t distinguish between an Arab, a Jew, or any other person.” He urged others in the Arab world “to come for a visit to see for themselves. I’m proud… Because I was born in this land, I was born in Israel.” One of the soldiers, identified only as “A,” told i24NEWS: “I am from the Negev desert, where crimes take place… so I thought to myself, what will I achieve in the end?” The soldier said he left his home after being subjected to violent abuse, and entered a boarding school that was state-run. “It gave me so much and never asked for anything in exchange,” he said. News of his recruitment in the military was not received well in his home village. yes! they are starting to at least turn back to traditions that eventually will turn into their hearts turning back as a nation once again to rejoice in belonging to YHWH and then they will realize Who their true Messiah is!!! exciting! thanks for sharing about the lights and calendar- so cool! i know it will take a lot to get them to devote fully heart and soul and become spiritually alive as a whole nation, but it's a start! Israeli Uri Geller, the famous mentalist and spoon bender (also fraud, IMHO) has declared that he can find the Ark of the Covenant. https://www.israelhayom.com/2022/01/10/uri-geller-i-can-find-the-ark-of-the-covenant/ Does he use a "Divining" rod to find relics? There are only a few material items more "divine" in meaning than the Ark. :mdrmdr: Now, now. Dan don't get bent out of shape. 😉 Yohanan suggest I'm a relic, Arthur. I should probably be more circumspect. More careful. :yes: :yes: Water my chances of being found? :unsure: