For the last three years I have anticipated not being around to celebrate Christmas. So it is this year! I have also always hoped for a Springtime rapture. Hoping to be wrong with that expectation as well! Truly, we can't deny all the prophetic signs and the spirit of the AC looming ever larger in our immediate future! I'll take the Rapture on whatever day it occurs though. TR I agree … it would be a bummer to still be here for this Christmas. I’m hoping we fly away even before Thanksgiving. :yes: I think by December 13th is when they do away with cash and I just don’t want to be here to see that. I’m staying encouraged about the numerous high watch dates starting in 2 more days Oct 17 thru November 22. I’m leaning more than ever that the rapture will not happen on a feast day cause the spring feasts were fulfilled within a few days and in the same year. So wouldn’t the pattern be the same for the fall feasts without a 7 year gap in between? :unsure: So I “think” Feast of Trumpets is reserved for the 2nd Coming and not the rapture. I’m looking at only the unusual high watch dates like the Chrislam group going up Mt Sinai on November 13 and perhaps that is when God sends them strong delusions because they rather believe the lie and Noah entering the ark is another good timeframe and this one here November 22 the anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 242 with Israel and Arabs … perhaps this is when they announce the dividing of the land for the 2 state solution with their “peace and security” slogan and then sudden destruction comes upon them but not us … God commands us to watch and be alert (sober) for when they do this. United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 with Israel On November 22, 1967, just more than six months after the conclusion of the Six-Day War, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 242, establishing the principles that were to guide the negotiations for an Arab-Israeli peace settlement. This resolution was a tortuously negotiated compromise between competing proposals and the language that appears was expressely intended to convey specific meaning. The Security Council, Expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation in the Middle East, Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security, ——————————— And since they are keeping the true age of the red heifers hushed up … some have pointed out they could be ready as early as January 2023. And the train rail system will be complete from the airport and Tel Aviv to the Temple Mount by Passover 2023. And the WEF have pushed up their “perfect” utopia agenda from 2030 to commence in 2023 and GREAT famine will hit globally in 2023 and people will be eating bugs and drinking pee. The bottled water I get is now double … for years a case of 24 bottles remained steady at $3.33 and now its $6.00. I heard after Election Day Nov. 8th .. the gasoline prices are REALLY going to skyrocket and then expect the food, etc. to increase even more. So I think we are in the season/timeframe :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn to keep looking up and watching for the GREATEST disappearing act the world has never seen. :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: And if they can see us being taken up, the only they will see of me is my back end! So fitting! TR I wonder if we will be barefooted or have sandals or flip flops on? Then can you imagine if everyone drops their flip flops in flight and they come crashing down to earth like a pile of bricks? :mdrmdr: So perhaps we are barefooted until we reach heaven’s pearly gates and the angels hand out our footwear then. B-) I'll be wearing nothing but a robe, a ring, a crown and a smile! Hopefully we won't need footwear or a comb! Tee, hee, hee! TR
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