Green Eggs and THE ...
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Green Eggs and THE BANK I Surely Am

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Green Eggs and THE BANK I Surely Am   (Inspired by Dr. Seuss)

You and your spouse,

Think you own your house;

But I look at you as a minuscule mouse,

I wonder why in the world they call me such a louse?

I eat steak while you eat spam,

My heart is as cold as a winter’s clam;

Any promises-made are just a sham,

Because Green Eggs and THE BANK I surely am!

I could not care-less that your life is mired in the muck,

Or about your pain while down on your luck;

This won’t preclude my search for the all-mighty buck;

If you know what is good for you -- you better duck!

I suggest you scram,

Get out of town on a tram;

How you do it, I really don’t give a flam,

Because Green Eggs and THE BANK I surely am!

It makes no difference that your days are not sunny,

In fact, I sit in my ivory tower and think that’s funny;

I am the fox and you are the bunny,

I’ll pursue your shadow until I have all of your money.

What was that? Did you feel that “BAM”?

I just walloped you with another WHAM!

Now I’ve got you in a devilish jam,

Because Green Eggs and THE BANK I surely am!

I’ve heard rumor you’re trying to make things good,

But I’m still intent to burn you as kindling-wood;

My conscience doesn’t contemplate what I shouldn’t, and what I should,

Gluttony and self-indulgence are the only things that I would.

You’re caught in the thicket like a helpless ram,

In my pockets your wealth I avariciously cram;

I care not that you are just an innocent lamb,

Because Green Eggs and THE BANK I surely am!

What’s that I hear? It sounded so near.

I’ve heard mention that Jesus will soon appear;

And beat my sword into a plowshare -- I’ll just get a new spear.

My god is my affluence, what need have I to fear?

Well, Green Eggs and THE BANK trembled NOT -- because he had a LOT;

He trusted his wealth to assure his opulent plot;

He was unaffected by the warnings and continued to hurl his lance,

So his tombstone now reads: “R.I.P.: Green Eggs and THE BANK -- You missed THE DANCE!”

The Bride is invited to the Dance while the unsaved won't even get a glance.




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I have been told that I am already a rich man.  Financially however, I am supplied by the finances in His account, not mine.

As His account is much greater than mine anyways!

