Many are looking for a teacher, but the Lord has provided one in the Holy Spirit! We are told He will teach us all things and guide us into and all things! Just as like opting for Saul many rather opt for chasing after teachings and teachers, shifting the responsibility of working out our own salvation! Again, I have often spoke of following the Spirits leading! I will follow Him, by Peggy March brings this home rather nicely! For this cause many false teachers, prophets and false Christ’s are given a venue! God doesn’t require each of us to be scholars, just followers! TR I agree about the Holy Spirit being our main teacher. I also believe some people have teaching gifts and if they allow the Lord to teach through them or Holy Spirit led they are building up the church. I think we can stumble over the teachers though too, even though they are doing some good for the Kingdom. God has a way of keeping us humble and since we are not perfect yet that is a good thing. There are many who teach that cannot discern the voice of the Holy Spirit and end up listening to their own thoughts and leading others astray. ALL teachers should be subjected to the scrutiny of the Scriptures. That is what the Bereans did and that is what we should do also. But the real danger in all of this is human pride. I have seen far too many people get so embedded in their own ideology and no matter what is presented to them their pride will not allow any other voice, ever that of the Holy Spirit. Humility is a huge stumbling block to the human while pride is a savory juice. Well said everyone! Indeed, God would that the ten suggestions be upon every mans heart rather than tablets of stone! For whatever reason we believe and come to Him, this is enough to take us home! TR
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November 4, 2021 8:47 am
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