Five Doves August 1...
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Five Doves August 1st, 2021 Letters.

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Five Doves August 1st, 2021 Letters.

2 Replies
Posts: 8052
Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Some great stuff there today!


Posts: 4883
Illustrious Member
Joined: 4 years ago

:agree … I felt the past couple of weeks were just “so so” … but a few of today’s articles … I’m REALLY encouraged. :yes:

We know the evil cabal want their NWO in place by 2030 and that means … their satanic plan is getting rid of the “useless eaters” BEFORE 2030 … hence the Lord hast to put a stop to it.  Luis Vega makes a strong case with the Strong’s concordance with some concealed info.


Luis Vega
Strong’s Tribulation Years  … Rapture Year 2021?

A Correlation of Year-To-Meaning Study 2022-2029

Concealed Correlations
In the study, William is convinced that the year 2021 is the Year of the Rapture. He discerns that the Greek meaning of the years are more so, pertaining to the Church Body, of those ‘Called Out Ones’ and even of what transpires in Heaven during the Tribulation Period. Then the Hebrew meaning of the years pertain to the dealing of what is happening on the Earth and to the Jews specifically during the Tribulation Period.

The general theme is one of ‘judgment’ that is coming. He believes that he was led by the Holy Spirit to go to the Strong’s Number to correlate the years from 2020 to 2029 in both the Greek and the Hebrew meaning. To confirm this possible Year-to-Meaning correlation, he also went to 2014 and 2017 so see if there was a significant meaning also attributed to them. Thus, based on this Strong’s Correlation theory, William goes through each year and how it appears to ‘line-up’ with Scripture. It is very significant.


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