If 2021 is the year of our departure then Hannukah could be our last chance! Hannukah begins Nov 28th, still within the Fall season! If not, then next Spring at the latest! The miracle of the eighth day! The start of our eighth day!? TR That is of course that God would use a Feast Day as a vehicle for the Rapture! TR This Dec 26th will be the third year in a row when a full solar eclipse visits Hannukah! TR Midnight Dec 5th is my next watch date! We are quickly running out of days for this year! Can't believe we are still here! TR Nine days till Hannukah! Keep your eyes on Israel! The Rapture should make a few Israeli's and others jealous also! The Rapture is the Lord extending his hand towards his bride! What a heart revelation! Whatever dates and charts we propose, the Rapture is the formal proposition of marriage by the Lord! TR Any time between now and Dec 6th are watch days! Depending on which biblical tie ins propose! Again, still hopeful for this year! TR On what day was the “friend” of Jesus, Lazarus raised?! TR Lazarus was raised on the 4th day … so what does that mean :unsure: was it on a Saturday or a Sunday? B-) What time of the year, month?! TR Wondering if there could be any correlations for when the Lord would resurrect His beloved bride, also His friends?! TR
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