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Five Doves September 12th, 2021 Letters.

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Five Doves September 12th, 2021 Letters

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Posts: 4883
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Joined: 4 years ago

Interesting stuff by Fay … and Donna Danna


Per Donna Danna

Both the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers are drying up threatens disaster for Syria.  This reminds me of Rev. 16:12, "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."

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Per Fay

Red China

“China’s interest in taking over the largest military (American) base in Afghanistan!   Hmm. This got me thinking about Revelation 16:12  And the river Euphrates is in the throes of drying up rather rapidly, as we speak. In order to make way for the Kings of the East - as per Revelation 16?  If China plans on moving military assets into Afghanistan, this prophecy makes perfect sense.

Here is a short clip from Sky News Australia about China moving into the abandoned American military base in Afghanistan.

“more details emerge from this insane, confusing American withdrawal from Afghanistan, the more it points to as a giant set-up.  The Taliban have told the media that they welcome communications with every single country in the world - except for Israel. They want NOTHING to do with Israel.

We have to ask - why would the Biden Bunch abandon Afghanistan to rabid Israel haters? The USA is supposed to be Israel's BFF (Best Friends Forever). The Biden Bunch have reiterated America's "eternal, unwavering support" for Israel. Their actions don't bear out the words. To anyone with a sharp eye - it seems pretty clear that the Biden crowd have used their time and power to throw Israel to the wolves. This withdrawal from Afghanistan is calculated and scheming and the real powers-that-be are using dopey Joe to bring it all about.

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Per Fay

Did you realise that the Yom Kippur war of 1973 took place 48 years ago and it has been 73 years since Israel's rebirth in 1948? I found those year dates to be uncanny....prophetic. 1973 happened to be a Shmita year! In the video clip in the link is an eye opening presentation of the Shmita cycles. Amazing information held in the first part of this video and how the cycles were marked by the lunar eclipse tetrads. In the 2nd link is an article about the Yom Kippur war of 1973. The Arab nation's attack took Israel by surprise. Much like Natan testified that the near future attack on Israel will take them by surprise. The parallels with the 1973 Yom Kippur attack, and Natan's testimony, are undeniable.

This year, Yom Kippur falls on September 16th. Yom Kippur in 1973 fell on October 6th. The war lasted 19 days - ending on October 25th. The details of this war in the linked article, are mesmerising.



Remember when Russia assembled thousands of troops on the border with Ukraine recently? WELL....they are doing it again. This apparently began on Thursday September 9th with the live-fire games beginning today - Friday September 10th. The entire exercise is due to culminate on September 16th. YOM KIPPUR 2021. 😉 

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And 9/11 … I always thought it was odd why would the President be sitting in a 2nd grade class room at a Florida elementary school instead of doing his duties in the White House?  Yet he was safely hiding out in Sarasota, Florida on 9/11 …


Per Fay

GW Bush was reading a book called "Pet Goat" - albeit upside down - when the planes crashed into the twin towers. Not only that - the children in the classroom were chanting about "plane must crash steel" stuff....just as planes were indeed 'crashing steel'. This is not conspiracy theory. It's fact.

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“New World” lyrics  (1996) - by Prince

He speaks about being covered head to toe with an air-filled sack.  Well they got us with the face covering for now.  He talks about isolation, the vaxx, being track by phone, a pill that will keep you young wrinkle free and stops the pain, talks about changing your DNA (biology), transgenders and not being able to tell a boy from a girl

New world
New world
New world
New world

[Verse 1]
When the sharpest vibration
Saves you from obliteration
The intelligence of your bed reacts
Covering you head to toe with an air-filled sack 

When the lines blur every boy and girl
How we gonna make it in this brave new world?
Love for one another - New world
Love for one another - New world

[Verse 2]
When you wanna find some isolation
But the tracker you got from vaccination (Keeps playing)
Keeps playing - "you'll never walk alone" (Over and over)
They're always listening, especially on the phone

When the lines blur every boy and girl
How we gonna make it in this brave new world?
Love for one another - New world
Love for one another - New world

Wait a minute
New world
Did you hear about the new pill? It feels like sex!
Guaranteed to thrill with no ill side-effects
A pill that will stop the wrinkles, a pill that will stop the pain
A pill that will make a baby never seek political gain
What's it all for when you can alter biology?
Who or what, then my friend, will you and I be?
Who or what, then my friend, will you and I be?

When the sharpest vibration
Saves you from obliteration
When the melting pot stirs, how you going to take it?
When you can't tell him from her, how you going to fake it?

When the lines blur every boy and girl
How we gonna make it in this brave new world?
Love for one another - New world
Love for one another - New world

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Posts: 4883
Illustrious Member
Joined: 4 years ago


Per Lewis B.

Why time is up…

Ok, so why right now? Now, we do know that our calendar is off by a bit… by how much is in contention.

Why does this matter? Well, I’m getting to that J

As there are 7 days in creation, likewise there are 7 days or 7000 years in God's eternal time...

Abraham came at the end of the 2nd day from Adam.
Jesus came at the end of the fourth day from Adam.
Jesus will return at the end of the sixth day..
Jesus will reign the seventh day.

In the time frame of history, debate surrounds the birth date of Jesus most say three or four BC…but there was no year zero..

We "know" Jesus died at age 33... if he was born 4BC, that means he died 29 AD... 3BC and you have 30AD...


Has anyone else noticed that shortly, ( 2022), in about seven or eight years time, it will be 2000 years since the crucifixion???
the end of the 6th day ?
Subtract 7 years from 2029, and you have, well, just about now…

is anyone looking UP ???

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