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Five Doves October 11th, 2020 Letters.

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Five Doves October 11th, 2020 Letters.

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I’m intrigued with this letter from Garry B.

The “Sudden Destruction” of Israel   

The ‘Sudden Destruction” of Israel begins when Jesus opens the “2nd seal”. The "sudden destruction" of Israel, spoken of in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, begins when Jesus opens the Second Seal of war spoken of in Revelation 6:3-4. It will also be the fulfillment of the prophecies of :

Hosea 5:7-10

"They have dealt treacherously against the Lord now shall a new moon devour them with their portions....... They shall be desolate in the days of rebuke among the tribes of Israel I have made known that which shall surely come.,.......Therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them like water."

Luke 21:22-23

"For these are the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled,.....For there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.”

So, there you have it:

These Scriptures tell us that the "sudden destruction" of the Gog-Magog War begins against the land and the people of Israel when Jesus opens the Second Seal, on the day of a new moon, which will be the fulfillment  of the prophecies written in Hosea and Luke  I believe that it will be on the new moon of a future Nisan 1 on God's Sacred Lunar Calendar. The next new moon of Nisan 1 falls on April 12, 2021.

- Fair Use -

Ok has Garry B cracked the code for the timing of the G/M war and that it falls on a New Moon? :unsure:   Of course, when the 2nd seal is broken the church hast to be in heaven, not down here when the rider on the red horse comes out of the gate.  Garry is not a pre-tribber.  I’m curious as to why he is picking Nisan I  April 12th? 😉   So I googled the list of New Moons ... from  and I got this schedule:

New Moon left in 2020

Oct 16 (also a Super Moon)

Reminder Oct 15th is the rescheduled date for Pope’s Global pack signing event for new humanism

Nov 14 (Just before the Super Moon of Nov 15th)

Dec 14 (during Hanukkah Dec 10 - Dec 18)

New Moon in 2121

Jan 12

Feb 11

March 13

April 11 (not the 12th that Garry B has written above)

May 11

June 10

July 9

Aug 8

Sept 6 (Eve of Rosh Hashanah Sept 6 - Sept 8)

Oct 6

Nov 4

Dec 4 (during Hanukkah Nov 28 - Dec 6)

So what are your thoughts?  Why would Garry B choose April of 2021 as the start of G/M when there are clearly more “new moons” coming and one lands on Hanukkah this year as well as next year along with a new moon on Feast of Trumpets ...



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At first I was thinking maybe he was trying to link it somehow to when the second temple was destroyed or when Jerusalem was beseiged by Rome in 70A.D.  Then I thought maybe he is trying to line it up with next years Jewish feast days. Trying to think outside the box in terms of Jewish history...

Have to admit, dont know why he would choose the 12th :unsure:

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I like the Oct. 16th date...right after the vote passes. And, I was listening to MFATW last Thurs. night and he said that by  Oct. 22, the US will be in recovery mode...didn't say from what.

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I am not sure why Gary is signifying the April 12 date. As Geri pulled the moon schedule, and his date is clearly not a 2021 moon, I wonder if he is using the old world calendar of 360 day cycles, which is actually a more accurate timetable per the stars and season rotations. Not that I agree with his trib view.
No one used the 365-day year until the Egyptians, according to Herodotus book 2, line 4. The Egyptians were descendants of Noah’s grandson Mizraim, so this was well after the Flood. Virtually all other ancient calendars used a 360-day year with an intercalary month every few years.

The Essene calendar, the calendar attested in I Enoch and the Book of Jubilees, consisted of a solar calendar of 364 days divided into seven-day weeks, twelve months of thirty days each except for one extra day in the last month of each quarter.

His theory seems flawed either way, my opinion. The next closest New Moon to his date is 2029, April 13 again but Nisan 1 is March 17 in 2029. Can’t wait for the eternal “non-calendar” set up by God :yahoo: :prayer-hands:
