Expect the unexpect...
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Expect the unexpected...

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Given the days we live in, and what is being revealed, I believe the Lord is wanting us to expect the unexpected from Him!

The greater the trials, the greater miracles He can perform!

Seems to me the Lord would love to surprise with His love, and His ingenuity!

Though our faith is always being tested, He still works on our behalf!  Marvellous for situation!

So again I say, expect the unexpected from Him.  I will do no less! His wonders to perform!


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TR — I am so with you— we are in for a ride! All the way up :flyup: :prayer-hands:

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The view just keeps getting better.  Though we may be here till next May or Pentecost as many good arguments have been made.

I'm not feeling the delay!  I have however been wrong many times before.

That said, I am still excited that a growing number of saints is hopping on the Rapture express!


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God loves to confound man's wisdom so perhaps we will not have to wait until next year. I am still hopeful that it will be this year!

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Let it be so!!!

He's in charge, that's all I know!  Thankfully so!

Months ago I stepped out in faith, claiming 2020 as the year.  Also reaffirming we are the chosen generation.

My confidence has continued to grow in God's affirmations, not mine!  As stated, who am I?!

That said I have also pointed out the increasing number of people who have also chimed in, as seemingly reflecting what the Spirit may be speaking or whispering to the Bride!

A unification seems to be afoot!

Let's stand and see what the Lord will do!


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Expecting the unexpected seems to encapsulate our stance concerning the rapture!

Because we are expecting it, we will not be taken unawares.  Unlike many who are not looking forward to it!

A blase attitude towards the Rapture, will indeed take many by surprise.

The blessed hope lives on!  It will be fulfilled sooner than many could imagine!


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Isn’t it just like our Heavenly Father to basically Say “wait for it, wait for it”.
He’s the God of the last minute, so to speak. Best Christmas waiting time ever.... or for those who have ever gone thru a wedding, your own or think of the anticipation of something that you have had coming that was extremely important to you — the building excitement, expectation, overall joy of anticipation of the coming event .... that is the season we are in ...

Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Titus 2:13 “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,“ :prayer-hands:


Posts: 8052
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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

I am so with you Sis!

