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Fear Of Bible Prophecy May Be A ‘Natural Response'

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Patricia N.
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Fear Of Bible Prophecy May Be A ‘Natural Response,’ But It’s Not Biblical:
(by Mary Danielsen)

The world is entering a time unlike any we have ever seen. No, we are not just entering it, we are neck-deep in it. I have been watching, waiting, analyzing, and digging into prophetic studies for decades.

But not everyone embraces this often weighty topic with joy; in fact, more and more, I get a reaction resembling fear and even panic. The ‘fear factor’ as it relates to prophecy is a very real condition, and I don’t want to make light of it because I don’t take it lightly. Prophetic passages can be very sobering in that human suffering will be ramped up considerably.

Here, I want to address those who feel great discomfort at the mention of certain events on the prophetic horizon, things like global government and the accompanying dictatorship, famine, pestilences, wars, and financial insecurities or all-out ruin. The natural response to threats such as these would be fear, as we are all hard-wired to survive and give all we have for our lives. The Bible says that those on the earth at that season will literally experience their hearts failing out of fear of what is coming on the planet.

But the key phrase here is ‘natural response.’ To all those Christians who struggle with a fear response to any solid case presented for prophetic fulfillment, you need to know that while your reaction is natural and understandable, it is not Biblical.

This world is passing away rapidly, and we look forward to the One wherein righteousness dwells. This should be good news to all those who are vexed by the lack of righteousness and justice in this life.

But in order for that to happen, God has deemed it necessary that planet earth endure some serious birth pangs as the sin of mankind reaches its fullness, making His judgments righteous and pure, to His praise and glory. I greatly look forward to the day Christ returns in His glory.

But if you still think prophecy is merely frightening and has no other value that you can see, think about this: what if no one was watching these things? What if no one was warning?

The Bible warns us of these things so we can know what to expect. We are told that when we see these things BEGIN to take place (implying we will be watching all along if we are believers), we are to look up, lift up our heads (not bow them down in fear) and rejoice because our redemption is nigh. We are told to comfort one another with the blessed hope.  And remember, people – our kids, too – are watching us for our responses to such things.

So if you are one of those who react with fear instead of excitement or joy, I would encourage you to set your affections above and count all things loss for the sake of Christ. This life is but a vapor; eternity is, well, forever. And only by keeping our eyes on Jesus daily can we keep a proper perspective between what is temporal and what is eternal.


