Your writing is invisible … using white markers … or are you just speechless? B-) :mdrmdr: Try again Paul :good: Why can't the women see what Paul posted but the men can?? :mdrmdr: It's a song about Ps 46:10 (Be still and know that I'm God...) Not really... I was trying to post Kari Jobe's Revelation Song, but something went wrong with the link and then my phone rang and then the doorbell chimed and then I gave up. Sorry! Hmmmmm must be that innate man born gene that groups your mind into the same box :mdrmdr: I heard a hilarious comedy routine on dry bar comedy about the difference between men’s brains and women’s brains, makes sense :mdrmdr: google dry bar comedy ( very clean comedy) and look for men’s brains and women’s brains. Yup. We've got a box in our brains labeled "Nothing". Gives you that famous thousand yard stare. Dry Bar Comedy is subscriber based. Yes it is and I watch it periodically to remind me to laugh as the things currently in our world are fairly heavy —- but God — he gave a wonderful sense of humor and even a scripture to prove it — Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”. Gotta laugh or dem bones is gonna dry right up….. :mdrmdr: