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Five Doves February 7th, 2021 Letters.

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<p style="text-align: left;">You nailed it Yohanan.  The sense of  superiority and being “in the know” is a great temptation for many.  It makes me think of false religions with extra-biblical revelations such as Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and so on, even the Q Anon movement.</p>
The Word of God is enough.  We must cling to the Bible and not be sidelined and distracted by all the nonsense.


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There are a lot of  "prophets" that say they are hearing from God.   Not the endless array of people uploading videos, but the more regular, core people.  I believe God still speaks to us and I also believe God speaks to real prophets still today.  Having discernment is a problem and I pray for discernment.  The bible says that in these times, if possible, even the elect will be deceived.  We are seeing an infiltration of voices claiming to hear from God.  The fact that these core prophets maintain a similar theme is what makes their message something one wants to embrace.

Kat Kerr (along with the other prophets) said that all this fraud and evil will be exposed and justice will be served.  But she also says (along with the others) that life will be good in America.  She said something to the effect that it will be good for at least 100 years;  someone else said 40 years.  The others (main "prophets")  are not giving a time frame, but state all will be wonderful.  What they are describing sounds like the millennial kingdom, not anything that the bible describes for these times in which we live.

I would LOVE and I pray to see justice served; the wicked brought down and a seven fold recompense for those who have been persecuted and cancelled for standing up for the truth.

I don't want to criticize these people because it is not up to me to determine what they are hearing or from whom.  There have been a lot things said in the "thus says the Lord" context that has come to pass.   But an "Eden like existence"  for years to come in America is simply not what I read on the pages of the good book until after Jesus returns, reigns and rules.  The "prophets" call this "doom and gloom" being preached by prophecy teachers.  I call it a happy ever after story; peace in abundance which has been promised to those who love Him.




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OT prophets have been replaced by the indwelling HS!

NT prophets need to point us to Jesus, not their latest revelation, teaching or cd's!


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Exactly what TR said!!!!!

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