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Food Restrictions and 2030

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I think too much emphasis is being placed on not being here. We should all prepare for the worse and my feeling is the rapture - regardless of when it occurs - should not influence our preparedness.

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I’m all for prepping … started doing so back in 2014.  I used to watch the extreme prepping tv shows.  It was informative at first with the canning the foods, etc. but then they started to show the extreme crazy things people did … it became a comedy show the next season and so forth.

I know my stuff will probably feed my neighbors since they don’t want to prepare themselves.  I urged a few 3 years ago to do so with stocking up on soups, can goods.  They are naysayers and didn’t believe in food shortages and claimed the food would expire if they did collect.  I said you rotate and keep watch of the expiration dates … they said that’s way too much trouble and laughed.   You can’t force people so I said no more.

With the NWO goal plan to have the average person “own nothing and be happy” its does make me wonder if people will still be living in their homes during the tribulation time.  Perhaps those who take the mark will live like slaves in gated camps or facilities run by police force?  Then will our supply of things even get to the average person to use or will the authorities break in and steal and use themselves?

The Bible is very clear though the 7 year tribulation is the time of Jacob’s trouble (Israel) and not for the church.   The church is in the way and must leave prior …with the Great Escape/Blessed Hope.


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I agree with that Heidi. In order for the whole world to witness the death of the Two Witnesses there needs to be electricity to run the electronic viewing devices, so no EMP. The point I was making with that book was to show how a broken society will work. Many think they are safe living out in the sticks by themselves but no matter how many guns one has they will not hold up against a band of roving marauders. When I was I teen I read a lot of books by Bradford Angier about living off the land. I gained a lot of skills from them and always thought that if society crumbles I could go live off the land but after reading Lights Out it changed my opinion about that especially given the number of YouTube channels dedicated to wilderness survival. The whole point being that I seriously doubt the aftermath of the Rapture will be like we think it will be or even if we are here and have a collapse of society, which could potentially happen, it won’t be like we imagine. When people become lawless it changes all the rules and those of us who live under our laws will not know how to respond to the evil and crime waves. Even now the liberal cities of America are considerably more dangerous than before. Criminals are emboldened and empowered by the lack of law enforcement. So planting gardens for such times doesn’t really consider the level of lawlessness that will ensue. Someone hungry enough won’t think twice about shooting a garden owner to feed themselves or their family. One of the disturbing things in our culture today is the amount of video games that help people think about how to survive by any means necessary. One such game for the iPad is called This War of Mine and it is very popular. We can and should prepare for difficult times. We are currently living in difficult times, but when things get really ugly nothing will be as we thought. The best laid plans of mice and men! 😁

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I love all the discussion and everyone's great points of view! My initial thought was simply over growing veggies and fruits in small or large amounts, inside or outside the home for the neighborhood as the NWO is diminishing the food supply. Would we plant to share locally, to keep our perspective area's from possibly starving. That's what people are beginning to question and wondering if they should do. At this point in time, I feel any preparation like that would be a benefit and blessing and constructive in learning how to implement it all and keep it going. The idea also of everyone using their abilities and talents to share, so that no matter what "they" try to take away, we are still resourceful and equipped to survive - with less - but still able to survive. All depending on how soon and how much they continue to take, till Jesus calls. Being proactive isn't a bad thing when all is not yet lost at the hands of the deep state.

I agree:
* It can't be ignored that food processing plants are being destroyed intentionally.
* That preparing IF and however the Lord leads is something to heed.
* In doing so we can bless and be blessed. God will lead those who need it, to it after we go.
* While knowing supplies for any food prepping may be cut off anyway - (expect to fly!)
* We can plan for the now, and for those behind, but trust God for who it will go to then.
* Know God will keep His promise: giving His Saints, food shelter and clothing as needed.
* Local prep seems best, trusting God, while on your own "bug-out" plans have dangers.
* Lawlessness exists. Likely creating death traps if trying to self-save in wilderness area's.
* ....I wish jerky were not so expensive - because I won't be eating crickets!! 🙁


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Ah, come on Kolleen. Just cover them in chocolate! :mdrmdr:

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To John :mdrmdr: , "Bugs" Bunny says....

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